ECT Obey the Gospel


No, it is not the gospel, rather, it is a summary reminder of the gospel.

As is obvious throughout Paul's writings and throughout Luke's depiction in Acts of Paul's words and actions, the gospel of Christ involves educating a person about what sin is; about what its eternal consequence is; about Who Christ was; about how He was God's solution to the eternal consequence of sin; about how that the person needs to avail Himself of this, God's solution in His Son, by Believing this gospel or good news of Christ.

Paul was writing to people whom Paul himself every now and then asserts he is reminding they had not even known of God, nor of their sinful condition before said God, nor of Christ, and God's solution in Him.

What you have done, and what others who claim that 1 Corinthians 15 is all the gospel is, is you have read what you have read in Scripture, and or have been taught about what I have described (as described in Scripture) INTO Paul's words in 1 Cor. 15.

But 1 Cor. 15 is merely a reminder of much more that Paul had taught them about the gospel - it is not all that the gospel is.

It is more like a short exchange between two people who have been much more informed on the details of a thing, and or have agreed on the content of a much longer, much more detailed description of a thing.

Later, in conversation, when one of them says "Remember the Alamo," for example, or "Remember what happened at the Alamo" the phrase sets off in them a memory of all that phrase is actually referring to.

Sort of like the phrase "911" it not only no longer means alone, what it used to before "911," but now sets off in one a memory of all the horrific events of that day, in one phrase - "911."


1 Cor. 15 is like that.

Paul is addressing people whom he had had to educate on all those details.

Romans 15:20 Yea, so have I strived to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build upon another man's foundation: 15:21 But as it is written, To whom he was not spoken of, they shall see: and they that have not heard shall understand.

I suppose that when Paul reminded the Corinthians of the following, that that was all there had been to say about it to them, when he first met them? No, it is not.

1 Corinthians 12:2 Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led.

As in the latter half of Acts 17, Paul would educate these once God-LESS Gentiles on MANY details concerning "the gospel."

In fact, whenever HE uses the phrase "the gospel" this one phrase by itself VERY OFTEN throws people off who have not "been taught" ALL that PAUL means by it.

Automatically THEIR response is - "oh, what Jesus preached, okay..."

Years in that, and forget about it - trying to get through to them about this error of theirs like is pulling teeth with a pair of pliers made out of taffy, lol.

Those who assert that 1 Cor.15 alone is the gospel of Christ are simply wrong.

Acts 17: 11, 12.

Very good and very well. It is a summary and a reminder of the gospel, but not all that can be known.


Well-known member
Very good and very well. It is a summary and a reminder of the gospel, but not all that can be known.

Danoh is wrong and seeks to mislead you.

Instead, believe Paul.

Paul said he resolved to know nothing with the unbelievers at Corinth except Christ and Him crucified, 1 Cor 2:2. Hence 1 Cor 15:3-4 is indeed the vital content of the saving good news, not just a summary of it. It may look like a summary but Paul doesn't say that it is -- he says that THAT is what they had believed when they got saved. That means 1 Cor 15:3-4 is, itself, THE saving good news.

What Danoh always does on TOL is exactly what Paul sought NOT to do in 1 Cor falsely speak "with excellency of speech or of wisdom." That's Danoh's M.O. since the beginning.

Danoh wants followers. Don't let him deceive you from the simplicity that is in Christ, 2 Cor 11:3, as he has been deceived.
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New member
Very good and very well. It is a summary and a reminder of the gospel, but not all that can be known.

Yep, because in 1 Cor. 15 he is writing to people who were already taught all the details of the gospel, including who Christ was, what sin is, etc.

If you have done any evangelism with any frequency, you will run across many people who do not know what a sinner is, that they are sinners, what sin is, who Christ was other than "some guy in a movie" or "that guy the Christians are always talking about."

You will also run across people who don't even know even that much.

In Paul's day, that was even worse, the latter half of Acts 17 is one example of others one finds in Luke's account of Paul's journeys, of people who knew nothing about Christ.

And He is very rarely mentioned in the histories of that time - very rarely.

Even after Paul's extensive ministry.

While, in Acts 13, some people take him and Barnabas to be Greek gods.

Once, when a friend was witnessing to an attheist, he kept using the phrase "on the authority of God's word."

To an atheist!

Finally, I said to him 'look, you keep talking to him as if he already believes that. Obviously, he doesn't. You need to take a step back and prove that to him FIRST.'

