ECT Nang's Boastful Lie


Audiences can differ, but there is only one Truth.

No, I disagree. The one Truth revealed in the Word of God is never contradictory.

God's Truth is a two-edged sword. It is the same (gospel) message proclaimed to reprobates as it is proclaimed to the sons of God. With the Sword of His Spirit, God condemns the former, and enlightens the latter.

So you believe the bible only speaks about one truth? Why not just one sentence instead of 66 books and thousands of words?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
General principles can be found throughout the scripture. There is nothing contradictory about using them that way no matter where they are found.

Some things that Jesus said during His earthly ministry were specifically directed to Israel and some where general principles that are universal. Is that hard to understand?

You're not the first one to use this type of fallacious argument against someone with whom you disagree.

That's true!


Audiences can differ, but there is only one Truth.

No, I disagree. The one Truth revealed in the Word of God is never contradictory.

God's Truth is a two-edged sword. It is the same (gospel) message proclaimed to reprobates as it is proclaimed to the sons of God. With the Sword of His Spirit, God condemns the former, and enlightens the latter.

The bible has only one message that you name as a thing called the "gospel"? You do realize gospel means good news? You are saying the bible only talks about the "gospel" (singular)as it exists conceptually in your mind?


New member
I'm sorry, RD, I never did get you put on no miracle.
And it was Doom not you who did the poor dead creature in his avatar.

I'm sorry, truly.
I get mentally tired and got confused.

Funny, huh?

You wanted to complain I was confusing only to find I got confused when you did so.
Scary, i know...:eek:


New member
Audiences can differ, but there is only one Truth...
I agree with you.
...The one Truth revealed in the Word of God is never contradictory...
I agree again.
...God's Truth is a two-edged sword. It is the same (gospel) message proclaimed to reprobates as it is proclaimed to the sons of God. With the Sword of His Spirit, God condemns the former, and enlightens the latter.
Nope, Made Up. The most obvious division in the audience of the New Testament, is between the Circumcised and the Uncircumcised; not "reprobates" and "sons of God." No New Testament book is addressed to the lost; not a single one.

No, the fields (Matthew 9:38 "Pray ye therefore the Lord of the haruest, that hee will send foorth labourers into his haruest") divide (2 Timothy 2:15 "Studie to shewe thy selfe approued vnto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly diuiding the word of trueth") between the Circumcised and the Uncircumcised -- that's the Bible, not MAD.


New member
The one Truth revealed in the Word of God is never contradictory.
Yet, sometimes, there is a change of direction from the Truth as to what is to be done and by whom. This is why it is important to understand that not everything written is TO everyone universally, even though it is FOR everyone universally to read and understand.

Matt 16:20 "Then charged he his disciples that they should tell no man that he was Jesus the Christ."

Acts 17:2-3 "And Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them, and three sabbath days reasoned with them out of the scriptures, Opening and alleging, that Christ must needs have suffered, and risen again from the dead; and that this Jesus, whom I preach unto you, is Christ."


TOL Subscriber
So you believe the bible only speaks about one truth? Why not just one sentence instead of 66 books and thousands of words?

The Truth of God revealed in the bible, is consistent throughout.

As God is immutable, so is His Word.


TOL Subscriber
The bible has only one message that you name as a thing called the "gospel"? You do realize gospel means good news? You are saying the bible only talks about the "gospel" (singular)as it exists conceptually in your mind?

The central message of all the Holy Scriptures, is the promise of the Savior from God.

See Luke 24:44-45


TOL Subscriber
The most obvious division in the audience of the New Testament, is between the Circumcised and the Uncircumcised; not "reprobates" and "sons of God." No New Testament book is addressed to the lost; not a single one.

My statement addressed the entire bible, from Genesis to Revelation.

And I believe any Godly preacher that faithfully proclaims the gospel, wields the two-edged sword of Truth, in the power of God the Holy Spirit, no matter what portion of scripture he teaches from.


TOL Subscriber
You seem to speak through both sides of your mouth?

No. :)

I attempted to earnestly, try to make peace with you the other day, and you totally ignored it!

Not at all. It prompted this (#1176) post from me...

Seemingly, your not the kind of person who is
willing to compromise?

Not on doctrinal truth, but if you'll read the link to my post I think you might find it significant.

It seems, if you don't like someone, peace is out of the question? That, speaks volumes about the kind of person
you, "truly" are!

I had actually come to that conclusion about you and most MADs; but suspending my conflict with you has proven the opposite with several, and should be some reflection of my heart with imputed righteousness.

And according to MAD doctrine, our conduct wouldn't be the means by which to determine another's character or salvation, so let's neither one get caught up in that, okay?


Kind of a "heavy handed generalization," don't ya think?

Fair enough. Maybe so. I was simply pointing out that both MADs and non-MADs do this, so it's not a one-way thing.


New member
My statement addressed the entire bible, from Genesis to Revelation...
So ?
...And I believe any Godly preacher that faithfully proclaims the gospel, wields the two-edged sword of Truth, in the power of God the Holy Spirit, no matter what portion of scripture he teaches from.
You just completely dodged my post, while appearing to answer me, that's really dishonest and unscrupulous if it's intentional. I don't think you are dishonest nor unscrupulous.


TOL Subscriber
Yet, sometimes, there is a change of direction from the Truth as to what is to be done and by whom.

Well, I would not say there is ever any change "from the Truth;" however, there are distinctive administrations and economics employed by God regarding His Truth.

This is why it is important to understand that not everything written is TO everyone universally, even though it is FOR everyone universally to read and understand.

Frankly, I think this is distinction made apart from any difference.


New member
Well, I would not say there is ever any change "from the Truth;" however, there are distinctive administrations and economics employed God regarding His Truth.
Welcome to MAD. :cheers:

Nice to hear of your repentance and acceptance of the truth. :thumb:


TOL Subscriber
So ?
You just completely dodged my post, while appearing to answer me, that's really dishonest and unscrupulous if it's intentional. I don't think you are dishonest nor unscrupulous.

What did I not answer? You spoke of N.T. teachings, and I answered. You spoke of none of the N.T. being addressed to unbelievers, and I answered.

Anytime the Truth (gospel/Holy Scripture) is preached, it will either condemn unbelievers or save the sons of God. Same words of Truth will either judge or bless, according to the good purposes of God.

And it doesn't matter if the preacher is speaking from the O.T. or the N.T. It is all the Word of God, that concerns Jesus Christ.


TOL Subscriber
Welcome to MAD. :cheers:

Nice to hear of your repentance and acceptance of the truth. :thumb:

Well, we can be best buddies as soon as you repent from claiming there are more than one gospel promised and proclaimed throughout history.