If He is your Lord, you ought to take heed of all His word.
don't you agree?
I answered that in my post to you on Matthew 8.
Acts 17: 11, 12.
If He is your Lord, you ought to take heed of all His word.
don't you agree?
I answered that in my post to you on Matthew 8.
Acts 17: 11, 12.
Jesus commends us to be perfect yet we cannot be perfect.
But Jesus says with God anything is possible meaning if you strive to be obedient the HS fill our imperfections and make us perfect in God's eye. This is Marcy.
And this is my contextual reasoning.
would you copy and paste please?
Please make your reply to me simple and short. My posts are short to make a point without sidetracked.
I've made my point about 1 Cor. 15: 3, 4 being a reminder to the Corinthians by Paul that he had preached the gospel of Christ to them - that the passage was not meant as a treatise on all that presenting the gospel of Christ entails.
It fell on death ears in you and your pals and your need to rationalise your nonsense when called on it.
So be it.
I leave you and your pals to your hypocrisy and its ever endless living for conflict with anyone who does not agree with your views, sound or unsound, perfect or still in need of much refinement.
I'll continue to point a thing out where I find it necessary, and to acknowledge some point made by any of you I agree with, and that's about it.
Well aware you hypocrites find it impossible to do as much where you allow your personal animosity towards someone to determine your so called sense of truth.
No way you'd be able to carry on as you do when disagreed with, in an actual Mid-Acts Based assembly.
Grace Frauds is what you are.
Rom. 5:6-8, in each our stead - no matter how you and your pals spit on it.
That image of reminds me of the ever completely in the dark JW - ever going around hoping to find people whohave nothing more than 1 Cor. 15: 3, ...hold your disengenuous position that those two verses are all that is needed, when presenting the gospel of Christ to the lost.
Translation: I, Danoh, will accuse other members of the boc with insulting others, not rightfully because they pervert the gospel of Christ, like Meshak, but because I assess that they are not MAD, but I am lying about that, to gain fame on TOL, and divide the brethren, as when challenged to provide any evidence on that charge, I cannot, and I punt, all the while insulting, in condescension, and wickedness, and spite, and bitterness,the brethren, with my "you and your pals" spam, "grace fraud," and, in your , "frankly" clown act, accuse others of being hypocrites, and devilishly, asserting that 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV is not enough, which the LORD God never taught you, and we know who did.
You should leave.Go back to Christianforums.com-or were you told to take your shtick elsewhere there, also?[/QUOTE
I've always posted over there, on and off, over the years.
It is you and SOME of your pals on here who would not be welcome over there for more than three posts, were you to be as insulting over there as you have ALWAYS been on here - a mere three insults and you'd each be banned for a month from that forum.
And that's for starters.
You'd each be gone in three posts.
Rom. 5:6-8.
Aren't Christians supposed to be Jesus' followers? Isn't that why we are called "Christians"?
then why do you ignore what Jesus says or teaches?
Is Jesus your Lord?
Why do you? Sell all you have, leave all.
You are a fraud.
Uh, oh-Danoh objects to me asserting that, as we MADists are all "grace frauds."
Go ahead, Danoh-call a "spade a spade." Mark her as a fraud, a perverter of this gospel of Christ, as detailed by Paul-adhere to Galatians 1 KJV ff.
You won't, per Galatians 1:10 KJV.
I have not accused you of anything.
______________...grace frauds...
I have not accused you of anything.
Fine. Sell all you have, and leave all.If He is your Lord, you ought to take heed of all His word.
don't you agree?
You flaming hypocrite, whited wall, condescending divider, out of one side of your mouth, crying, whining about how insulting we uneducated, in comparison to you, MAD proponents are, all the while, out of the other side,insulting us with your condescending "you and your pals" spam, your "grace frauds" label of wickedness.It is you and SOME of your pals on here who would not be welcome over there for more than three posts, were you to be as insulting over there as you have ALWAYS been on here - a mere three insults and you'd each be banned for a month from that forum. And that's for starters.You'd each be gone in three posts.
Yo, brainiac, that JW reference was to the Jehovah's Witnesses, not to you.
Despite your hypocrisy...
And yet you don't "move on."And move on already. I presented my point.
So have you.
Move on...
Danoh,to Meshak:
Danoh, to members of the boc:
Let's break this down, and clear the fog-why not? The prophets, the Lord Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, Paul, Peter, all "men of God" did, yes, accuse others of asserting "not" sound doctrine, doctrines of demons, whether it be in "time past" dispensations, or in the current dispensation of the grace of God in which we live.
Unpack this for us. Either you are that much of a man pleaser, not wanting to offend others, even though the cross is an offence to the lost, per Galatians 5:11 KJV,or agree that Meshak preaches sound doctrine? Which is it?
Just can't move on, can you?
Per the Apostle you and some of your pals claim you follow...
2 Timothy 2:23 But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes. 2:24 And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, 2:25 In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; 2:26 And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.
That description there of those that oppose themselves, is description of every works based salvationist on here.
But don't take my word for it, take the word of the very Apostle you and some of your pals claim to follow.
2 Tim. 2:15
No, idiot, moron, genius-I realized that. Of course, you missed my point, as another one of your MO's on TOL, is not following the argument of others, as you spend most of your time re-reading, and admiring your posts.
Translation: I, D, will level "hypocrisy," all the while whining about other MADists' insults, but, in the same post, insult John W with this "doh:Yo, brainiac," jazz, in hypocrisy.
And the Oscar goes to...face you, defiled, seared conscience, and all....
And yet you don't "move on."
You ought to leave.