ECT Once Saved, Always Saved


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Do you really think that the words from James can be discarded by us, now that it has been made available to us?

Did I say that they should be discarded? No, I did not.

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. - 2 Timothy 3:16-17

The problem is that you're trying to read someone else's mail and respond as if you were them, instead of reading it and understanding it was written to someone else, and responding as such.

Do you really think that James taught differently than Paul?


Tell me the differences between James and Paul.

James, one of the twelve Apostles, and the brother of Christ, who was given his doctrine by Jesus while he was still on this earth, preached to the twelve tribes of Israel, scattered abroad, the Jews.

Paul, formerly Saul of Tarsus, who was given his doctrine by Jesus after He had ascended into heaven, preached "a mystery" to the Jews and the gentiles, but, as you surprisingly quoted above, in Galatians 2:7-9, came to the agreement with the other twelve that they should go to the Jews only, and he only to the gentiles.

James taught the Law to his audience, and Paul taught Grace to his audience.


Well-known member
I have told a little of my testimony before, of when my mom was dying and she did not get to give her last confession to the priest. Since she did not do that, we could not assume she was with Jesus. We lived a strict Catholic life and I knew my mom was a good person. I could hardly believe that the Catholic church taught that preaching to a mere human was going to decide where she would go.

I began my search for God that night. I wanted God's Truth and not some religion's truth.

After years of searching for God, I realized that I was getting even more confused, as different denominations were telling me different ways.

I didn't even think I was a sinner, since I was baptized as an infant and had my sins washed away. I didn't even admit to being a sinner.

So then, repenting of my false beliefs was necessary. I had to start over from the beginning and I did that by getting Jesus' teachings and doing exactly what he said.

He says he came for sinners. So I knew I had to start there and admit I was a sinner.

Jesus said to humble yourself. Admitting you are a sinner is humbling yourself. Being completely dependent on Jesus is humbling yourself like a child.

Once I admitted I was a sinner, I had to think about what my sins were, or else it was just empty words when I admitted I was a sinner.

What is so wrong with that? I ask you? I repented of those sins that I admitted to doing.

There is nothing wrong with that. The Lord was drawing you. He doesn't draw all of us the same way, because we are all different. We were raised differently. He picks us up where He finds whatever condition He finds us. Unfortunately, the Catholic Church has so much doctrine, it's hard for anyone to find the Lord while they are involved in the Church. Confessing our sins to a man behind a curtain might relieve someone's conscience, but no more than that. Confessing our sins can relieve our guilt, but it's believing in the Lord that saves us. I truly believe it wasn't your obedience that saved you....God saw your heart, and saw your trust in Him, and that's what saved you. Any guilt about not confessing enough, or not obeying enough comes from the father of lies. Our enemy doesn't stop his fiery darts when we are saved, he likes to keep us in doubt and keep us from having the perfect peace the Lord intends us to have. No more worry, no more fear, no more striving.....just love, trust, and resting in His everlasting Arms.

I'll be praying for you ....that you have that peace and full assurance of salvation. That is the REST we speak of. It's yours...just believe it.

God's Truth

New member
GT, your works are faulty and can never save.
You still mess up.
Christ never does.

Only the works of Christ save.

I have a powerful testimony.

If I didn't have my powerful testimony, you might have convinced me of that different type of teaching, but it might not have ever sat right with me, because I could never get that it was wrong to obey Jesus' teachings.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Jesus' words are of the Creator of everything. His words are life and trust worthy. His words will not come back void.
And yet, even you do not believe that all the commands of Jesus are for everyone at all times.
So no, the commands of GOD are not for everyone at all times.
We plainly see that not all the commands of Jesus were for everyone at all times.

God's Truth

New member
There is nothing wrong with that. The Lord was drawing you. He doesn't draw all of us the same way, because we are all different. We were raised differently. He picks us up where He finds whatever condition He finds us. Unfortunately, the Catholic Church has so much doctrine, it's hard for anyone to find the Lord while they are involved in the Church. Confessing our sins to a man behind a curtain might relieve someone's conscience, but no more than that. Confessing our sins can relieve our guilt, but it's believing in the Lord that saves us. I truly believe it wasn't your obedience that saved you....God saw your heart, and saw your trust in Him, and that's what saved you. Any guilt about not confessing enough, or not obeying enough comes from the father of lies. Our enemy doesn't stop his fiery darts when we are saved, he likes to keep us in doubt and keep us from having the perfect peace the Lord intends us to have. No more worry, no more fear, no more striving.....just love, trust, and resting in His everlasting Arms.

I'll be praying for you ....that you have that peace and full assurance of salvation. That is the REST we speak of. It's yours...just believe it.

Thank you so much for the care and kindness of your words.

I want to ask you though why you think I don't have peace and that I doubt?

God's Truth

New member
And yet, even you do not believe that all the commands of Jesus are for everyone at all times.
So no, the commands of GOD are not for everyone at all times.
We plainly see that not all the commands of Jesus were for everyone at all times.

There were teachings from Jesus and those teachings are required for entering the new covenant.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I have a powerful testimony.
That testimony of yours is faulty, because your testimony is that you have sinned.
Christ never did.

I could never get that it was wrong to obey Jesus' teachings.
Well you sure got it wrong if you think you should obey the teaching of Jesus not to tell anyone He was the Christ.

One of these days you might actually decide to trust in one, not two.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
There were teachings from Jesus and those teachings are required for enter the new covenant.
The new covenant was for the house of Judah and the house of Israel.
Jer 31:31
Heb 8:8

The BOC is not the house of Judah and the house of Israel.
The house of Judah and the house of Israel are not the whole world.

God's Truth

New member
That testimony of yours is faulty, because your testimony is that you have sinned.
Christ never did.

Well you sure got it wrong if you think you should obey the teaching of Jesus not to tell anyone He was the Christ.

One of these days you might actually decide to trust in one, not two.

That is not a teaching of Jesus'.
Fisher, who is James writing to in that verse?

If it is a teaching on faith and morals in Scripture and taught by the Church it doesn't matter. If it applies to one part of the Body of Christ, it applies to all.

It's most certainly not the Body of Christ.

Jesus told the rich man that to enter into eternal life he had to obey the commandments. (Mat. 19:16-17) This must only be the case for rich men according to you, right?

God's Truth

New member
Matthew 15:24 KJV -

Paul calls it Jews first then Gentiles.

Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.

Romans 2:9
There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile;

Acts 3:26
When God raised up His servant, He sent Him first to you to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways."

Matthew 15:24 He answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel."

John 12:32 And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself."
Where in scripture is salvation equated with the afterlife? I am having trouble finding it.

Glad you asked!

And whereas indeed he was the Son of God, he learned obedience by the things which he suffered: [9] And being consummated, he became, to all that obey him, the cause of eternal salvation. (Heb 5:8-9)


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Jesus says he came for sinners.
Jesus also said to tell no one He was the Christ.

So, again, not everything Jesus commanded was for everyone at all times.

At least we have broken you from your repeated lie of "We must obey EVERYTHING Jesus commanded".

One of these days you might realize that it is by the obedience and righteousness of Christ only.
And you can then testify to folks about what HE did, instead of what you do.

You, like Truster, like to go on and on about what YOU do.
None of what you and Truster have done will save anyone.

Christ was sinless.
You were not.

Christ's obedience and righteousness was 100% at all times.
Yours were not.