My Theory of Everything


Well-known member
BP95 said:
As you can clearly see....Jesus is not God.

I have proven by the Word
that life has always existed
and that God did not create life.
And the proof I presented
is undeniably the absolute truth
without error or flaw.

Can you accept it?


Seriously what do you think you gain by trying to convince others to believe as you?

Even if you are successful
and they do believe as you...what have you gained?

What have they gained?


Delete this thread then, hypocrite.

What name did you go by the last time you were here? Might as well tell us before you're banned.


New member
The equation of the total sum = the total sum of the equation.

Now I will take this formula and show you how to apply it
to see clearly the difference between the truth and the lie.

Let's take the belief that God created life.

God created all life is the the total sum of the equation.

X is the equation of the total sum.

Hence the problem to be solved:

X = God created all life.

God has always existed
therefore God has always been alive. = God created all life.
Therefore life has always existed
because God was always alive.

As you can clearly see this equation proves that
the only way God created all life is if God created Himself.

This is error and flaw proof.
There is not this or that or what if or anything else.

This is in fallible.

Either God created Himself or it is a lie that God created all life.
As if god is limited to your own personal illogic.

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