

New member
Not at all you rude young twit! I'm tired.
Aww, don't be sad this thread is over! Be happy it happened! Don't worry, I will be around next time you decide to inaccurately use history in an attempt to make a stupid point. Cya then! :wave2:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
What rights has Obama taken away from Christians? I mean we all know he's taken our guns away, he did that what, like his first day in office? But besides taking Christian's guns away from them, what rights has Obama taken away from Christians?

Huh? He never took any guns away from me? We still have the same right to have concealed carry. What is the issue with guns?

The main problem with Obama is he has been a lame duck who was re-elected. I think that is because he has maintained a 'hands off' policy on business.

Where he made a mess is with the sloppy heath care issue.

Other than that he is the empty space for all the alienation of the presidency since George Bush really messed up, and Cheney took a powder.


New member
Aww, don't be sad this thread is over! Be happy it happened! Don't worry, I will be around next time you decide to inaccurately use history in an attempt to make a stupid point. Cya then! :wave2:

and I expect nothing less.

The Berean

Well-known member
If Obama is "another Nero ", then I'm Godzilla ! This is beyond ludicrous and beyond idiotic . Like him or not, Obama is one of the most sane, rational and reasonable people you could ever imagine .
If you want political lunatics, whack jobs, crazies and terrifying fanatics, they're ALL IN THE REPUGINCAN PARTY !
Ted Cruz , Michelle Bachmann, Rick Perry , Rick Santorum,
Louie Gohmert , James Inhofe, Steve King , to name only a handful .
How many people has Obama arrested , tortured and killed ? What crazy acts of sexual excess has he performed in public ?
Sheesh almighty ! Give me a break !!!!!

This is from a January 23, 2014 so the number killed has increased since then.

More than 2,400 dead as Obama’s drone campaign marks five years

Here's a late 2014 article.

41 men targeted but 1,147 people killed: US drone strikes – the facts on the ground

Get the data: Drone wars


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Well we know what Horn is, goofy, wacky, and to the left side of the bell curve :dunce:


Well-known member
Huh? He never took any guns away from me? We still have the same right to have concealed carry. What is the issue with guns?

Hm. Wait, what?? Are you sure? I don't think so. You might want to check on that.

If Obama was elected he would take away the freedom and guns (pretty much the same thing). I learned that at TOL.

He hasn't he done it? ... That figures.

In 2008 the NRA sent out Obama's 10-point plan to dismantle the 2nd amendment:


You might want to check with some of the folks here who were frantically buying up guns and ammo when Obama was elected because he was going to take away all of the guns. He was elected twice, so by now they're probably pretty familiar with having all of the guns taken away.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Well, they may have feared it, then most did not know Obama has to play within the same system of rules as any other president. He may have liked to get rid of guns, but he cannot do that.

I have said this before, the president is more a figurehead than an entity of power, other than he can start a war, and look what that did for Bush. He got that bad rap. while those who profited got more wealthy.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I see a devastating comparison.
Addicted to spectacle with himself at the center?
Nero, Obama.
You know this is just setting up the inevitable, "Nero, please." So there. that's out of the way. And he's called fewer press conferences than Bush, Jr., Clinton or Bush Sr. did in their time in office.

I was really surprised to see how few Reagan had. Here's a link to that.

Destroy the country so as to rebuild it in his own image?
Nero, Obama.
I don't know why you think that. We were on the brink of a potential great depression, part II and he turned that around. He hasn't had a great deal of success getting the economic engine purring again, but given where we started it isn't surprising. Maybe the next guy or gal will have better ideas on that front.

Blame the Christians for all evils?
Nero, Obama.
Not sure why he'd blame his own faith or why you think he has.

Ensuing madness?
I think you have to be a little crazy to want to hold that office. :)


New member
As I said I did engage in a bit of hyperbole and on second thought it wasn't very nice of me, nor was it exactly the point I wished to make. I do feel that his leadership has taken this country in directions that are quite bewildering to me. But then, that is progress.


Nero, Obama.
Destroy the country so as to rebuild it in his own image?

(Rom 13:1-2) Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

How do you reconcile President Obama with the above passage?


New member
(Rom 13:1-2) Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

How do you reconcile President Obama with the above passage?

How do you reconcile George Washington with that passage?


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
If Obama is "another Nero ", then I'm Godzilla ! This is beyond ludicrous and beyond idiotic . Like him or not, Obama is one of the most sane, rational and reasonable people you could ever imagine .
If you want political lunatics, whack jobs, crazies and terrifying fanatics, they're ALL IN THE REPUGINCAN PARTY !
Ted Cruz , Michelle Bachmann, Rick Perry , Rick Santorum,
Louie Gohmert , James Inhofe, Steve King , to name only a handful .
How many people has Obama arrested , tortured and killed ? What crazy acts of sexual excess has he performed in public ?
Sheesh almighty ! Give me a break !!!!!
Looks like TOL has is own knee jerk nut job painting all Republicans with a broad brush.


New member
We are a secular state, as such, there is no requirement to uphold any religious values higher than another.

I have not espoused such a stand.
I do take issue with the way in which this administration has decided to do business.
Nancy Pelosi telling us "You'll have to pass the (Obamacare) resolution to find out what's in it!
Now, the Iran Treaty. We are told that we will have to ratify it to find out what is in it?
The attempts to disarm the populace. I support limiting weapons that go beyond pistols, rifles and shotguns. But I am not knowledgeable enough to understand the ramifications of invasive gun control. People will make weapons if that is their intent.
The un limited support for Planned Parenthood. Some of what they do is helpful and ought to be supported for the sake of poor women.
But, not a peep of censure from the white house over the murder of viable infants in utero.
The weeping and gnashing of teeth over dead black folks but not a peep when an atrocity is committed by Muslims or blacks.
The huge increase in cost of living. Health Insurance is mandatory and unaffordable. I can't afford my share of the bill anymore so I limit getting professional attention.
Food costs have skyrocketed. Gasoline costs have skyrocketed.
I am bombarded with filth on the TV and avoid movies for the same reason.
Mrs Obama has dictated menus to the schools of America. They have proven unpalatable and largely wind up in the garbage. The schools either comply or lose their federal funds.
This is no longer a land where I am comfortable not because of liberals but because I am told that I must put up or shut up.