One of the best things about Ted Cruz


Ask him (atheist Granite) who he voted for in the past two elections (B. Hussein Obama) and if he's decided between socialist/baby murderer/homosexualist Bernie Sanders or Mrs. Bill Clinton in the upcoming election.
You believe Barton is correct when he believes a US government should grant special favors to an establishment of religion then. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,...", eh?


You believe Barton is correct when he believes a US government should grant special favors to an establishment of religion then. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,...", eh?

In order to answer that question I would have to see the full quote by David Barton.

That being said:

David Barton's Capitol Tour

You do realize that the term "Separation of Church and State" was made popular due to it's use in the Soviet Union's Constitution don't you? (Article 124 of the USSR Constitution - 1922-1991).

If you're referring to Thomas Jefferson's Letter to the Dansbury Baptist Church, you're way off mark.


New member
David Barton is a statist agent trying to convince the masses that the key founding fathers were fundamentalist Christians, which is demonstrably false. Some of them were I'm sure, and most of the regular people were. But Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, etc. were not Christians. They were a mix of deists and Freemasons for the most part. Barton lies to stir up nationalism for the benefit of the state. He's a lying agent of statism.


David Barton is a statist agent trying to convince the masses that the key founding fathers were fundamentalist Christians, which is demonstrably false. Some of them were I'm sure, and most of the regular people were. But Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, etc. were not Christians. They were a mix of deists and Freemasons for the most part. Barton lies to stir up nationalism for the benefit of the state. He's a lying agent of statism.

Being that the word "statist" is a word that Libertarians use incessantly, I can't help but believe you are one (Danny's use of the word "ziofascist" in an earlier post was a dead give away).

I bought this book several years ago; you might want to invest in it so that you won't look so foolish when you blog.


The book is 1060+ pages, the attached pdf version looks to be around 800+. Enjoy!


Being that the word "statist" is a word that Libertarians use incessantly, I can't help but believe you are one (Danny's use of the word "ziofascist" in an earlier post was a dead give away).

I bought this book several years ago; you might want to invest in it so that you won't look so foolish when you blog.


The book is 1060+ pages, the attached pdf version looks to be around 800+. Enjoy!
I don't think enough has been said about the errors in that video. But I am willing to call a spade as it is a spade; Barton is a fascist with no interest in free market capitalism.
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I'm listening:

Error #1:

Are you just going to say meaningless words or back them with facts?
Face it, you are religious right, loony fascist. It is probably a lie that Thomas Jefferson endorsed a bible as a school textbook, be it as he was a deist who thought the bible to be more errant than I even do.


Barton has been called to task numerous times by real historians and has been shown to be a liar. He has his own particular agenda and is willing to bend the truth, fabricate, etc to make a few bucks off the gullible and ignorant.


Face it, you are religious right, loony fascist.


It is probably a lie that Thomas Jefferson endorsed a bible as a school textbook, be it as he was a deist who thought the bible to be more errant than I even do.

Quit flapping your lips together and show some proof.

Barton has been called to task numerous times by real historians and has been shown to be a liar. He has his own particular agenda and is willing to bend the truth, fabricate, etc to make a few bucks off the gullible and ignorant.

Yes, David Barton is despised by the communist founded ACLU, Americans United for Separation of Church and State and Mikey Weinstein's Military Religious Freedom Foundation.

Tell me something that I don't already know.


You're a godless Libertarian? Who would have thunk?
Theist ex-homo who is a phony conservative who belongs at home with the godless Religious Right. I am a Deist, a true monotheist. By the way, the word thunk is junk.

Do you seriously take Tim Conway's, the wife beater's, slander seriously? The slander is concerning a fraternity prank. Should everyone have to pass a religion test to serve in government now? Have you no shame?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You're a godless Libertarian? Who would have thunk?

Theist ex-homo who is a phony conservative who belongs at home with the godless Religious Right. I am a Deist, a true monotheist. By the way, the word thunk is junk.

(Push the right button and watch the godless Libertarian go off).

Do you seriously take Tim Conway's, the wife beater's, slander seriously? The slander is concerning a fraternity prank. Should everyone have to pass a religion test to serve in government now? Have you no shame?

You must have got a hold of some bad drugs when you were visiting the Ron Paul compound. Tim Conway? Fraternity prank?

Regarding your question about a religious test:

It appears even that the baby murdering/sodomite/Marxist B. Hussein Obama thinks so.



New member
Being that the word "statist" is a word that Libertarians use incessantly, I can't help but believe you are one (Danny's use of the word "ziofascist" in an earlier post was a dead give away).

I bought this book several years ago; you might want to invest in it so that you won't look so foolish when you blog.


The book is 1060+ pages, the attached pdf version looks to be around 800+. Enjoy!

I'm not interested in reading lies by authors that want to stir up nationalism and ecumenism. Guys like David Barton and Glenn Beck want all different stripes of "Christians" to unite (ecumenism) to support a big, fascist government. A better book to read about what the founders though about Christianity would be The Age of Reason, The Jefferson Bible, The Letters of Benjamin Franklin and other books and letters that the founders themselves wrote.

I would call Barton a buffoon if I thought he actually believed the nonsense he spews, but he doesn't. He's just an agent of the state who knows he's using lies to support statism and ecumenism. I do not like a big fascist government stealing my money and telling me what to do, and I do not want to unite into one religion with the Catholics and Mormons. Barton, Beck and the rest can peddle their statist, Christ-denying garbage elsewhere.


New member
There Danny boy, fixed that for ya.

Oh, and be sure to have a nice deist (godless Libertarian) day.

Why do you not want to read the actual writings of Jefferson, Franklin, Paine and the other founders? Because they prove that David Barton is a lying ecumenist. Whatever it takes for you to rationalize your belief in some form of authoritarianism. Of course a Romanist would want a big fascist government.


Why do you not want to read the actual writings of Jefferson, Franklin, Paine and the other founders? Because they prove that David Barton is a lying ecumenist. Whatever it takes for you to rationalize your belief in some form of authoritarianism. Of course a Romanist would want a big fascist government.

I've used the knowledge of many Constitutional/Colonial period scholars besides David Barton to make my case (Professor Archie P. Jones, etc.) I've spent years debating God-haters that use out of context quotes to promote their secular humanist agenda.

When they finally give in and acknowledge that the Founding Fathers were devout Christians, they use the typical left wing God-hating smear tactic:

"But they owned slaves!".


New member
I've used the knowledge of many Constitutional/Colonial period scholars besides David Barton to make my case (Professor Archie P. Jones, etc.) I've spent years debating God-haters that use out of context quotes to promote their secular humanist agenda.

When they finally give in and acknowledge that the Founding Fathers were devout Christians, they use the typical left wing God-hating smear tactic:

"But they owned slaves!".

“And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But may we hope that the dawn of reason and freedom of thought in these United States will do away with this artificial scaffolding, and restore to us the primitive and genuine doctrines of this most venerated reformer of human errors.”
-Thomas Jefferson. Letter to John Adams, April 11, 1823

I could continue. But I won't. Devout Romanists are nearly impossible to correct regardless of the amount of evidence provided.