ECT Nang's Boastful Lie


TOL Subscriber
To each his own, but I would like to know what contributions you think MADists have made to the Truth of the one Gospel of Grace in Jesus Christ. . . which they openly deny!

I was speaking of some general contributions that the Spirit prompted in my heart for quickening, not contributions to the truth of the Gospel which is ontological beyond their current understanding and doctrine.

It's simply me esteeming others more highly than myself, in which I've been very remiss in many ways.

MADists only repeatedly condemn me to hell for my beliefs,

I see that. And I've gotten a constistent flow of neg reps myself. So? Their judgment of your salvation is irrelevant. You're not their servant, and to your own Master you stand or fall.

This is a pattern of human conduct. It's part of the culture of this site in particular. You're dead. Corpses don't feel that pain. Let it go. You already primarily stay with subject-based posts. Don't let that change.

so I cannot consider any of them my brothers or sisters in the Lord,

Maybe they aren't. That's above my paygrade.

but if you want to claim them, you will have to own them.

I'm not sure what you mean here. :)

The only way to show love to delusional Dispies and hateful MADists (and all gnostics,) is to faithfully, and unceasingly repeat the one true Gospel of Grace within their hearing, and trust that God will save whom He will . . if any of them.

Okay, and you've been consistently doing that, as have I. I'm talking more about my own conviction of my own conduct in ways not relative to doctrine itself.

I've begun to see their ad hominem is doctrine-focused rather than personal, so all the names, etc. have lost their ability to sway my behavior. That's all. I needn't render an eye for an eye. Let 'em gouge with a sharp stick (tongue). It doesn't affect your imputed righteousness one whit.

It will be a grande experiment to watch to see how lovingly the MADists respond to your grande gesture . . . :nono:

It will be mixed, and I don't care. This was about my conduct, which I have too often allowed to be something I've brought forth (poieo) from my dead prosopon instead of the prosopon of Christ.


TOL Subscriber
Sadly, Nang, you make everything about YOU. Your PRIDE is on display once again. I don't think that pride of yours will ever allow you to take the step PPS did here today, and I commend him. I remember having to eat some of my words after some consideration....after I had been here for a time. But YOU? I doubt we'll ever see anything but what you just posted above.

Thank you for receiving my words as they were intended. Our doctrinal differences remain, but that doesn't mean I can't be quickened in my heart about exemplifying Christ from my imputed righteousness and by the faith of the Son of God.

He doesn't have to own me, and, in fact, he can't own me. He did appear to regret some comments he had made, just as I have regretted some comments I have made. But, YOU, Nang, are so full of pride you will never admit what a fool you've been in anything. It's a shame, because one day you will see yourself as you really are.

Yes, I regret some comments for sure. I've just realized how an "eye for an eye" mentality easily creeps in, and it doesn't belong in my heart.


TOL Subscriber
You think PPS posted that he is going to "eat his words?"

Only the bitter ones. The Gospel of Paul is still ontological rather than what the MAD doctrine represents. But I do see the MAD doctrine attempting to compensate for ontology beyond other Dispensationalists.

I don't think they'll ever see the missing ontology if I don't put my "eye for an eye" flamethrower away because I feel self-justified in responding. That's not according to the righteousness that was imputed to me.

That is what you wanted from him, and now commend?

I think she knows I was referring to conflict and ad hominem retorts as "eye for an eye" behavior.

Like I say, PPS is going to have to own you. . . and you just named your price!

I still don't know what this means, but it may not be in accord with what I've expressed.

I simply want both the imputed character and imputed conduct of His righteousness accounted to me through faith and by grace to be the DOING from my BEING rather than works.

We're saved by elpis (hope/trust), and most have demonstrated that trust even if they don't know what faith really is as a substance.


TOL Subscriber
What? What??

Ok, ok as Bill Cosby said his wife would say, "let the beatings begin..."

I admit I can be hard to understand because i obviously am not a writer or teacher of spiritual truth.
But Gloryd,
If you are not being catty but being honest with this below, then I despair of your understanding.

Please let me demonstrate what I have a clue to and let's see how clued in you are.

Nang said:

I believe y'all have some kind of understanding of Sola Fide?

But for me this is about Justification. Justification by faith.
However, I say, once we are in the Body Of Christ, there are three : FAITH, HOPE and LOVE.

Now I'm not saying y'all don't have some kind of understanding of
this. Perhaps y'all do?

But I also say in the BOC you do not have to keep the law. You may steal, kill, bear false witness and take the Lord's Name in vain -- as long as you do it in faith, hope and love.

