ECT Nang's Boastful Lie


Well-known member
To each his own, but I would like to know what contributions you think MADists have made to the Truth of the one Gospel of Grace in Jesus Christ.

MADists only repeatedly condemn me to hell for my beliefs, so I cannot consider any of them my brothers or sisters in the Lord, but if you want to claim them, you will have to own them.

The only way to show love to delusional Dispies and hateful MADists and all gnostics, is to faithfully, and unceasingly repeat the one true Gospel of Grace within their hearing, and trust that God will save whom He will . . if any of them.

It will be a grande experiment to watch to see how lovingly the MADists respond to your grande gesture . . . :nono:

Sadly, Nang, you make everything about YOU. Your PRIDE is on display once again. I don't think that pride of yours will ever allow you to take the step PPS did here today, and I commend him. I remember having to eat some of my words after some consideration....after I had been here for a time. But YOU? I doubt we'll ever see anything but what you just posted above.


Well-known member
Ok. please please quit parroting Paul without using any of your own God given understanding. You called The Lord a "minister of the circumcision."

Do you say He is God and Man?

I do.

So I read and believe everything that is said He is.

But you are trying to restrict Him with your one line.
This is a huge mistake for you, brother. And it is even inconsistent of you - so have you no pride?
I'm telling you you gotta quit that with respect, sir. That is leading to some wrong idea about His Rulership - and I pray you guys are not there yet.

Next and less important is His giving instructions while also bossing them around during this time you refer to - and yet you not noticing. They are called "disciples" there not "sent out ones" and that means followers - as well you know. Again why aren't you using your own mind?

And you are right about The Twelve. But you don't need to understand prophecy with the above, right? You just have the wrong twelve.

Rainee, you don't have a clue what you are talking about, so you need to stop trying to be a teacher.


TOL Subscriber
Sadly, Nang, you make everything about YOU. Your PRIDE is on display once again. I don't think that pride of yours will ever allow you to take the step PPS did here today, and I commend him. I remember having to eat some of my words after some consideration....after I had been here for a time. But YOU? I doubt we'll ever see anything but what you just posted above.

You think PPS posted that he is going to "eat his words?"

That is what you wanted from him, and now commend?

Like I say, PPS is going to have to own you. . . and you just named your price!


Well-known member
You think PPS posted that he is going to "eat his words?"

That is what you wanted from him, and now commend?

Like I say, PPS is going to have to own you. . . and you just named your price!

He doesn't have to own me, and, in fact, he can't own me. He did appear to regret some comments he had made, just as I have regretted some comments I have made. But, YOU, Nang, are so full of pride you will never admit what a fool you've been in anything. It's a shame, because one day you will see yourself as you really are.

Lazy afternoon

He doesn't have to own me, and, in fact, he can't own me. He did appear to regret some comments he had made, just as I have regretted some comments I have made. But, YOU, Nang, are so full of pride you will never admit what a fool you've been in anything. It's a shame, because one day you will see yourself as you really are.

You describe yourself and try to hang it on other people because you are a hypocrite who only turns up to help condemn someone.


patrick jane

all people should examine themselves. be aware of our thoughts and behavior. examine our motives. humble ourselves. humility. courtesy. respect. we're all just big little kids :jazz:


TOL Subscriber
all people should examine themselves. be aware of our thoughts and behavior. examine our motives. humble ourselves. humility. courtesy. respect. we're all just big little kids :jazz:

Some members of TOL, are just plain wicked and evil . . .

Don't be naive.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Ok. please please quit parroting Paul without using any of your own God given understanding. You called The Lord a "minister of the circumcision."


Romans 15

8 Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers

Right Divider

Body part

Romans 15

8 Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers
Yes, I put the reference to that verse in my original post but it seems that Rainee does not yet know how to look one up to see what scripture says.


New member
What? What??

Ok, ok as Bill Cosby said his wife would say, "let the beatings begin..."

I admit I can be hard to understand because i obviously am not a writer or teacher of spiritual truth.
But Gloryd,
If you are not being catty but being honest with this below, then I despair of your understanding.

Rainee, you don't have a clue what you are talking about, so you need to stop trying to be a teacher.

Please let me demonstrate what I have a clue to and let's see how clued in you are.

Nang said:
There is never any such thing as "all glory given to God," except by faithfully standing for the following biblical principles:
Which is:

Sola Scriptura
Sola Gratia
Sola Fide
Solus Christus . . .

