OK Supreme Court: 10 Commandments must come down


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Hall of Fame
The coach gathers the kids before the game and leads a prayer. The players may not just not participate of they don't want reprisal. Well know how the game is played.

yes, your game of your false claim that someone is forced to pray, which is a lie.

Government should not force any specific belief on people.

you feel compelled to become a christian when you see a nativity scene do you?

Baptists shouldn't have to pray to Mary before the football game.

Baptists never pray to mary, youre giving yourself away as a phony 'christian'

The Hindi shouldn't have to endure the government putting a nativity scene in the public park.

Why not, Christmas is a federal holiday to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, who is recognized world wide, both secularly and religuously and the supreme court has already held such.

This isn't hard to understand.

You mean you are a :baby:


How about kids not allowed to pray?

Kids can pray anytime they want. I would recommend home or church. However if the captain of the football team thinks he can skirt the rules barring coaches to lead prayer by doing it for him he is mistaken. Can't do that either.

Christians don't bully. Pray to yourself not as a show off. That is what these public prayer spectacles are. Showing off.


New member
Kids can pray anytime they want. I would recommend home or church. However if the captain of the football team thinks he can skirt the rules barring coaches to lead prayer by doing it for him he is mistaken. Can't do that either.

Christians don't bully. Pray to yourself not as a show off. That is what these public prayer spectacles are. Showing off.

And have you appointed yourself Grand Exalted Poohbah in charge of scoffing at the actions of those with whom you disagree?


New member
Hall of Fame
Kids can pray anytime they want. I would recommend home or church. However if the captain of the football team thinks he can skirt the rules barring coaches to lead prayer by doing it for him he is mistaken. Can't do that either.

Christians don't bully. Pray to yourself not as a show off. That is what these public prayer spectacles are. Showing off.

You cant stop kids from praying or expressing their faith. Thats illegal.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

More :cry: from you. :mock: fake believer/sock account


yes, your game of your false claim that someone is forced to pray, which is a lie.

you feel compelled to become a christian when you see a nativity scene do you?

Baptists never pray to mary, youre giving yourself away as a phony 'christian'

Why not, Christmas is a federal holiday to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, who is recognized world wide, both secularly and religuously and the supreme court has already held such.

You mean you are a :baby:

It must be sad when your entire philosophy is based in willful ignorance and petulance.


It must be even more sad being your own god, not seeing much coming from you worthy of worship.

I am not my own God though. I believe in a rational God that uses measurable rational processes and set fundamental laws to govern the universe. That isn't magic.

That you would rather believe in magic than learn actual facts is sad.


New member
Hall of Fame
I am not my own God though. I believe in a rational God that uses measurable rational processes and set fundamental laws to govern the universe. That isn't magic.

That you would rather believe in magic than learn actual facts is sad.

You mean you worship a made up god from a book that you claim but don't actually believe. Which means you worship yourself and your own opinion.

Fact, if the virgin birth wasnt real, and sin isnt real, and He didnt really die for you, and you dont believe any of it, you are lost and will remain to be, untill you decide His way is right and yours is wrong.


You mean you worship a made up god from a book that you claim but don't actually believe. Which means you worship yourself and your own opinion.

Fact, if the virgin birth wasnt real, and sin isnt real, and He didnt really die for you, and you dont believe any of it, you are lost and will remain to be, untill you decide His way is right and yours is wrong.

U.S. fundamentalism has turned a rich faith of philosophers into a childish magic fairy tale. How sad.


New member
I believe some form of the Ten Commandments pre-dates Moses?

Perhaps "some form" does.
But the form on this particular stone tablet does not, is a foundational piece of ancient Hebrew religious law, and was adopted by legalistic members of the early Christian church as their own religious law.

Thus, it has no place on the grounds of a secular government building, and has rightly been removed.


New member
Perhaps "some form" does.
But the form on this particular stone tablet does not, is a foundational piece of ancient Hebrew religious law, and was adopted by legalistic members of the early Christian church as their own religious law.

Thus, it has no place on the grounds of a secular government building, and has rightly been removed.



New member
Perhaps "some form" does.
But the form on this particular stone tablet does not, is a foundational piece of ancient Hebrew religious law, and was adopted by legalistic members of the early Christian church as their own religious law.

Thus, it has no place on the grounds of a secular government building, and has rightly been removed.
Secular government buildings should be removed, not the Ten Commandments.


New member
The Ten commandments weren't removed, only an engraving of them. It is not an idol to be worshipped, just a stone. On the grounds of the secular government.
Could you provide the date when the government changed from being a government under God to a secular government?


New member
Could you provide the date when the government changed from being a government under God to a secular government?

From your point of view, everything is under God. It doesn't then follow that secularism cannot exist.

"Under God" doesn't mean "owing Christians special favours". "Under God" doesn't specify whose God. Even the founders didn't agree as to the nature of God, which is rather the point, isn't it? No-one can agree, and it isn't the government's role to decide for them.

patrick jane

The idea that religious displays on government property are just fine and/or that the separation of church and state is a myth.

Those arguments are made right up until a non-Christian religious group asks to put up their own display. Then suddenly it's, "You can't do that".

Even atheists are compelled to obey the Ten Commandments. It just makes sense whether folks are believers or no matter what their beliefs.
The Ten Commandments are Wise to follow, besides being from God. The history goes back 5000 years unlike the flying spaghetti monster.