I go against the idea of our having to obey in order to be saved or to stay saved.
We need only believe. What we are enabled to do by God, after we have been created as new creatures, is not something we should take any credit for...not even any pats on the back, because were it not for the Holy Spirit dwelling in us, producing HIS fruit, we would be nothing.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me....praise His wonderful name. But anything I try to do in my own strength would be contrary to God's will...as all self-effort is.
I have told a little of my testimony before, of when my mom was dying and she did not get to give her last confession to the priest. Since she did not do that, we could not assume she was with Jesus. We lived a strict Catholic life and I knew my mom was a good person. I could hardly believe that the Catholic church taught that preaching to a mere human was going to decide where she would go.
I began my search for God that night. I wanted God's Truth and not some religion's truth.
After years of searching for God, I realized that I was getting even more confused, as different denominations were telling me different ways.
I didn't even think I was a sinner, since I was baptized as an infant and had my sins washed away. I didn't even admit to being a sinner.
So then, repenting of my false beliefs was necessary. I had to start over from the beginning and I did that by getting Jesus' teachings and doing exactly what he said.
He says he came for sinners. So I knew I had to start there and admit I was a sinner.
Jesus said to humble yourself. Admitting you are a sinner is humbling yourself. Being completely dependent on Jesus is humbling yourself like a child.
Once I admitted I was a sinner, I had to think about what my sins were, or else it was just empty words when I admitted I was a sinner.
What is so wrong with that? I ask you? I repented of those sins that I admitted to doing.