And Paul says the greatest of these is love so how you will do any of those with love is going to be a real trick.
But perhaps y'all are very talented. Well, in fact no doubt you all must be very talented indeed if I am so clueless to you. For you hide what you know much better than I do.

Anyway if I am clueless and you are not, I do not need to be quiet you just need to do better in your writing than me. Which cannot be hard.
Just picture me as a poor dead dolphin wrapped in a net.

This is so true.

They either must live totally sinless lives, or their faith will prove to be on their lips only, but not in their hearts. And if their faith is not in their hearts, they cannot truly love God and the brethren.


TOL Subscriber
This is so true.

They either must live totally sinless lives, or their faith will prove to be on their lips only, but not in their hearts. And if their faith is not in their hearts, they cannot truly love God and the brethren.

Yes, this is the inevitable fallout of their position, and yet they somehow see it from some other perspective. Bind-moggling to me. LOL.


Well-known member
Nang, (a woman who posts on this site) intentionally or unintentionally stated that the evidence of someone being saved is that they act as holy as Jesus.

How could it be intentional if she believes in total depravity?

According to her, if someone professes to be saved and does not act as holy as Jesus, they prove themselves to not be saved.

To be holy like Jesus is to be indwelt by the Spirit resulting in loving your brother by (your new) nature. Someone who hates his brother is a murderer and unsaved (1Jn 3:15; 1Jn 4:20, et al.). If I murder someone today, I was never saved, no matter what I claimed. The same if I committed idolatry today while claiming to believe there is only one God; believer and idolater are completely different identities.

For her to affirm her own salvation, she either believes that the acts of Jesus are less than perfect, or that Jesus is perfect, and that she acts as perfect as Jesus.

In light of her belief in the doctrine of total depravity, I doubt she believes she acts as perfect as Jesus.

Speaking for myself, If I'm not "acting" as perfect as Jesus, I'm still dead in sin. His sacrifice made me perfect.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
They either must live totally sinless lives, or their faith will prove to be on their lips only, but not in their hearts. And if their faith is not in their hearts, they cannot truly love God and the brethren.

Yes, this is the inevitable fallout of their position, and yet they somehow see it from some other perspective.

Because you are both carnally minded, which means your mind is on the performance of the flesh, whether good or bad.

Matthew 12

34 Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

You are both in direct contention with what the Bible speaks about the heart.

Right Divider

Body part
We are finished then.
I don't waste my time and you shouldn't either.

So return to where you were.
Where were you?

Oh yes, I think with the really brainy, meaningful, so wise:

Wow, no wonder you find me incoherent
No, you are actually incoherent.

I don't use fancy words or speech (written of course) and there is nothing wrong with proper language and clearly articulating a point. That's how Paul did it. There is nothing noble about poor language and confusing words.

I'm not the only one here that finds you nearly impossible to understand. The problem is not us, it's you.


TOL Subscriber
Because you are both carnally minded,

No, but your assessment of my (our, I suppose) performance is noted.

which means your mind is on the performance of the flesh, whether good or bad.

Not at all. But again, your assessment of my (our) performance of the flesh is noted.

As I've noted for myself (because I don't employ double standards), your assessment of my performance is irrelevant.

Matthew 12

34 Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

Why would a MAD quote from Matthew for anything about Paul's Gospel? I see this often, and it's self-contradictory.

You are both in direct contention with what the Bible speaks about the heart.

Thank you again for your assessment of my (again, our) performance. It's duly noted, along with your judgment of my heart.

Is there any more of my performance you'd like to focus on and judge? Please feel free. I've been imputed the righteousness of Jesus Christ by God, so I'm not really processing all that regard for the flesh. But thanks, Nick.

Right Divider

Body part
Why would a MAD quote from Matthew for anything about Paul's Gospel? I see this often, and it's self-contradictory.
General principles can be found throughout the scripture. There is nothing contradictory about using them that way no matter where they are found.

Some things that Jesus said during His earthly ministry were specifically directed to Israel and some where general principles that are universal. Is that hard to understand?

You're not the first one to use this type of fallacious argument against someone with whom you disagree.


General principles can be found throughout the scripture. There is nothing contradictory about using them that way no matter where they are found.

Some things that Jesus said during His earthly ministry were specifically directed to Israel and some where general principles that are universal. Is that hard to understand?

You're not the first one to use this type of fallacious argument against someone with whom you disagree.

