Do you know what logic is? I'm using it to follow your train of thought.
Here's what you have said:
Sustaining life is good,
Death helps sustains life,
Therefore death is good.
Those are absolute statements. I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying you're in denial about being an absolutist.
You can't be serious. An absolute statement would be, "death is good," with no context around it. However, I put a ton of context around it that you choose to ignore for reasons unbeknownst to me. Context is part of that gray area I was telling you about.
Saying death is good so that life can survive is a statement attached to a qualifier. It deals with individual death occurring so that all life can go on.
Only an absolutist would think that
individual life and
all life are the same, as you do. Here is a truly absolutist statement from me: the death of all life or of an entire species is bad