Odd Battles that Fundamentalists pick


New member
Like all pagans and atheists, your issue is with Holy Scripture.

No, only the radical and anti-social 'interpretations' of it. The majority of Christians do not support the views of many on ToL, which you can only reject if you offer the No True Scotsman comment that they aren't 'real' Christians.

(ISIS claim that most of what we call Muslims are not 'true' Muslims - make of that what you will.)


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Like all pagans and atheists, your issue is with Holy Scripture.

No, only the radical and anti-social 'interpretations' of it.

Come on gc, you and I both know that if Christianity could be anything that you want it to be, you'd be calling yourself 'Christian' in a heartbeat.

The majority of Christians do not support the views of many on ToL, which you can only reject if you offer the No True Scotsman comment that they aren't 'real' Christians.

From my dealings with many here on TOL, they don't believe in the core principles of Christianity. How can a person not acknowledge the basics and still call themselves a follower of Christ?

I use this article about moral relativism frequently. It's author Selwyn Duke is spot on.

Why many American Christians really are un-Christian

..."Let us be blunt: It is simply not possible to espouse relativism — which holds that right and wrong are opinion — and be a true Christian.

Why? It’s simple: Jesus did not die for our opinions. Jesus did not say that His blood was the blood of the new and everlasting covenant and that it would be shed for you and for all so that opinions may be forgiven; He did not say, I am a way, a truth, and a life; He did not say, let he who is without opinion cast the first stone; He did not say to that dark tempter, “It is said, ‘Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God,’” but, hey, Satan, whatever works for you.

There are many doctrinal differences among the denominations, and good people could debate them ad nauseam and still not settle every one. Yet, if anything is central to Christianity, it’s the belief that Truth is spelled with a capital “T,” that it is absolute, universal and eternal."...

"Through his embrace of relativism modern man has made Christianity incomprehensible. He has made philosophy incomprehensible. He has, in fact, made civilization itself incomprehensible. For, if there is no right or wrong, it can be no better than barbarism."


(ISIS claim that most of what we call Muslims are not 'true' Muslims - make of that what you will.)

An entirely different subject; but to you pagans, all Abrahamic religions are the same, right?


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Like all pagans and atheists, your issue is with Holy Scripture.
[blah blah]
An entirely different subject; but to you pagans, all Abrahamic religions are the same, right?
I'm not a pagan, unless you want to redefine the standard Christian usage of that word as well.


Hall of Fame
I'm not a pagan, unless you want to redefine the standard Christian usage of that word as well.

Nor am I ... though it seems much like the word "liberal", it has been redefined to mean "anyone who doesn't agree with me".

patrick jane

Nor am I ... though it seems much like the word "liberal", it has been redefined to mean "anyone who doesn't agree with me".

That word and many others. I like how anybody that raises a legitimate point is called a whiner, then baby, then maybe - you aren't saved. So then any future replies is whining, baby, heathen, liberal, foolery.


Hall of Fame
That word and many others. I like how anybody that raises a legitimate point is called a whiner, then baby, then maybe - you aren't saved. So then any future replies is whining, baby, heathen, liberal, foolery.

Indeed ... apparently mocking, stalking and calling names is much easier than legitimate debate.

Eh, some are just lazy thinkers.


Well-known member
Since the "science" you speak of you admit is only a theory, but God's record of what He did is true, we decide to love truth over scientific unproven opinion.

God knows what He did, when science decides it wants truth, not opinions, then it will learn something.

Maybe you should eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. Then there is a chance that you will understand what science is about.

Greg Jennings

New member
Re. evolution.... it essentially weakens the gospel placing death as part of what God called "very good". Evolution puts physical death before sin, and destroys the purpose of Christs physical death and resurrection. And, evolution contradicts the first few chapters of Genesis, which is foundational to all Christian doctrine.

Perhaps the question should be...Why are some people so willing to compromise on God's Word.

Death IS good, 6. It ensures that the Earth doesn't burst at the seams. How do you think the Earth could sustain a population that never dies and keeps reproducing?

Greg Jennings

New member
Why is sustainability good? Are you an absolutist?

Because without sustainability everything dies.

Do you know why deer hunters are so vital to the deer population? By killing the proper number of bucks and does in a given year, they control the population, ensuring that there will be enough food to go around and that a bad disease won't wipe out an entire overcrowded deer population.

Or do you have some hypothesis as to how Earth could sustain life with no death and more offspring constantly being produced?

Greg Jennings

New member
No, you made the assertion, now back it up. What is bad about everything dying?

Are you serious? I dunno...maybe the fact that all life - something that we cherish and have appreciation for beyond our own individual - would disappear completely? That our human species would cease to exist?

Wouldn't that qualify as "bad" to you?


New member
Are you serious? I dunno...maybe the fact that all life - something that we cherish and have appreciation for beyond our own individual - would disappear completely? That our human species would cease to exist?

Wouldn't that qualify as "bad" to you?

What's bad about all life disappearing? I'll ask again: are you an absolutist?

Greg Jennings

New member
What's bad about all life disappearing? I'll ask again: are you an absolutist?

I just answered the question. It's bad because life is something to be celebrated, and the only way to ensure life continues is to make certain that some die off in order to support new offspring.

Explain how that makes me an absolutist. This should be good


New member
I just answered the question. It's bad because life is something to be celebrated, and the only way to ensure life continues is to make certain that some die off in order to support new offspring.

Explain how that makes me an absolutist. This should be good

Why is life something to be celebrated? Are you saying celebration is good, and not celebrating is bad?

And I'll ask a third time: are you an absolutist?

Greg Jennings

New member
Why is life something to be celebrated? Are you saying celebration is good, and not celebrating is bad?
Is this going somewhere? You're just asking aimless questions at this point.

And I'll ask a third time: are you an absolutist?
Absolutists see only in black and white. I'm a big believer in gray areas. Does that answer your question (that I've already answered)?


New member
Is this going somewhere? You're just asking aimless questions at this point.

Absolutists see only in black and white. I'm a big believer in gray areas. Does that answer your question (that I've already answered)?

You said death is "good" so you obviously are an absolutist.