Lying, like the serpent did, or just not very bright. Either way "Other" you are wrong.
She took of the fruit and ate...despite His instruction not to...had she taken to heart...but tempted by another she was still extrinsically motivated...despite your claim that with the Law written on your heart you dont have to be extrinsically motivated...
Which Law is on your heart?...His ETERNAL IMMUTABLE or one of man’s traditions the MAJORITY...
Circumcised heart or know the inner jew? Taught to romans...btw
”OTHER!” Is what Egypt called Israel Pharisees our Lord synagogues Paul...and the world His people...a peculiar set apart SANCTIFIED HOLY people...yup not of the world but OTHER is what Yah thanks...HalleluYah you noticed...
You've no idea what it even means, clearly to this point. There is nothing to argue about UNLESS one was "Other" than Christian.
even Christians are NOT unified look at History the vast strife and blood shed...even today...still leavened vs unleavened bread...gregorian vs Julian etc...and yet throughout He has had His...
If you only knew what you laugh at, "Other." :sigh:
Here I do...your claim we are not to be extrinisically motivated with the Law in our hearts yet appeal and invite to the majority and to succumb to the peer pressure of TOL...
Says the mark of every "Other" I've met with this insane persecution complex that somehow makes them 'right.'
throughout history did you notice it’s not the persecution that makes any right...but that the wrong persecute...the right follow Him His way...
He said by the world, not "Christians"
it was the Pharisees that had Him killed...not the was the synagogues that had Paul beaten/stoned not the was the church that burnt who they claimed in heresy or your “other”...(yes yes through the state) the pattern is quite set...and yet the world sees His Own as “other’...and hates them...
no Mr. "Other." Guess again. Confirmation bias is NO way to do theology. It just leaves a lot of others meandering in their flesh.
project much?...when is the last time you sought disconfirming evidence? I mean does the bread retain His Flesh...His whole body? Maybe we are to bow to images? Is there really 3 in 1? From your pet rant here it would seem you would screech “OTHER!” if there was any opposing view at remind me of so many in history with the similar taunts...
Yes. It IS what "Other" means and YOU chose it.
you evidence...I appeal to a higher court

lain: Confirmation bias.
what is? noting Adam’s first full day was the day His Creator rested and sanctified and made Holy matches what was understood as the Sabbath the day He rested in the tomb? Your attempts to slur and slander now seem just sore and defeatist...
:nono: YOU did it to yourself "Other." You did. You chose it as a self-description "Other." You did.
as Christians named themselves right? Or the Protestants?
Incorrect. YOU chose "other." I did not. However many warts, they are mine. Romans 12:5 You? "Other."
you keep saying...
"Other" is name-calling? I didn't choose it. YOU did, very much against Romans 12:5 "Other."
let’s ask the Head of the body shall we? Compare fruits He expects and fruits we He prepared for us and works we do...
:doh: YOU chose "Other." YOU did. YOU did it. To yourself, for yourself. YOU didn't want to be identified as a member of the Body. YOU didn't. YOU chose "Other."
Don't blame your very bad, poor choice, on me. YOU did it to yourself.
settle down Pharisee...dont rip your clothes and gnash your dentures...
Nope. I"m simply not "Other." I'm one with a body,
which one? Catholic Eastern Coptic Protestant?
however wrong or ugly it might be.
wait WUT? You said WRONG?...or ugly?...hmmmm and about that...I mean are you ok with all the wrong or ugly that might be there? Or here? What is your standard of right and wrong or beauty and ugly...Have you EVER compared today’s modern cosmopolitan mega churching institutions with that first century ekklesia ? Notice anything different? I mean you admitted and OWNED there is error and do continue...
I didn't choose "Other." You are the one that did that. YOU did.
you are certainly other from that one over there...
Right. You don't want to belong to 'all the others' like scripture says. YOU marginalized yourself with your "Other" maverick ways. YOU did.
this is NOT a popularity contest...only One pleased is my concern...your reward is indeed with men...many many many men...
No. Rather, it is STILL a sign for Jews. was for Israel and even the strangers within its gates...instituted before the Jews ever were...before the Law was revealed...before Sin...and affirmed by Yahushua when He spoke “the Sabbath was made for man...” maybe you are not man enough? How about women she too was made for reject her too? What else do you reject which He made for you?
You simply mix metaphors so make a lot of assumptions,
you claim
desiring to be grafted in,
you were shown to not even understand even this biological law...oh and the branches cut off were the jews...we are grafted into the trunk NOT into them...but don’t boast or speak boastful words like “Sabbath is everyday” as you like the Jews too will be cut off for unbelief...
but missing what is not for you or is done another way for you. It isn't lawlessness.
but it is torahlessness...yours is not lawless but Torah less...He taught Torah keeping but you keep man’s tradition his know da majority...all those councils...
what is straw will be burnt up works NOT more like the foundation will be burnt...your everyday Sabbath is not even what He taught or demonstrated...very straw like contribution to the foundation...
