ECT Nang's Boastful Lie


TOL Subscriber
If Satan was able to start doing that then why couldn't Adam and Eve have done it without his influence?

Scripture gives us very little to examine and exegete regarding Angelology, so it's somewhat a matter of interpolation (not to be confused with interpretation).

There are early Patristic writings that give us many clues, along with other non-canonical writings; but nothing with the authority of inspired scripture.

Angels are not created in God's image, as is mankind. They don't have a soul derived from spirit-body joining, like man's. So there isn't thought and volition that that is derived by any potential dichotomy between spirit and a physical body. As celestial created beings, they have no physical senses designed for interaction with the cosmos in the manner of mankind.

This strongly hints at the constitutional distinctions between angels and mankind as being the difference in being able to bring forth soulical functions of thought and will. Pride (self) would be the driving force, and the angels weren't created to ever partake of God's divine nature or have image-specific communion with Him in the manner that man does.

Some have historically suggested a number of possibilites for God interacting with the heavenly council. I'm not sure I can do anything more than hold all of that with a very open hand for ongoing consideration.

One thing is for certain. Since the angelic host in rebellion, like all angels, were not created of the dust of the ground of earth in the cosmos, the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and the cross can never be accessed by them or applied to them. They're ontologically incompatible for redemption, because they have no tangible earthly body and blood that corresponds to the once-for-all sacrifice for sin.

They are without hope in any age or realm. Unredeemable. Unjustifiable. Beyond the reach of salvation that was given for/to mankind through faith by grace. Ineligible. Incompatible.

The earthly appeal by temptation was to the flesh. Angels don't have flesh, but for a time are "higher" than flesh.

Pride, which is self-focus of any kind, could bring forth sin as the self-standard of conduct, and that also includes entitlement and other facets. Man's countenance had not previously been turned toward the things of the flesh, and it required temptation for it to be so. Satan and the rebellion were always able to observe flesh to marvel and wonder at the differences. Satan determined to experience them because of his own pride puffing up at not being made in the image of God with his righteousness. Angels' volition likely doesn't include any inherent standard of God's character and conduct.

So the best answer is that angels were not created to be in full communion with God, and they could readily yield to anything they allowed within themselves. Their lower level of designed communion was more easily and interally broached for spiritual death. Man's communion was the entire purpose for his creation, and that had to be externally abrogated somehow, which is why it required temptation.

john w

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Hall of Fame
...What a man sows, he also reaps . . .
"Any person who lives his life wrongly and does not repent of his sins, will be held responsible and judged for breaking God's laws and are justly consigned to death and hell. Sinners only receive what they have earned. Men reap what they sow….Souls can be assured they are in the body of Christ, when the Holy Spirit causes them to hate their sins and to repent of them.Any soul who professes faith in Christ, who continually practices sin without any remorse or evidence of repentance, produces a erroneous witness to the saving grace of God."-nasty Naggie

=nasty Naggie's "good news;" it's also called "Feelings.....nothing more than feelings," the subjective "good news," instead of trusting the objective dbr to settle the sin/sins issue, checkin' out your life style, your 'fruit," to see if your one of those "the elect," a subtil(Genesis 3 KJV) form of works based "salvation."

Perverter of the gospel of Christ. My evidence? The above, that is clear, and needs no spinning, tap dancing, juggling...........

What sins(plural)? The Lord Jesus Christ died for every last single one of them, forgiving us of all trespasses. What part of "all" needs to be translated into "the Greek....Hebrew...pig latin," to be understood by a 6 year old? What sin(singular)? Who I was "in Adam," was condemned/judged, 2000+ years ago, in the stead of the Savior. Dead...executed....and then buried..............

Justice satisfied. Re-try a dead man? That cannot be done.


Well-known member
I understand that Paul used circumcision as his arguing point, but the emphasis is the works of the Law. Circumcision was the main thing that the Galatians had been challenged to submit to, but any submission to the works of the Law to be justified would still produce the same result. Wouldn't you agree?

I certainly would. To use circumcision in this way is very convenient, but short sighted. We aren't justified by the law...period. That's Paul's point in Romans. The law does NOT justify, sanctify, or give life. It was never it's purpose to do so.

Romans 7:7-8 What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet. But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. For without the law sin was dead.​


Well-known member
We ARE as holy as Christ is, as righteous, that is why I object to Nang being mudslung the way she is.

She is as holy as Christ as we all are.....but only in God's eyes.

We are to think of ourselves as precious and beloved.

"There's meshak......after her!!"

Personally, I am IN the BELOVED. There is nothing in myself that makes me precious. Which is why our Lord Jesus Christ receives ALL THE GLORY.

You need to read what Nang is claiming...she is talking about in her own eyes and in the eyes of man. The clue is in the word "actions". You say ONLY in God's eyes, but that isn't what Nang is says. She isn't talking inputed righteousness, but infused righteousness. Why is our life HID with Christ in God? Because we have any righteousness of our own to show the world?