Well, that is the same kind of mistake made about 1 Cor. 15 by people already on the inside of those passages "the choir.".

In other words, by people who already know something about what sin is, and about Christ, and that He died, and was buried, and rose again - people who did not know that before and about all its various details, until someone "delivered" that "unto" them, now read its summary in 1 Cor. 15 from their knowing that, and incompetently conclude that it is the gospel, that all they have to do is force those two passages on others, and the rest will take care of itself - presto - they know what sin is, they know its eternal consequence, they know who Christ was, etc., all from those two passages.

It is ridiculous, and the height of incompetence.

Try merely citing 1 Cor. 15: 3,4 to someone who was raised a Buddhist, or someone who was raised absent of any faith at all, as many Millennials have been raised.

Exactly where the phrase "unchurched" came from - the finding from extensive surveys, that many people surveyed knew next to nothing about Christ and or Christianity, and so on.

There is much more to the gospel than those two verses...there is...

Romans 10:14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? 10:15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

Nope, I think I'll stand my ground on this one.

Then again, perhaps Luke was off when he related the Bereans searched the Sriptures DAILY whether those things asserted by Paul concerning Who Christ had been, was so.

Either that, or they were simply very, very slow readers...of two passages in 1 Cor. 15 - and that, before had even written those two passages.

No matter what angle one looks at it from, some are preaching their own incompetence.

Plain and simple.

Consider this, Jacob - writing to the Romans he relates he is writing because he has not been able to go to Rome and preach the gospel to them.

He then proceeds to write SIXTEEN CHAPTERS that he twice refers to as "my gospel."

THAT is a WHOLE lot of "gospel."

Much more than a mere, two verses.

Much more.

Isaiah 8:20.


New member
Danoh is wrong and seeks to mislead you.

Instead, believe Paul.

Paul said he resolved to know nothing with the unbelievers at Corinth except Christ and Him crucified, 1 Cor 2:2. Hence 1 Cor 15:3-4 is indeed the vital content of the saving good news, not just a summary of it.

What Danoh always does on TOL is exactly what Paul said he sought NOT to do in 1 Cor falsely speak "with excellency of speech or of wisdom." That's Danoh's M.O. since the beginning.

Danoh wants followers. Don't let him deceive you from the simplicity that is in Christ, 2 Cor 11:3, as he has been deceived.

That's just you, in your usual mis-reading of another's intent through your usual bigotry.

If I wanted followers, I'd not have gone against you or anyone else, where I have found you simply wrong in a thing.

Whatever, Musti.



Well-known member
That's just you, in your usual mis-reading of another's intent through your usual bigotry.


I'm on Paul's side on this, taking what he wrote just as he wrote it, not reading into it and correcting him as you always do with your flattery, your good sounding words and fair speeches, with which you seek to deceive and ensnare the hearts of the simple.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
It means to turn away from the former sin. See Ezekiel below for an example of the word in context.
So, she asserts that the Lord turns away from his former sin, as did Judas:

Exodus 32:14 KJV And the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people.

Deuteronomy 32:36 KJV For the Lord shall judge his people, and repent himself for his servants, when he seeth that their power is gone, and there is none shut up, or left.

Matthew 27:3 KJV Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders,

=failure to survey the bible, but instead rely on your "the" church SOF


Well-known member
And by the way...notice the leftist Danoh tossing out the "bigot" label (completely asinine in this context especially) because he has nothing else to say.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Gospel is all about Jesus and His word or His teachings.

You put Paul on a pedestal instead of Jesus.

Troll: You Israelites put Moses on a pedestal instead of the LORD God,"Jesus!!!!!!! Stop it!!!! Don't follow Moses-follow the LORD God, Jesus!!!!!

=false dichotomy by the wandering troll, as just as the children of Israel following Moses, and what He taught, was following the teachings of the LORD God, as Moses was His appointed spokesman(the definition of the concept of "prophet"-"to speak forth/for"), following the apostle Paul as the appointed prophet, spokesman, and "apostle of the Gentiles"(Romans 11:13 KJV), by the risen, glorified, ascended, and seated "Lord from heaven," is following the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ in this dispensation of the grace of God.

Troll: What do you mean by Moses, the children of Israel, the word "prophet," "Lord from heaven," dispensation of the grace of God.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................?(TOL rules prohibit me from going on for 666 web pages).
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Well-known member

Teach us from Paul why anyone who rests his faith upon 1 Cor 15:3-4 for forgiveness of his sins is still going to Hell because he doesn't know enough.

