Odd Battles that Fundamentalists pick


Well-known member
Why do you pick the battles that you do?

There is so much effort put into fighting scientific theories, especially evolution. Wouldn't you energy be better spent helping other people? Why care so much about that topic in particular?

So much effort fighting gun control. Defending the "correct" view of the Bible. Knocking other religions or even Christian sects. Xenophobia. Is there really nothing else worthwhile for a True Christian to spend their time on?

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
More seriously you have picked up a few issues here.

There is the science = truth misnomer of the modern age that the fundamentalists believes, so if the bible is true , the bible must be science and, thus the fundamentalist fear that if the bible isn't science it thus cant be true.

Then there juts the conservative things which doesn't differentiated between pet political views and what the bible actually teaches. I have no idea where that form of lunacy comes form :)


New member
chair said:
There is so much effort put into fighting scientific theories, especially evolution. Wouldn't you energy be better spent helping other people? Why care so much about that topic in particular?
Great question and good thread.

Do you hold to certain values and morals that you aren't willing to compromise on? For example, I'm sure you would say it is wrong for adult men to have sex with young boys. However there is a group called NAMBLA that would call you a fundamentalist and want you to compromise on what you might consider a core belief.*

Re. evolution.... it essentially weakens the gospel placing death as part of what God called "very good". Evolution puts physical death before sin, and destroys the purpose of Christs physical death and resurrection. And, evolution contradicts the first few chapters of Genesis, which is foundational to all Christian doctrine.

Perhaps the question should be...Why are some people so willing to compromise on God's Word.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Great question and good thread.
Do you hold to certain values and morals that you aren't willing to compromise on? For example, I'm sure you would say it is wrong for adult men to have sex with young boys. However there is a group called NAMBLA that would call you a fundamentalist and want you to compromise on what you might consider a core belief.*

Do you think being a fundamentalist only means you wont compromise on core beliefs , if that is the case i'm definitely a fundamentalist, but many fundies on here we would dispute that.

Re. evolution.... it essentially weakens the gospel placing death as part of what God called "very good". Evolution puts physical death before sin, and destroys the purpose of Christs physical death and resurrection. And, evolution contradicts the first few chapters of Genesis, which is foundational to all Christian doctrine.

So was the fall literally Gods punishment over a fruit on a tree in a garden? Or is an allegory of something else?

If its not science is not true is the lie that I believe fundies believe

Perhaps the question should be...Why are some people so willing to compromise on God's Word.

because its not a science text book and truth doe not equal science.


New member
The OP could have been called OLD battles, because they go over and over the same old. Churning out words they don't understand and demanding people adhere to creeds they've read, but seldom show any understanding of.

Jose Fly

New member
It's important to understand the origins of American fundamentalism.

During the 19th century, major challenges to traditional Christian teachings arose on several fronts. Geologic discoveries revealed that the Earth was far older than the few thousand years suggested by a literal reading of the biblical book of Genesis. The work of Charles Darwin (1809–82) and his colleagues established that human beings as a species had emerged over millions of years through a process of evolution, rather than suddenly by divine fiat. Social scientists and philosophers influenced by Herbert Spencer (1820–1903) advocated a parallel theory of progressive social evolution that refuted the traditional religious understanding of human sin, which was predicated on the notion that, after the fall from grace, the human condition was corrupt beyond repair. Meanwhile, some ministers in various denominations ceased to emphasize the conversion of individuals to the religious life and instead propounded a “social gospel” that viewed progressive social change as a means of building the kingdom of God on Earth.

A more direct challenge to traditional Christianity came from scholars who adopted a critical and historical approach to studying and interpreting the Bible. This perspective, known as modernism, treated the books of the Bible—especially the first five (the Pentateuch)—not as simple documents written by a single author but as complex texts constructed by multiple authors from several older sources. Although modernism offered a solution to many problems posed by seemingly contradictory biblical passages, it also raised severe doubts about the historical accuracy of the biblical text, leading scholars to revise the traditional history of the biblical era and to reconsider the nature of biblical authority. (For a discussion of modernism in the history of Roman Catholicism, see Modernism.)

I'd say that answers the question on a few of the topics you mention.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Yeah, perverting God's words means nothing. He is right.


New member
This Charming Manc said:
Do you think being a fundamentalist only means you wont compromise on core beliefs , if that is the case i'm definitely a fundamentalist, but many fundies on here we would dispute that.
Ok... we are both fundamentalists on some things, and not others. Yes it depends how you define the word. Normally the word is used to denigrate someone who does not believe the same as yourself.

This Charming Manc said:
6days said:
Re. evolution.... it essentially weakens the gospel placing death as part of what God called "very good". Evolution puts physical death before sin, and destroys the purpose of Christs physical death and resurrection. And, evolution contradicts the first few chapters of Genesis, which is foundational to all Christian doctrine.
So was the fall literally Gods punishment over a fruit on a tree in a garden? Or is an allegory of something else?
The question was why care about the topic. I explained why its important.... all Christian doctrine is founded in the first few chapters of Genesis. It affects our understanding of the gospel, and even the very nature of God.

