Cornelius and his household DID NOT do the purification works of the law OR THEY WOULD NOT BE UNCLEAN and it would NOT be AGAINST THE LAW TO ASSOCIATE with them
they were NOT circumcised...thus unclean you can be sure they associated with Cornelius he gave alms dontcha know...LOL
“Keep company with” meant eat with any regular gentile in his home but Cornelius was a devout Yah fearer...”go to one of another nation for means to proselytize”...gentiles came to Cornelius did...
Deal with what you said that is false!
You said the opposite of what Peter says!!! Peter says that the GENTILES are saved just like the Jews were---EVEN THOUGH THEY NEVER obeyed the PURIFICATION works of the law---they didn't observe special days, they didn't adhere to a dietary law!
you think this was the first dance in the barn?
Gentiles had joined Jews for centuries...”your people shall be my people your God my God” ring a bell? You really think Ruth insisted on earning money on Sabbath and eating her Ham sandwiches too? LOL
Circumcision was the LAST step well maybe mikveh submersion too...for a gentile to be Jewish... and many were in process or merely remained God fearers...strangers within the gates...welcomed to ALL festivals but Passover meat...bread yes...but no meat unless circumcised...
Peter was CLEAR that YAH saw NO DISTINCTION between the believing Jews and the believing Gentiles...
You don’t think a blind pagan could distinct two groups if one kept Sabbath and the other did NOT or one group started up the BACON or HAM HOCK? You are hilarious...of course there would be a distinction...
Those gentiles in ACTS 15 were already crowding synagogues ON Sabbaths and that is HOW IT WAS SETTLED
Four clarifications to OT Laws already for strangers within thy gates...3 dietary
and James expected Moses to still be heard EVERY every OF COURSE the grafted branches bear fruit MORE similar to the Sabbath keeping roots and clean meat trunk...DUH
The Gentiles got saved even though they didn't observe special days and adhere to a dietary law. Think about that!
done. And refuted you. NO DISTINCTION is exactly them coming INTO citizenship to behave and LIVE as the expect them to LOVE their new country NOT revolt and start anarchy clamoring for NEW WAY...
[quoet]They got saved by REPENTING of their SINS and believing Jesus' blood washes their sins away.[/quote] in deed and would NOT have known about coveting without hearing Moses every Sabbath...
Where there is NO LAW there is NO SIN...but when they came INTO fellowship they learned of their sin because they learned of the Law...HOW ELSE WOULD ANYONE HEAR OF ONE RESURRECTED IF THE LAW WAS NOT ESTABLISHED? And by Him
It was by that Law He could be resurrected...DUH
having to decide whether or not to be cut...
They were NOT forced just as it was in the OT...circumcision was done to an eight year old and no Jew there had to make the burden of was done for them to them by the parents...
So Peter was right not to put on them what they themselves did NOT lift... Yahushua twice scolded the pharisees of doing just that
Making NEW Laws...hmmm sound familiar?
New laws like Circumcision to be saved and fellowship with Jews...NEVER taught in OT
You lie about me and my beliefs because you don't have a double edged sword that divides.
You have a forked tongue.
oh my...Spirit is pricking you bad eh?
Wow, you're a nut?
It is to the Jews first you don't know that?
You really need to read Heb 11 again...
Adam was NOT Jewish Yah came to him...
Enoch was NOT Jewish Yah came to him...
Noah was NOT Jewish Yah came to him...
Abram was NOT Jewish Yah came to him...
Isaac was NOT Jewish Yah came to him...
Jacob was NOT Jewish Yah came to him...
Joseph was NOT Jewish Yah came to him...
Moses was NOT Jewish Yah came to him...
James was right that Peter was right...Yah went to the Gentile first to seek out a people for His Name...Acts 15:14
to set them apart a peculiar Holy pure clean people...WANTING to obey MORE and be MORE LIKE HIM...and NOT LESS like you indolent insolent of a reprobate if His is “NOT FOR ME”....