My Theory of Everything


To accurately answer that you must first describe what you mean by life before none existence. What we know as life here on earth is that of formation or rather; creation, but you ask questions relating to the origin of the creation, which would by default be outside of that creation to the point of not being definable with terms based off of said creation. Not to mention the fact that if GOD is eternal which I think we agree that IT is, then it follows to say to ask if IT has always been alive or not is just silly; is life not defined by death? Is an eternal thing confined to life or death as we know it?

Please attempt to ask intellectually honest questions.

The answer is similar to the first.

GOD is both eternally alive, and outside the law of death. GOD is Spirit and causal to existence which encompasses death, but GOD encompassing all existence is outside of the conventional definitions of death. So you are a pantheist right?

I find Life and the spirit of life to be of GOD; simply not the fullness there of, but can't honestly claim that GOD is limited to my own perceptions by anyway.

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You are in denial. I cannot help you.
No explanation will help you.

You either come to the truth or you don't.

You either believe God was always alive or don't.

If you believe God was always alive then you have to confess that
life always existed and that God did not create it.

That is were you are at.

I cannot help you believe the truth.


To accurately answer that you must first describe what you mean by life before none existence. What we know as life here on earth is that of formation or rather; creation, but you ask questions relating to the origin of the creation, which would by default be outside of that creation to the point of not being definable with terms based off of said creation. Not to mention the fact that if GOD is eternal which I think we agree that IT is, then it follows to say to ask if IT has always been alive or not is just silly; is life not defined by death? Is an eternal thing confined to life or death as we know it?

Please attempt to ask intellectually honest questions.

The answer is similar to the first.

GOD is both eternally alive, and outside the law of death. GOD is Spirit and causal to existence which encompasses death, but GOD encompassing all existence is outside of the conventional definitions of death. So you are a pantheist right?

I find Life and the spirit of life to be of GOD; simply not the fullness there of, but can't honestly claim that GOD is limited to my own perceptions by anyway.

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This has already been answered in post #6


If any of you have any questions
or want to take on my theories of everything...

then go for it.

I certainly do not want to believe a theory
that has any errors or flaws.

Do you?


I will tell you the formula to truth.

If you can receive it
then you will profit by it greatly.

The equation of the total sum = the total sum of the equation.


New member
Satan has defeated them.

Lete explain something to you, you egotistical, arrogant, one eyed, powerhungry,piss ant;
Before you go claiming a thing for all to see you might aught to check and see if you are dealing with an individual who was actually indoctrinated with fear of hellfire and greedy hopes of eternal life and bliss and prosperity on this earth in this time. You might want to at very least inquire of said individual about their assumed beliefs before erroneously rattling off multiple untruths all while openly brashly accusing another of lying before even really interacting with them. You stereo type a whole faithful people, all while proudly proclaiming some grand truth. ....

I'm going to stop....You will not listen....Not now....Not to me.

Ask with sincere humility and hope and you shall receive.

I wish you the best.

You win.

I do apologise for the names, but you have a long way to go and a lot of self realization to do before you even begin it seems.


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Lete explain something to you, you egotistical, arrogant, one eyed, powerhungry,piss ant;
Before you go claiming a thing for all to see you might aught to check and see if you are dealing with an individual who was actually indoctrinated with fear of hellfire and greedy hopes of eternal life and bliss and prosperity on this earth in this time. You might want to at very least inquire of said individual about their assumed beliefs before erroneously rattling off multiple untruths all while openly brashly accusing another of lying before even really interacting with them. You stereo type a whole faithful people, all while proudly proclaiming some grand truth. ....

I'm going to stop....You will not listen....Not now....Not to me.

Ask with sincere humility and hope and you shall receive.

I wish you the best.

You win.

I do apologise for the names, but you have a long way to go and a lot of self realization to do before you even begin it seems.


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The equation of the total sum = the total sum of the equation.

Your words fail to equal each other on both sides.

This means that your words are not all true.


New member
The equation of the total sum = the total sum of the equation.

Your words fail to equal each other on both sides.

This means that your words are not all true.
Perhaps you misunderstood;

I'm out, and do wish you the best in your seeking the truth friend.

With sincerity;

Sent from my Alcatel_6055U using Tapatalk


See how easy it is to prove anything anyone speaks to you?

By using this formula you can never be deceived.
You can use it on yourself and others to know the truth.

The Spirit of truth gave this formula to me.

And I have shared it with you.



Perhaps you misunderstood;

I'm out, and do wish you the best in your seeking the truth friend.

With sincerity;

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The equation of the total sum = the total sum of the equation.

Your words fail to equal each other on both sides.

This means that your words are not all true.


By taking this equation
and applying it to anything written in the bible...

I can clearly know what is in error and what is in truth.

And I have to tell you....

Most everything you all believe is not true.


New member

If I take the equation that the equation of the sum is the sum of the equation then I will have the proper equation to discern scripture? Cool; so why do I need you to show it to me if I can do it myself with this GOD(life) given equation you have blessed us with?

If you didn't notice; the first statement was both nonsense and what you said.

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If I take the equation that the equation of the sum is the sum of the equation then I will have the proper equation to discern scripture? Cool; so why do I need you to show it to me if I can do it myself with this GOD(life) given equation you have blessed us with?

If you didn't notice; the first statement was both nonsense and what you said.

Sent from my Alcatel_6055U using Tapatalk

If you believe what you
have said in your post to me
then you should not have anything
to do with what I have said.

What I have stated
is for them that can believe.


Well-known member
Alright for everyone's sake
we shall do this step by step
till you do not reply or reply in a lie.

1. Did God create Himself?

A. Yes, God created himself.
B. No, God did not create Himself.
Hebrews 10:5 Answer: No, He did not create Himself, but rather prepared a body to dwell in. Revelation 21:3 John 1:14


The equation of the total sum = the total sum of the equation.

Now I will take this formula and show you how to apply it
to see clearly the difference between the truth and the lie.

Let's take the belief that God created life.

God created all life is the the total sum of the equation.

X is the equation of the total sum.

Hence the problem to be solved:

X = God created all life.

God has always existed
therefore God has always been alive. = God created all life.
Therefore life has always existed
because God was always alive.

As you can clearly see this equation proves that
the only way God created all life is if God created Himself.

This is error and flaw proof.
There is not this or that or what if or anything else.

This is in fallible.

Either God created Himself or it is a lie that God created all life.

patrick jane

The equation of the total sum = the total sum of the equation.

Now I will take this formula and show you how to apply it
to see clearly the difference between the truth and the lie.

Let's take the belief that God created life.

God created all life is the the total sum of the equation.

X is the equation of the total sum.

Hence the problem to be solved:

X = God created all life.

God has always existed
therefore God has always been alive. = God created all life.
Therefore life has always existed
because God was always alive.

As you can clearly see this equation proves that
the only way God created all life is if God created Himself.

This is error and flaw proof.
There is not this or that or what if or anything else.

This is in fallible.

Either God created Himself or it is a lie that God created all life.
So, basically you're saying that God is created and He created Himself


If you believe that God created life
then you believe a lie.

If you believe that God is Life and Life is God.

Then you believe the truth.