

New member
You realize anti-discrimination legislature applies to everyone, right? Not just you special snow flakes.

Yes, and it is such a shame that soot bunnies get to make derogatory racial slurs but scream bloody murder over the slightest return of the same?


New member
Yes, and it is such a shame that soot bunnies get to make derogatory racial slurs but scream bloody murder over the slightest return of the same?
Soot bunnies? I am giving you the benefit of the doubt, that isn't a racial slur itself, is it? Also, over generalization doesn't further this discussion (you should have learned this lesson by now, I have to catch myself, too).


Well-known member
Temp Banned
As I said I did engage in a bit of hyperbole and on second thought it wasn't very nice of me, nor was it exactly the point I wished to make. I do feel that his leadership has taken this country in directions that are quite bewildering to me. But then, that is progress.
What leadership? The republicans have fought and blocked nearly everything he's tried to do, good or bad. So that he really hasn't had much influence on the course of things.

What has he done, exactly, that you think has "led us" in the "wrong direction"? Because from what I can see, he hasn't "led us" anywhere. And you're just spouting off meaningless right-wingnut hyperbolic nonsense.


New member
What leadership? The republicans have fought and blocked nearly everything he's tried to do, good or bad. So that he really hasn't had much influence on the course of things.

What has he done, exactly, that you think has "led us" in the "wrong direction"? Because from what I can see, he hasn't "led us" anywhere. And you're just spouting off meaningless right-wingnut hyperbolic nonsense.

It meshes nicely with the left wing crap. Sort of a monochromatic color scheme of innuendo, insult and sarcasm?... "full of sound and fury signifying nothing".


New member
Soot bunnies? I am giving you the benefit of the doubt, that isn't a racial slur itself, is it? Also, over generalization doesn't further this discussion (you should have learned this lesson by now, I have to catch myself, too).

I was wondering if "white flakes" was some kind of racial slur myself?
I was responding as an alpha and omega commentary.
Not a racial slur.


New member
Hall of Fame
What does "white flakes" mean?

I never heard either term until you started throwing this language around. "Soot bunny" sounds uncomfortably close to something like "tar baby."

Seriously, this really needs to stop.


New member
I have not espoused such a stand.
I do take issue with the way in which this administration has decided to do business.
Nancy Pelosi telling us "You'll have to pass the (Obamacare) resolution to find out what's in it!
That's not true. They were all given drafts of Obamacare before it was voted on.

Now, the Iran Treaty. We are told that we will have to ratify it to find out what is in it?
This has been an ongoing debate for a long time. If they are still claiming ignorance, that is on them.

The attempts to disarm the populace. I support limiting weapons that go beyond pistols, rifles and shotguns. But I am not knowledgeable enough to understand the ramifications of invasive gun control. People will make weapons if that is their intent.
Name one way firearms are harder to obtain now than they were 7 years ago.

The un limited support for Planned Parenthood. Some of what they do is helpful and ought to be supported for the sake of poor women.
But, not a peep of censure from the white house over the murder of viable infants in utero.
The whole Planned Parenthood development is very new. These things take time.

The weeping and gnashing of teeth over dead black folks but not a peep when an atrocity is committed by Muslims or blacks.
The White House does not control the media.

The huge increase in cost of living. Health Insurance is mandatory and unaffordable. I can't afford my share of the bill anymore so I limit getting professional attention.
Do you have health insurance via the ACA?

Food costs have skyrocketed. Gasoline costs have skyrocketed.
Actually, gas in my state has dropped by almost 40 cents since May. This situation, as a whole, has been a problem for awhile. The White House can't simply wish the prices down.

I am bombarded with filth on the TV and avoid movies for the same reason.
Did the White House produce these things? I wasn't aware they had a TV studio!

Mrs Obama has dictated menus to the schools of America. They have proven unpalatable and largely wind up in the garbage. The schools either comply or lose their federal funds.
Heaven forbid we try to make our kids eat healthier things.

This is no longer a land where I am comfortable not because of liberals but because I am told that I must put up or shut up.
Then leave! Get out, scram! Your view of reality is so distorted that it doesn't matter what happens from here on out, it won't be good enough for you.


Well-known member
What does "white flakes" mean?

Quetzal didn't say "white flakes". He said "special snow flakes." It's a term for someone who thinks they're special and whines about deserving special treatment.

Special snowfake syndrome

"A malady affecting a significant portion of the world's population wherein the afflicted will demand special treatment, conduct themselves with a ludicrous, unfounded sense of entitlement, and generally make the lives of everyone around them that much more miserable."

What rights has Obama taken away from Christians?

The right to not buy a product. You brainless fool.

You realize anti-discrimination legislature applies to everyone, right? Not just you special snow flakes.