Romans through Philemon are written specifically to the Body of Christ. Those books give specific instructions regarding salvation, behavior and eschatology for the BOC. If you get contradictory instructions regarding those things outside of the books from Romans through Philemon, you are to disregard them insofar as they apply to your salvation, life and eschatology. Any other lessons that can be gleaned that can be gleaned from non Pauline books are fair game per II Timothy 3:16.


TOL Subscriber
Romans through Philemon are written specifically to the Body of Christ. Those books give specific instructions regarding salvation, behavior and eschatology for the BOC. If you get contradictory instructions regarding those things outside of the books from Romans through Philemon, you are to disregard them insofar as they apply to your salvation, life and eschatology. Any other lessons that can be gleaned that can be gleaned from non Pauline books are fair game per Timothy.

There are absolutely NO contradictions in the Word of God. The Holy Scriptures are perfect.

Anyone who sees contradictions and discards any portion of Scripture, commits grievous sin. Such is an act of unbelief.

Rather, a man of faith will study all of the Word, comparing scripture with scripture; however long it takes, to reach understanding of the Truth . . . and it will always be found by those who love God and His Word.

Such is the promise from God the Holy Spirit. John 16:13


There are absolutely NO contradictions in the Word of God. The Holy Scriptures are perfect.

Anyone who sees contradictions and discards any portion of Scripture, commits grievous sin. Such is an act of unbelief.

Rather, a man of faith will study all of the Word, comparing scripture with scripture; however long it takes, to reach understanding of the Truth . . . and it will always be found by those who love God and His Word.

Such is the promise from God the Holy Spirit. John 16:13
Different messages for different audiences are not contradictory. They can be contradictory if you view all messages as directed to all audiences universally without distinction.


New member
No, you are actually incoherent.

I don't use fancy words or speech (written of course) and there is nothing wrong with proper language and clearly articulating a point. That's how Paul did it. There is nothing noble about poor language and confusing words.

I'm not the only one here that finds you nearly impossible to understand. The problem is not us, it's you.

RD, I can see you.

I don't know why I can see you but I can.

I mean I am glad you are not putting the poor dead creature like mine as your avatar but -- I don't know why I can see you??
Is the ignore thingy having jubilee?
Are you like part of a miracle or something?

I'm not altogether happy with it if it is. I could list like fourteen things I would rather see miraculously done than you dissing me.. sigh.

But I can take it.
Once again I must disagree with you, anyway.
Aren't you glad?

RD when I first became a believer I was ordered by a guy I used to love with all my heart to read the NT. I had a paperback one he had given me in NASV.
So as obediently as I could I read Matthew, skipped Mark and Luke and read John. That's me - so obedient. All was good. Then I read
Acts and I was doing great. Then I started Romans. I told the guy I couldn't understand it. He said it was doctrinally hard and difficult for many.
I said, no.

I said Paul had like three subjects in run on sentences with two verbs.
How was I supposed to tell which went with which? (And which got none?)

My friend said I was just a babe in Christ, but he would explain it as best he could and started thumbing through his Romans.. I put him back to chapters one and two. And he really looked troubled then.

I'm a little better with Paul now.
But I think he is a very spiritual writer. :idunno:


TOL Subscriber
General principles can be found throughout the scripture. There is nothing contradictory about using them that way no matter where they are found.

Of course. All non-/anti-Dispensationalists know this well. :)

Some things that Jesus said during His earthly ministry were specifically directed to Israel and some where general principles that are universal. Is that hard to understand?

No. It's just not as arbitrary and eisegetic as the MAD doctrine indicates.

You're not the first one to use this type of fallacious argument against someone with whom you disagree.

Right. MADs do it all the time, but that's different and not "fallacious". I understand.

Nick's (and others') regard for the performance of my flesh is duly noted. Thank you.


TOL Subscriber
Different messages for different audiences are not contradictory.

Audiences can differ, but there is only one Truth.

They can be contradictory if you view all messages as directed to all audiences universally without distinction.

No, I disagree. The one Truth revealed in the Word of God is never contradictory.

God's Truth is a two-edged sword. It is the same (gospel) message proclaimed to reprobates as it is proclaimed to the sons of God. With the Sword of His Spirit, God condemns the former, and enlightens the latter.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Yes, I regret some comments for sure. I've just realized how an "eye for an eye" mentality easily creeps in, and it doesn't belong in my heart.

You seem to speak through both sides of your mouth? I attempted
to earnestly, try to make peace with you the other day, and you
totally ignored it! Seemingly, your not the kind of person who is
willing to compromise? It seems, if you don't like someone, peace
is out of the question? That, speaks volumes about the kind of person
you, "truly" are!