Colossians 3:3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.​


Well-known member
"Any person who lives his life wrongly and does not repent of his sins, will be held responsible and judged for breaking God's laws and are justly consigned to death and hell. Sinners only receive what they have earned. Men reap what they sow….Souls can be assured they are in the body of Christ, when the Holy Spirit causes them to hate their sins and to repent of them.Any soul who professes faith in Christ, who continually practices sin without any remorse or evidence of repentance, produces a erroneous witness to the saving grace of God."-nasty Naggie

=nasty Naggie's "good news;" it's also called "Feelings.....nothing more than feelings," the subjective "good news," instead of trusting the objective dbr to settle the sin/sins issue, checkin' out your life style, your 'fruit," to see if your one of those "the elect," a subtil(Genesis 3 KJV) form of works based "salvation."

Perverter of the gospel of Christ. My evidence? The above, that is clear, and needs no spinning, tap dancing, juggling...........

What sins(plural)? The Lord Jesus Christ died for every last single one of them, forgiving us of all trespasses. What part of "all" needs to be translated into "the Greek....Hebrew...pig latin," to be understood by a 6 year old? What sin(singular)? Who I was "in Adam," was condemned/judged, 2000+ years ago, in the stead of the Savior. Dead...executed....and then buried..............

Justice satisfied. Re-try a dead man? That cannot be done.

I think Nang is a humanist. It's the humanists who claim they can eventually be like holy as God is holy....eventually able to not "continually practice sin". Guess they don't realize it won't cut it to be almost "perfect". :nono:


Well-known member
They're in the thread. It's your choice whether you read them or not. You need not be online at the moment I make a post for it to make any difference whatsoever.

No. I've never said that. Ever. Not once. Not even a hint. I've said nothing but the opposite, so you'll need to quote the post/s that correspond/s to your false assertion.

That becomes a non sequitur when I haven't ever stated works are part of salvation.

No. You're kinda off in Gumbyland or something, presuming I've said that which I've never said, and then quickly judging unrighteous judgment.

It doesn't and can't remove salvation, but it might be an indicator one never had salvific faith to begin with. I wouldn't know, since I can't know the hearts of men.

No singular or multiple act/s determine salvation.

I don't even know what you're talking about. What circumcision have I allegedly claimed does not exist?

Okay. What's the point?

Yes. And if you understood the meaning of keep (tereo) and commandments (entole), you wouldn't have to ask anyone.

We're empowered by faith-imputed righteousness with the character for that conduct. The keeping is "guarding", not accomplishing. And commandments are the charges from God that we are IN by being in Christ.

John is NOT saying we accomplish savlation through works. Just the opposite, actually. It's a low-context conceptualized shallow English perspective that creates these false understandings.

John agrees with Paul, and is bringing out the conduct aspect of our imputed righteousness, which has nothing to do with works UNTO salvation, but rather works FROM imputed righteousness that is by grace and faith apart from works.

That's what the Catholics believe, isn't it?

Yep, infused righteousness, and it's what is being preached here by PPS as well. It's just couched in a fancy coat.


Well-known member
I never said any person, including myself, can or will ever be "as holy" as Jesus Christ.

That false witness, purported by Doom, is exactly what this entire thread is all about.

Get with it, late-comer . . .

LOL I may be a late-comer but I ain't so dumb that I can't read what you clearly write. Here's one for you, "Be ye perfect, as your Father in Heaven is perfect." :chuckle:

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Yep, infused righteousness, and it's what is being preached here by PPS as well. It's just couched in a fancy coat.

I asked her pal, Timmy, who gave us the old "license to sin" stumper.......

"That is, break it down for us, quanitify for all of us alleged "license to sin"ners, just what the h___ this " continually practices sin without any remorse or evidence of repentance" is. Unpack it for us. Do be a dear, and lay out:

-What is "continually?" 22% of the time? 34.87% of the time? 10% of the time?

-How much "remorse?" Who sets the standard for judging "remorse?" You? Members of the boc? A vote? And just how would you do that? My brother is a doctor. Is there a medical instrument, that he would know, that measures "remorse?"

-How much evidence of repentance? Specifics, please.

-How much "hate their sins? Specfics. How do you measure this "level" of "hating their sins?"

A Muslim, Jew, a Roman Catholic, some deluded Hare Krishna monk, on the streets of Tibet, can demonstrate "remorse or evidence of repentance," "hate of their sins." And?"

Not a peep.


TOL Subscriber
Yep, infused righteousness, and it's what is being preached here by PPS as well. It's just couched in a fancy coat.

Nope. Imputed righteousness.

Maybe you should lexically define righteousness, since you don't seem to know what it actually means.

How would you ever have any conduct of any kind if righteousness didn't include conduct? Nobody would be able to do works of faith. They'd all be sin. Every last thing that was done.

And why do you examine others' behavior and then berate anyone else who even hints at it?

Oh, wait. If I dare say there's a double standard, then I'm presenting infused righteousness or Lordship salvation.

This is what keeps TOL in a stir of hate-mongering.


New member
Hall of Fame
Personally, I am IN the BELOVED. There is nothing in myself that makes me precious. Which is why our Lord Jesus Christ receives ALL THE GLORY.

You need to read what Nang is claiming...she is talking about in her own eyes and in the eyes of man. The clue is in the word "actions". You say ONLY in God's eyes, but that isn't what Nang is says. She isn't talking inputed righteousness, but infused righteousness. Why is our life HID with Christ in God? Because we have any righteousness of our own to show the world?

Colossians 3:3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.​

What is infused righteousness vs imputed righteousness?