ECT Nang's Boastful Lie


TOL Subscriber
How can you say there is no Israel left, then?

The formal ordinances of the Law of Moses ceased with Christ bringing in the Kingdom of God under New Covenant.

The ordinances of creation (natural laws) will cease when this world is destroyed and the new heavens and new earth are established.

The prior points to the latter.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
It would help if you had a good teacher or Elder to oversee your spiritual well-being and growth. :sigh:

What if they are blind guides? Then we both end up in the ditch.

How do you know your elders are "good teachers"? Because what they say matches your SOF?


TOL Subscriber
What if they are blind guides? Then we both end up in the ditch.

How do you know your elders are "good teachers"? Because what they say matches your SOF?

My husband and I have always practiced testing the spirits, and have been shown, by the plumb line of Holy Scripture, when we are under faulty or false teachings. God has so instructed believers to do so. I John 4:1-6 God always honors His instructions.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
My husband and I have always practiced testing the spirits, and have been shown, by the plumb line of Holy Scripture, when we are under faulty or false teachings. God has so instructed believers to do so. I John 4:1-6 God always honors His instructions.

I've tested the Covenant of Grace with the plumb line, and do not see one.


TOL Subscriber
I see a ton of literal physical rebuilding happening after the New Covenant is in place.

why does your "deep delving" oppose this?

That is because you fail to see the (new) spiritual significance of (old) earthly promises and you deny that the New Covenant is established by Christ with all kinds of men chosen for redemption out of all nations.

See the resultant heavenly scene, produced from this New Covenant fully performed, in Rev. 5:9, 7:9

All these peoples, saved by grace, are singing a New Song, praising Jesus the Lamb for His saving grace and mercies.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
That is because you fail to see the (new) spiritual significance of (old) earthly promises and you deny that the New Covenant is established by Christ with all kinds of men chosen for redemption out of all nations.


Why doesn't it mean what it says? Why does it mean the complete opposite of what it says?


TOL Subscriber
It says the word of truth.
Paul defines the word of truth.

God defines His Truth, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

John 16:13

Paul was inspired by the Holy Spirit, but Paul does not equal the Holy Spirit.

You have made Paul into an idol.

Paul instructed the church to flee such idolatry. I Corinthians 10:14


TOL Subscriber

Why doesn't it mean what it says? Why does it mean the complete opposite of what it says?

It does mean what it says, but you have stopped short in your reading; you have deprived yourself of the entire counsel of God. Hebrews 6:13-20

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
You have made Paul into an idol.


Is he the Apostle of the Gentiles?
Did he tell us to rightly divide the word of truth?
Why can I not expect that he defined word of truth for us?

Put down your SOF, your commentaries, read the words on the page, believe them, and think.