My Theory of Everything


God is Life
God is a Spirit.
God is the Spirit of Life.
God is the Life of the Spirit.

In the beginning was the Spirit, and the Spirit was with Life,
and the Life of the Spirit was God. The Life of the Spirit
was the beginning of the Spirit of Life.

Does anyone disagree with this I have stated?

If so why?

Please if you can find any flaw or error in this I have stated please do
and if you do and you are correct I will make the correct adjustment to
my theory of everything.

Please do not attack me...attack what I stated.


Saying what I wrote is not written in the bible not an error or flaw
found in what I have said.

But thank you for your reply.



It is commonly believed by them who believe there is a God
that God is the source of all existence and life.

I believe that God has always existed and He is life.
Therefore I believe that Life has always existed.
I believe God is Life and Life is God.
Therefore I do not believe God created
Himself or life for He is Life.
I do not believe God is the source for all Life.
I believe He is the Life of all Life.
If God withdrew His Spirit everything with Life would die.

God gives life. Everything that has life
was given from God. Without God there would be no life.

God did not make Himself come alive for He always
has been alive. A God without life did not create life.
Life was not created. It has always been
with no beginning
or end.

God is Life. Life is God.
God is the giver of Life.

Does anyone disagree with this I have stated?

If so why?

Please if you can find any flaw or error in this I have stated please do
and if you do and you are correct I will make the correct adjustment to
my theory of everything.

Please do not attack me...attack what I stated.
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God did create beings such as angels and Adam and Eve.
But the life that is within them has always existed in God.

God created the stars and the heavens and such.
But everything with life within them has always existed in God.

For example, God formed the man Adam from the ground.
But what made the man Adam formed from the ground alive...
was the life that God gave to Adam from Himself.

Which has always existed.
And that life in Adam that made Adam alive
takes on its own self identity.

There is no life outside of God.

Therefore God will not create life. He gives life.


In the beginning was the Spirit, and the Spirit was with Life,
and the Life of the Spirit was God. The Life of the Spirit
was the beginning of the Spirit of Life.

All things were made by God;
and without God was not any thing made that was made.
In God was Life ; and the Life was the Light of Life.
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness,
to bear witness of the Light, that all men through the Light might believe.
He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.

I want to interject right here that I believe that the Son of God who was Jesus Christ
was that Light. Jesus is the Light. The Son of God is the Light of Life.
God is Life. The Son is the Light. = The Light of Life.

Does anyone disagree with this I have stated?

If so why?

Please if you can find any flaw or error in this I have stated please do
and if you do and you are correct I will make the correct adjustment to
my theory of everything.

Please do not attack me...attack what I stated.


The Scriptures of truth are from God. No flaws or errors are within
the Scriptures of Truth. Many things people declare are the Scriptures can
be found with errors and flaws. These are not the Scriptures of Truth.

No error or flaw can be found within the Scriptures of Truth.
For they are from God.

Therefore if you quote anything to me that you claim
are the Scriptures of Truth and I can find any error or any flaw within them
how can they be the Scriptures of Truth?

I suppose anything inspired by God without any errors or flaws
written in the past, present and future are the Scriptures of truth.

Does anyone disagree with this I have stated?

If so why?

Please if you can find any flaw or error in this I have stated please do
and if you do and you are correct I will make the correct adjustment to
my theory of everything.

Please do not attack me...attack what I stated.


New member
God is Life
God is a Spirit.
God is the Spirit of Life.
God is the Life of the Spirit.

In the beginning was the Spirit, and the Spirit was with Life,
and the Life of the Spirit was God. The Life of the Spirit
was the beginning of the Spirit of Life.

Does anyone disagree with this I have stated?

If so why?

Please if you can find any flaw or error in this I have stated please do
and if you do and you are correct I will make the correct adjustment to
my theory of everything.

Please do not attack me...attack what I stated.
You might add a warning that you do no intend this in the same way as is sometimes described in science as a Theory of Everything. In science, a theory is an explanation, often indicating that it is the best explanation we have for the available evidence. Your 'theory' provides neither explanation nor evidence.