This Charming Manc said:
6days said:
Perhaps the question should be...Why are some people so willing to compromise on God's Word.
because its not a science text book and truth doe not equal science.
The Bible is not a science book and nobody that I know has ever claimed such a thing. However the Bible is Gods Word and is correct on all matters it touches on including our past...and our future.*


Well-known member
Re. evolution.... it essentially weakens the gospel placing death as part of what God called "very good". Evolution puts physical death before sin, and destroys the purpose of Christs physical death and resurrection. And, evolution contradicts the first few chapters of Genesis, which is foundational to all Christian doctrine.

I understand that evolution contradicts some of your beliefs. But why do you care so much what others believe?

Bradley D

Well-known member
Science is theory that keeps changing. I do not believe that Genesis was meant to be an exact science. Genesis deals with beginnings. It is quite obvious that the first few chapters are a general overview of God being the creator. How it all came about is not all that detailed and was not meant to be.


Well-known member
Why do you pick the battles that you do?

There is so much effort put into fighting scientific theories, especially evolution. Wouldn't you energy be better spent helping other people? Why care so much about that topic in particular?

So much effort fighting gun control. Defending the "correct" view of the Bible. Knocking other religions or even Christian sects. Xenophobia. Is there really nothing else worthwhile for a True Christian to spend their time on?
I don't find evolution important in any way. Its not even scientifically important. People claim to lose their faith due to learning about evolution but they are lying.

Fighting gun control is important because its the right thing to do.

Why do you participate on a Christian forum? Wouldn't your energy be better spent helping people? Is there really nothing else worthwhile for you to spend your time on?


New member
Why do you pick the battles that you do?

There is so much effort put into fighting scientific theories, especially evolution. Wouldn't you energy be better spent helping other people? Why care so much about that topic in particular?

So much effort fighting gun control. Defending the "correct" view of the Bible. Knocking other religions or even Christian sects. Xenophobia. Is there really nothing else worthwhile for a True Christian to spend their time on?
a central or primary rule or principle on which something is based.
denoting an adherent of a system of beliefs, principles, etc.

A Christian fundamentalist is someone that adheres to the central or primary rules and principles and beliefs of the Christian faith.

These include God creating the heaven and the earth, the God of the Bible being the only true God, and the natural rights given to man by the Creator.

What could be a better use of our time than fighting the lies that turn people away from the primary beliefs of the Christian faith?


a central or primary rule or principle on which something is based.
denoting an adherent of a system of beliefs, principles, etc.

A Christian fundamentalist is someone that adheres to the central or primary rules and principles and beliefs of the Christian faith.

These include God creating the heaven and the earth, the God of the Bible being the only true God, and the natural rights given to man by the Creator.

What could be a better use of our time than fighting the lies that turn people away from the primary beliefs of the Christian faith?

Excellent post. Thanks for pointing out that a person cannot be a Christian without "adhering to the central or primary rules and principles of the Christian faith". In other words, the term "Christian fundamentalist" is redundant.


Well-known member
Why do you pick the battles that you do?

There is so much effort put into fighting scientific theories, especially evolution. Wouldn't you energy be better spent helping other people? Why care so much about that topic in particular?

So much effort fighting gun control. Defending the "correct" view of the Bible. Knocking other religions or even Christian sects. Xenophobia. Is there really nothing else worthwhile for a True Christian to spend their time on?

Since the "science" you speak of you admit is only a theory, but God's record of what He did is true, we decide to love truth over scientific unproven opinion.

God knows what He did, when science decides it wants truth, not opinions, then it will learn something.


New member
Excellent post. Thanks for pointing out that a person cannot be a Christian without "adhering to the central or primary rules and principles of the Christian faith". In other words, the term "Christian fundamentalist" is redundant.

A better term would be 'radicalised Christian', as they espouse a politically far-right, toxic version of Christianity.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
this is a great question

I can only speculate
I think it is due to sola scripture

once you buy into sola scripture
you are forced to accept literally what the bible says
no outside source can challenge it
they will have to defend the story of creation
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Well-known member
Why do you pick the battles that you do?

There is so much effort put into fighting scientific theories, especially evolution. Wouldn't you energy be better spent helping other people? Why care so much about that topic in particular?

So much effort fighting gun control. Defending the "correct" view of the Bible. Knocking other religions or even Christian sects. Xenophobia. Is there really nothing else worthwhile for a True Christian to spend their time on?
It is mostly TOL. I hang out with several members here, in other places and these nearly never come up, and never between us. It might seem odd, since we frequent here (as do you) but I'm not here for the banter. I will occasionally participate if I think I can add a thought in a meaningful way that may help another see the other's point of view (like just now, in this thread). I find TOL a microcosm that interests not only Christians, but all others. What I truly appreciate about it, is that we all actually 'can' get along. It may not look like getting along, but it forces dialogue rather than arms, lest the ban-hammer fall. So, I think, TOL has found its place in the world between eclectic tastes.

I always hated coffee. I drank tea. In Alaska, my fellow tent camp mates in a logging endeavor, would put coffee in the water. I had to break ice to wash my face, even in summers toward the Fall. It was either drink coffee or freeze uncomfortably in the morning. I learned to drink coffee and appreciate it for what it was, which like you was 'not tea' in those days.

After a similar fashion, I still drink coffee today. You still come to TOL. I think there is something good about the place if you can get beyond the bitters and appreciate other things for the reason why you still drink a cup.