Note THAT book is to Hebrews. We are simply gentiles getting to read in on something very important to them. We have to be careful lest we think "Our Forefathers" and make the mistake of believing we are Jews. That is, always going ot be the problem. You 'can' read another's mail, but you have to filter how you apply it, or you are just being a Jew.
not sure what you read but know it isnt what is written...
My forefather is Abraham who wasnt a jew and was not promised a Promise for jews is clearly written that My Law written in hearts and minds is NOT NEW and is to Israel not just jews...kinda like Sabbath is to the stranger...just like it was in the OT ONE LAW for native and stranger alike...just like IN HIM jew and gentile are ONE NEW MAN...just like IN HIM there is NO JEW or gentile...Peter taught the Spirit saw NO DISTINCTION because the goyim now obeyed with circumcised hearts...
I am citizen of the commonwealth of Israel as Paul clearly why Heb 4:9 I receive a day of rest...thanks...
You NEVER did answer if you could read what was written TO YOU goyim in that know...the enmity the commandment in ordinance which He abolished...Eph 2:15
Here it is again.
Can you read it? Or will you ignore it as the majority do...
I didn't say it. The Lord Jesus Christ, did. Stop laughing at Him, "Other."
not laughing at Him I am laughing at you thinking He is in His kingdom dividing saved father and sons from each other and NOT come into this world (NOT HIS KINGDOM) seeking to find His to harvest...seeking to seperate even those fathers from sons who are screeching “OTHER!” at each other...
Which is why you chose "Other?" :doh:
maybe if you didnt do so much head slapping you could prevent further brain damage?
He seeks NOT of this world...certainly NOT man’s traditions...but those on the narrow path who are set apart peculiar Holy Sanctified...
these are “Other” from this world and those who merely cry out LORD! LORD! but do NOT DO His Father’s will but only even try 9 of the 10...
:nono: You were given options,
by Him not you...chose ye this day whom ye will serve...and the way you serve reveals whom you have chosen
not 'of the world' but of Christ and YOU chose "Other."
to serve Yahushua has no options...believe it or not...just LOVE AS I LOVED YOU...just as...not as the world or the churches but AS I have loved...His Love contains all I need to follow and PLEASE the Father’s Will...a light burden and easy yoke...halleluYah
Guess again, or are you just this sloppy? Either way, you can not be listened to for important theology discussion, by YOUR own choice.
says you...NOT the One I am to please...
:nono: YOU chose other THAN Christian (Christlike) or Protestant, etc. You did. You chose "Other." You did.
you keep repeating it to convince who? Yourself? lol
your “ChristLITE” has been popular “LESS
CALORIESLaw same great taste!”
but it is not His Living is not even good history as there have been a remnant faithful uncompromised throughout history that overcame stayed faithful persevered and walked the narrow WHY it is narrow...a thread throughout the various interpretations and traditions of man...a single Like the tzitzit He wore...His do
Your popular masses need an eight lane where?
:nono: "Other" is YOUR moniker. You gave it to yourself.
as if christians named themselves and Protestants did too
You purposefully chose it, thus do not identify with the rest of us.
I do identify just tired of the body being wrong and you said...
You even laugh at scriptures from the Savior Himself.
awww come on man you really are sore...I am laughing at your use of those why you care NOT what He says or demonstrated as made evident
Neither. It is a response that isn't too harsh, but is reality.
thus hath thou spoken it into your own existence...
I am not here for just you...but like the Sabbath made for all members of TOL...and well pointing out stuff that isnt in that eternal binding
You've marginalized yourself by choosing not to identify in some way with the Savior, but choosing "Other" instead.
right wishing to Love and follow and teach as He did...JUST AS is NOT identifying with the
You did. You chose it. Nobody made you do. You did it the day you signed up here by your own choice. It was a bad decision.
says you...for the day I decided to sign up here it was a bad decision FOR you as you are THIS sore...
everyone else here has ignored or stayed silent to witness yet another “who’s the heretic” debate...
Both scripture and history have proven it is NOT the one screeching “OTHER!” As from Abel to Paul (and Protestants of various forms by fellow Protestants) they were accused and labeled “OTHER” by the likes of you...
In fact I have not found a Yahushua believing Sabbath keeping group that HAS persecuted another to the death...Sabbath keeping christians were first persecuted by jews and the Rome and then the Roman Church and well so it went to the sunday majority...the irony you here...
And labeled “OTHER!!!” by the world hating them...and He looking for them for His kingdom
So thanks...I am “OTHER”...not ChristLite
“Here I post; I can do no other. Yah help me.” sorry Luther it does sound better auf Deutsch.
Or as the other “OTHER” said it “We ought to obey Yah rather than man” Acts 5:29
Oh and yeah that photo...
Can you read in the Greek or Latin the Jewish enmity found in commandments contained in this ordinance He abolished?
Please respond thanks...
So I be curious ya dig? (a little archeological joke there that is...)
I mean MOST PEOPLE can’t or won’t...yeah maybe it’s won’t...
but maybe you’re OTHER than them and will...maybe