God has a different 'theory'. He has no beginning. He tells us He is the "eternal God"
I have proven by the Word
that life has always existed
and that God did not create life.
And the proof I presented
is undeniably the absolute truth
without error or flaw.

Can you accept it?


New member
Hello friend. I'm not sure if I can distinctly point out the flaw(s), if any, but will humbly attempt. On a side note; I do commend your seeking for Truth. Just please do remember one thing I say; upon acquiring, or rather, being given the knowledge you seek; the fullness thereof;... use it... at all intervals/ scenarios/ readily conceivable possibilities.

God is Life

OK, first; this is a conflation of the two true points that GOD is THE living GOD, and that IT indeed is the GOD of Life. A play on words.

God is a Spirit.


God is the Spirit of Life.


God is the Life of the Spirit.

Indeed, again, a true statement.

In the beginning was the Spirit, and the Spirit was with Life,

OK stop.... You say that in the beginning was the spirit, which is the spirit of life, and that it was with life which is too the spirit of life and GOD. Why are you using three things to say the same thing? This is illogic and confusion, and as such simply not truth, as truth is simple.

and the Life of the Spirit was God. The Life of the Spirit
was the beginning of the Spirit of Life.

You go on the same illogical tangent within the same statement, but it still only helps to add to the needless confusion.

So if in the beginning life(god) caused spirit (god) to give spirit(god) to life(god).....OK... that's all....I really am having trouble attempting to reconcile your statements or even a need for the majority of them.

You are saying that life in itself is GOD? Is that correct?

If so we can discuss it without the extra words if you like. And your offer stands towards you as well; I would gladly like to be shown to be wrong, and upon such an occurrence; I will have no choice but to change my own little opinion.

I do look forward to the conversation. Hope I'm not too late.

peace friend


Does anyone disagree with this I have stated?

If so why?

Please if you can find any flaw or error in this I have stated please do
and if you do and you are correct I will make the correct adjustment to
my theory of everything.

Please do not attack me...attack what I stated.

Sent from my Alcatel_6055U using Tapatalk


I have also proved
that Jesus is not God.
Jesus is the Light of God.

Jesus is the Light of Life.
As according to the scriptures.

God(Father) is Life. The Son(Jesus) is the Light. = The Light of Life.


God is Life

OK, first; this is a conflation of the two true points that GOD is THE living GOD, and that IT indeed is the GOD of Life. A play on words.
This proves nothing I have said is in error.
But it does prove you have an opinion about
what I have stated that is unproven
and without any merit to the subject.



New member
This proves nothing I have said is in error.
But it does prove you have an opinion about
what I have stated that is unproven
and without any merit to the subject.

Excuse me?

I'm pretty sure we are speaking of the metaphysical and origins of existence; both of which neither of us can prove whatsoever. The best we can hope for is unbiased, humble, logical discourse; perhaps hoping for that is too much?

Please don't waste your own time.

Sent from my Alcatel_6055U using Tapatalk


In the beginning was the Spirit, and the Spirit was with Life,

OK stop.... You say that in the beginning was the spirit, which is the spirit of life, and that it was with life which is too the spirit of life and GOD. Why are you using three things to say the same thing? This is illogic and confusion, and as such simply not truth, as truth is simple.
You have misquoted me.
I stated "In the beginning was the Spirit,
and the Spirit was with Life,
and the Life of the Spirit was God.
The Life of the Spirit
was the beginning of the Spirit of Life."

I did not state "in the beginning was the spirit,
which is the spirit of life, and that
it was with life which is too the spirit of
life and GOD."


Excuse me?

I'm pretty sure we are speaking of the metaphysical and origins of existence; both of which neither of us can prove whatsoever. The best we can hope for is unbiased, humble, logical discourse; perhaps hoping for that is too much?

Please don't waste your own time.

Sent from my Alcatel_6055U using Tapatalk
You can not win attacking my theory
therefore you have other alternative
other than to attack me.

I will not do this to you.