Cross-denying Pate was bold enough to explain why he believes that. You have called us out more than once, so now it's your turn.

Teach us, please.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
And by the way...notice the leftist Danoh tossing out the "bigot" label (completely asinine in this context especially) because he has nothing else to say.

Danoh, like Barn, is a mite "sensitive," although he would characterize it as just being "high spirited." I will admit that he is a wee culiar, at times, musty.


New member
I'm on Paul's side on this, taking what he wrote just as he wrote it, not reading into it and correcting him as you always do with your flattery, your good sounding words and fair speeches, with which you seek to deceive and ensnare the hearts of the simple.

Must be why he had to go back and expand elaborate on the impact of those two verses, in the balance of the chapter.

What this is, is that you are wrong, are married to it, have had it pointed out to you, don't like it, and end up resorting to various deceptive tactics to deflect from that.

I'm not correcting Paul, that's just you resorting to accusing me of that as one your well-known tactics.

Not gonna work, you've been exposed by your own words and tactics once more. Deal with it.



New member
Danoh, like Barn, is a mite "sensitive," although he would characterize it as just being "high spirited." I will admit that he is a wee culiar, at times, musty.

Either that, or I am merely exercising my right to defend myself when unjustly accused by - a bigot, now pulling all sorts of his usual tactics.

Musti being "musty"


Rom. 5:6-8.


New member

Teach us from Paul why anyone who rests his faith upon 1 Cor 15:3-4 for forgiveness of his sins is still going to Hell because he doesn't know enough.

Cross-denying Pate was bold enough to explain why he believes that. You have called us out more than once, so now it's your turn.

Teach us, please.

This very thread proves my point about 1 Cor. 15: 3, 4.

In that, anytime any of us find ourselves having to elaborate on 1 Cor. 15: 3,4 beyond those two passages to anyone who claims them but adds works to them, or this, that, the other, we each prove by that, and the passages we cite in support of our assertions beyond those two passages, that there is more to the gospel of Christ then just those two passages.

But this is an issue of your hypocrisy in your personal animosity towards me.

Were it not, you would have sought to explore the difference in our understanding of those two passages instead of resorting to ad homein - as you always do, when you are not agreed with, or have a personal issue with someone.

Not gonna work.

Because you are predictable.

More importantly, because Romans 5:6-8 in each our stead, regardless of your hypocrisy.

Plain and simple.


Well-known member
Must be why he had to go back and expand elaborate on the impact of those two verses, in the balance of the chapter.

What this is, is that you are wrong, are married to it, have had it pointed out to you, don't like it, and end up resorting to various deceptive tactics to deflect from that.

I'm not correcting Paul, that's just you resorting to accusing me of that as one your well-known tactics.

Not gonna work, you've been exposed by your own words and tactics once more. Deal with it.


In recalling what he preached to them when they were saved, Paul says the Corinthians believed -- and were saved by believing -- the content found in 1 Cor 15:3-4.

What is it exactly, Danoh, that is incomplete about that content and unable to save without?

Tell us.


New member
In recalling what he preached to them when they were saved, Paul says the Corinthians believed -- and were saved by believing -- the content found in 1 Cor 15:3-4.

What is it exactly, Danoh, that is incomplete with that content?

Tell us.

Why did he find himself having to remind them of other parts of the gospel of Christ in that very chapter?

Rom. 5:6-8.


New member
When asked about Christ, these Israelis prove my very does Paul, in...

Acts 17:2 And Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them, and three sabbath days reasoned with them out of the scriptures, 17:3 Opening and alleging, that Christ must needs have suffered, and risen again from the dead; and that this Jesus, whom I preach unto you, is Christ.

Which is obviously more than just two verses...



Well-known member
Why did he find himself having to remind them of other parts of the gospel of Christ in that very chapter?

Rom. 5:6-8.

What is it exactly, Danoh, that is incomplete about that content and unable to save without it?

What else, ON TOP OF the DBR for the sins of all, MUST the lost know and believe, else they won't be saved?

That's your claim. Don't evade it with questions. Don't let videos speak for you. Substantiate it.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Why did he find himself having to remind them of other parts of the gospel of Christ in that very chapter?

Rom. 5:6-8.
By that analogy, why did the LORD God find himself having to remind everyone, of the creation story, as "outlined" in Genesis 1 ff., in other chapters of the book?

You should drop it.