Not much to say...


For Jesus to call the Pharisees "whited sepulchres filled with dead men's bones" might be considered "nasty" to some.

well my dear, Jesus was perfect. I am not surprised if you think you are perfect.

We should not scare people off with our filthy mouth.

just my two cents.


Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
As common query, I thought the rules showed that members can edit their posts, but I can't seem to be able to do that.

Is there some "Edit" button I'm missing somewhere?

When you get 20 or so posts you will have more options. Get crackin'. ;)



Right on time. :rotfl:

Got any quotes of my "filthy mouth" where I wasn't quoting Jesus? :popcorn:

my dear,

this is your quote:

"For Jesus to call the Pharisees "whited sepulchres filled with dead men's bones" might be considered "nasty" to some".


Well-known member
Thanks for the kind words. I use This Book although over the years I now have one or two disagreements with Marshall's rendering. But I won't misrepresent my skill. I cannot read and translate on the fly, but I can achieve an excellent translation when I work on a passage.

Hebrew, on the other hand, makes my head hurt, because it's a tribal gutter language (apologies to those offended). And the mindset which one must enter into to make the language unveil it's oriental intent just battles with the logic of my computer science degree. (I'd make a horrible Hebrew.) So I tend to gravitate to the Septuagint.

Having been raised in the Evangelical church since birth (IFCA mostly), by the age of 14 it was rather obvious that their KVJ only leanings taught that the "originals were lost to time". So when I saw Christianity Today offer these "lost originals" for free (in paperback) with a subscription I thought. WOW who wouldn't read this?

I quickly found out.


PS: It astonishes me that the KJV-only people do not realize that their cherished translation was made by a Catholic Church.... Catholic in doctrine, though "Protestant" only in denial of the Pope's ecclesiastical authority (thank you Henry the VIII).

Amen to all that. Tempted to get that book it would sure be useful if or rather when the internet goes down during the tribulation.

Now I'm no slouch when it comes to the Bible but I have just been introduced to a rather interesting conundrum with Matthew and Luke's Genealogies. (I'm sure I looked at this before years ago but can't remember now). If you're interested in perhaps joining in and finding the solution (if there is one) you'd be most welcome. I jumped in at post #594:

If your posts are still not showing you can always just put your answers up here for now.

Have fun!
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Well-known member
Does this always happen in a Newbie introduction?

Some of us on TOL like to know up front what someone's gospel of salvation is. It tends to say a lot about that person which gets borne out in later conversation. Let me add that there are many here who try to hide what they believe about the Gospel. They do this for many reasons: they know they have an unorthodox one that will marginalize them...they are mere religionists who don't actually know how to be saved...or they're manipulative cultists or atheistic trolls who are here to deceive and spread dissent. We see it all but almost every single one inevitably of them turns out to be an enemy of the Cross. That's why I asked.

So while I can't tell for sure what puzzles you, if you should happen to be offended by being asked how one is saved, well, it would say more about you than about the ones asking the question.