Soli Deo Gloria

I believe y'all have some kind of understanding of Sola Fide?

But for me this is about Justification. Justification by faith.
However, I say, once we are in the Body Of Christ, there are three : FAITH, HOPE and LOVE.

Now I'm not saying y'all don't have some kind of understanding of
this. Perhaps y'all do?

But I also say in the BOC you do not have to keep the law. You may steal, kill, bear false witness and take the Lord's Name in vain -- as long as you do it in faith, hope and love.

And Paul says the greatest of these is love so how you will do any of those with love is going to be a real trick. But perhaps y'all are very talented. Well, in fact no doubt you all must be very talented indeed if I am so clueless to you. For you hide what you know much better than I do.

Anyway if I am clueless and you are not, I do not need to be quiet you just need to do better in your writing than me. Which cannot be hard.
Just picture me as a poor dead dolphin wrapped in a net.


New member

Romans 15

8 Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers

You are cutting off that sentence of Paul's above.

I don't know entirely what the whole sentence means but how will y'all understand it if you only quote the first phrase of it?


New member
Her posts to me were completely incoherent. It figures that you'd defend that confused nonsense.

We are finished then.
I don't waste my time and you shouldn't either.

So return to where you were.
Where were you?

Oh yes, I think with the really brainy, meaningful, so wise:

Wow, no wonder you find me incoherent

Lazy afternoon

You are cutting off that sentence of Paul's above.

I don't know entirely what the whole sentence means but how will y'all understand it if you only quote the first phrase of it?

Yes Rainee,

Jesus was Himself a minister of the circumcision , but he ministered the covenant God gave to Abraham Isaac and Jacob which is the new covenant which those who have received the Holy Spirit of it today regardless of their race, are included in it.

When I read your words I see your face you used to have on a site some time back.



New member
Yes Rainee,

Jesus was Himself a minister of the circumcision , but he ministered the covenant God gave to Abraham Isaac and Jacob which is the new covenant which those who have received the Holy Spirit of it today regardless of their race, are included in it.

When I read your words I see your face you used to have on a site some time back.

Hello LA, :)
You remember my face from a different site?
This maybe a case of mistaken identity?
I never got around much, just went to one site and stayed there till it closed, followed one (Barbarian) to another site and stayed there till it closed and followed several from there to their small site till it too closed... Yikes, I hope I don't sound like Typhoid Mary of sites! I may have looked at a couple of sites I never really participated on...I came here looking for Ps82. Barbarian and Ps 82 have been in my world from the beginning pretty much.
I've had Mrs Marple as an avatar, is that what you mean? And one of a famous French mime, Marcel Marceau. But only here at TOL did I ever post my real picture for a short time.

I appreciate you trying to help me, LA. Thank you. :)
But I am more concerned with what Paul is ultimately saying when he wrote what he did since he is tying these words to OT verses about gentiles. Madist have made me quite mad about their intense interest in dividing the NT and restricting the work or focus of The Lord Jesus - while missing the bigger issue of OT prophecy about gentiles.

But I agree with you - and like the way you put that about this being the New Covenant. Amen, it is.


New member
As an example of a wrong focus, please remember I got started on here because of the issue of Judas being a member of the twelve .

The Lord prayed this:
John 17:12
12 While I was with them, I was keeping them in Your name which You have given Me; and I guarded them and not one of them perished but the son of perdition, so that the Scripture would be fulfilled.

Now in light of this will anyone say Judas was ever the same as the other eleven? Judas was part of the twelve for a big reason, I fear - but not to have authority, imho..

But perhaps one whose name will not be spoken for now - may be correct?

Maybe Judas was able to heal and cast out demons and preach?

I doubt he did any real work.
I doubt the others would've even noticed he didn't.
Why do I doubt he did those things??
Because it says
Matthew 7:15-20
15 “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
16 You will know them by their fruits.
Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?
17 So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit.
18 A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit.
19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
20 So then, you will know them by their fruits."

So the question is, how much would The Lord have allowed Judas to do?

But if The Lord did - Judas would have been the first to fulfill:

21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. 22 Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’

Oh - and - anyway! John 15:15 states plainly that those disciples whether given authority or not were merely His Disciples until He left them and even then they may still have been like His kids, imho.

John 15:15 Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.