Not much to say...


New member
But I gather a post here is either required or at least an expression of good etiquette.

I started using the initial Greek manuscripts of the NT when I was 14, albeit that was many decades ago (and I was expelled from my family's church once this was uncovered).

In the interim God in His grace has led me and taught me many things, some of which are actively eschewed by the Protestant and Catholic churches. The hostility of Christians saddens me, and the inability of Christians to grow (meaning change) perplexes me.

The main reason for landing here is that a forum I had frequented for 11 years (the only forum actually) has recently gone kaput, and a friend suggested this one.

I do not suffer fools gladly, and recognize that emotional reactions to factual considerations is the unfortunate norm of the human condition. Thanks be to God for sending His Son, to teach the core Truths that our Father would have us believe:

Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;



Well-known member
Welcome Zenn

Good intro and good to see you using the Greek. I use the interlinear Greek and Hebrew Bibles for much of my studies.

Out of all the forums I am on this is the best I've found so that's a good recommendation.

Have fun. :surf:


New member
Welcome Zenn

Good intro and good to see you using the Greek. I use the interlinear Greek and Hebrew Bibles for much of my studies.
Thanks for the kind words. I use This Book although over the years I now have one or two disagreements with Marshall's rendering. But I won't misrepresent my skill. I cannot read and translate on the fly, but I can achieve an excellent translation when I work on a passage.

Hebrew, on the other hand, makes my head hurt, because it's a tribal gutter language (apologies to those offended). And the mindset which one must enter into to make the language unveil it's oriental intent just battles with the logic of my computer science degree. (I'd make a horrible Hebrew.) So I tend to gravitate to the Septuagint.

Having been raised in the Evangelical church since birth (IFCA mostly), by the age of 14 it was rather obvious that their KVJ only leanings taught that the "originals were lost to time". So when I saw Christianity Today offer these "lost originals" for free (in paperback) with a subscription I thought. WOW who wouldn't read this?

I quickly found out.


PS: It astonishes me that the KJV-only people do not realize that their cherished translation was made by a Catholic Church.... Catholic in doctrine, though "Protestant" only in denial of the Pope's ecclesiastical authority (thank you Henry the VIII).


New member
What was the other forum?
If I've read the terms for this website (TOL) correctly, then one is prohibited from mentioning other websites and forums without special permission.

While it's rather moot since the other site is defunct, who knows whether a resurrection is on the horizon. At this point though, all my other posts here are currently placed in purgatory for review, and I'd rather not incur the wrath of having violated a term of agreement.


PS: I don't recall a "patrick jane" on that site, so ... we've probably never met.

PPS: Then again if we have, you'll now recognize a habit I have, and know of my past life.

patrick jane

If I've read the terms for this website (TOL) correctly, then one is prohibited from mentioning other websites and forums without special permission.

While it's rather moot since the other site is defunct, who knows whether a resurrection is on the horizon. At this point though, all my other posts here are currently placed in purgatory for review, and I'd rather not incur the wrath of having violated a term of agreement.


PS: I don't recall a "patrick jane" on that site, so ... we've probably never met.

PPS: Then again if we have, you'll now recognize a habit I have, and know of my past life.
I think it's no links to other forums but it's OK to mention other sites, especially if they don't exist. No biggie.


New member
Within context... my past life (on that other forum)...

Most everyone tends to "drop out words" for the sake of brevity, even when communicating important ideas. As an example, one often hears "Jesus died for your sins" when what is meant is "Jesus died to pay for your sins".

Since the context of my words were about this other forum, now defunct, I hadn't realized I would trigger visions of sugarplum reincarnations. ;^)

BTW, can anyone tell me why my posts in other threads are being held in limbo until approved? I found it interesting that they suddenly appear in the thread at the initial time of posting - two days later after no one is looking at "pages long gone".

frohe Weihnachten,


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Within context... my past life (on that other forum)...

Most everyone tends to "drop out words" for the sake of brevity, even when communicating important ideas. As an example, one often hears "Jesus died for your sins" when what is meant is "Jesus died to pay for your sins".

Since the context of my words were about this other forum, now defunct, I hadn't realized I would trigger visions of sugarplum reincarnations. ;^)
"sugerplum reincarnations"

I like that term!

BTW, can anyone tell me why my posts in other threads are being held in limbo until approved? I found it interesting that they suddenly appear in the thread at the initial time of posting - two days later after no one is looking at "pages long gone".

frohe Weihnachten,
We get a lot of spammers, such as folks posting spam and links to other sites that have nothing to do with theology (everything from football games to porn links).
So to insure that you are indeed one that it here for discussion and not here just to troll, you are scrutinized until it is clear you are not just another troll.
It helps keep the site from being flooded with spam so our members don't have to weed through a bunch of spam to find a legit thread.

It's good thing and nothing personal against you.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
My... you've been around. 13 years. Sigh. I will miss my 11 year status at the other forum.
I'm an old woman.
And occasionally I smack tootie-pooties with my walking cane.



New member
Welcome to TOL. Perhaps you can spark some decent dialog. I am a big fan of civil dialog. These days there is too much uncivil dialog out there.
I must say it rather blows my mind that there are some who are nasty in the name of the Lord and cannot see this as a problem.

That said, I am sure that any decent dialog I start will wind its inevitable way down into an accusation that I am Satan. I think the most interesting reply I've ever heard was in "real life" conversation when in all seriousness the fellow looked me in the eye and said, "That's dangerous to God. You should be killed."

Uncivil dialog no longer gets me angry, though. Rather, it saddens me. I've matured (I hope) to a level of mercy that realizes those who do these things are really messed up and my anger would only make things worse. Those are my enemies to whom I am to do good.



Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
That said, I am sure that any decent dialog I start will wind its inevitable way down into an accusation that I am Satan.
You can count on it, as almost everyone here has at some time been called many similar things.
Hitler will probably come up too.
And mainstreamer.

TOL can be a wild ride at times.

Uncivil dialog no longer gets me angry, though
Atta boy!


New member
Hello, Zenn.

What must we do to be saved?

Why are you asking me? Am I to flee into my closet screaming "Troll, Troll !!"?

But to answer, ... Endure. (Unto the end.)

But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. (Mat 24:13 KJV)

... but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. (Mar 13:13 KJV)

Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. (Act 2:38 KJV)

And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Act 2:21 KJV)

Enduringly yours,