My Ignored List


Well-known member
Are you praying for his well being despite your differences?

Actually, I'm not praying for his well-being. I'm praying for His salvation. Well-being only keeps people from seeking the Lord...he should not be comfortable where he is now.


Well-known member
Desiring to pray for others should never be a "tall order."

There is something very seriously wrong with a group of people who find cursing, hating, and ridiculing easier than praying.

It's odd how you see hating here at all. For you to project that on those who call out this false prophet is error, Nang.


TOL Subscriber
It's odd how you see hating here at all. For you to project that on those who call out this false prophet is error, Nang.

Just because someone disagrees with your beliefs does not automatically make them a false prophet.

If you are going to make accusation of false teaching, and declare a professing believer to be a false prophet, it would be wise to be specific and present the scripture you perceive is being abused.

Then, all on this thread can evaluate doctrine, rather than attack the person.



New member
I can honestly say they're cursing has blessed me and they have been prayed for since day one.

Blessings one and all.


New member
I can honestly say they're cursing has blessed me and they have been prayed for since day one.

Blessings one and all.

Ah more humility grandly on display for all to see. Instructional really.

"When you pray do so as truster, in an open forum so the whole world can see just how spiritual you are. Do not, out of sheer pride, do so in private where none but you and God know of your deed."


New member
Ah more humility grandly on display for all to see. Instructional really.

"When you pray do so as truster, in an open forum so the whole world can see just how spiritual you are. Do not, out of sheer pride, do so in private where none but you and God know of your deed."

My prayers are normally instant in nature and directed heaven wards. I'm on broadband not dial up.


New member
Display attributes of anti-Messiah.

In that case, Truster, you would need to put yourself on the list and I do not state this to be mean.

Yeshua stated, "Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters." Matthew 12:30

Your faith is important to take it very seriously but you fail to see that others do as well and they, too, have been touched by the Ruach and led. They, too, love the Lord just as you do. You scatter when you could be gathering. There are many here who would give your thoughts and input credence if they were not coupled with condemnation at most every turn.


New member
Desiring to pray for others should never be a "tall order."

There is something very seriously wrong with a group of people who find cursing, hating, and ridiculing easier than praying.

I agree. Sometimes, however, we fail to see the depth of the wounds we inflict on one another.

Nonsense. Truster ain't no Jesus. The TRUTH is not in Him. It's very telling that you can't see that, Nang. Perhaps your doctrine is getting in the way of your judgment.

Neither are you. Neither am I. If Truster claims the blood of Yeshua then he is a Christian Brother. You've told me more times than I would like to remember that you don't consider me a Christian even though I call upon the name of Yeshua and consider Him Mashiach. I admire your desire to stand strong for the Lord but you have done some of the very things Truster does and here you are putting him down for it.



New member
In that case, Truster, you would need to put yourself on the list and I do not state this to be mean.

Yeshua stated, "Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters." Matthew 12:30

Your faith is important to take it very seriously but you fail to see that others do as well and they, too, have been touched by the Ruach and led. They, too, love the Lord just as you do. You scatter when you could be gathering. There are many here who would give your thoughts and input credence if they were not coupled with condemnation at most every turn.

I ignored my own self before anyone else.

I make it a point on a daily basis to ignore myself. I heard the voice many years ago.

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," declares Yah Veh''.

And I don't lead myself either:

For as many as are led by the Spirit of Elohim, they are the sons of Elohim.

Thanks for the reminder.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
......Your faith is important to take it very seriously but you fail to see that others do as well and they, too, have been touched by the Ruach and led. They, too, love the Lord just as you do. You scatter when you could be gathering..........

Now THAT is an excellent statement. Well said.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I see Truster has a few backers! IMJ, Nang, and Student X! We all need
those who are willing to folly, I mean follow us, when we fall short!


New member
In that case, Truster, you would need to put yourself on the list and I do not state this to be mean.

Yeshua stated, "Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters." Matthew 12:30

Your faith is important to take it very seriously but you fail to see that others do as well and they, too, have been touched by the Ruach and led. They, too, love the Lord just as you do. You scatter when you could be gathering. There are many here who would give your thoughts and input credence if they were not coupled with condemnation at most every turn.

There is nobody on my list that isn't there for a very good and valid reason. I am accused of hatred and yet I am hated. I feel nothing but love and that love for my Father and His Son my Saviour.
When I read something dishonouring once I attempt to put it right and then the abuse starts flying. There is a need that these people are exposed, the axe is laid to the root of the tree and down they come.

Know this for an absolute certainty there are going to be many in this generation who will wish they had listened rather than spoke.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Truster; your self-perception is, way off! You're not exactly a
pillar of unconditional love! If the truth be told, you're
arrogant, pretentious, judgmental, anti-female, snooty,
and have delusions of superiority! It's best you get to know,
the real you!


New member
I see Truster has a few backers! IMJ, Nang, and Student X! We all need
those who are willing to folly, I mean follow us, when we fall short!

We are not supposed to follow those who fall short, but rather edify and uplift one another in the love of Yeshua, thereby enabling each other to remain faithful to Yeshua and obedient to God's commands.


Well-known member
Neither are you. Neither am I. If Truster claims the blood of Yeshua then he is a Christian Brother. You've told me more times than I would like to remember that you don't consider me a Christian even though I call upon the name of Yeshua and consider Him Mashiach. I admire your desire to stand strong for the Lord but you have done some of the very things Truster does and here you are putting him down for it.


Unlike you, I don't consider all those who CLAIM the blood of Jesus or who CLAIM to call upon the name of the Lord to be members of the body of Christ. Truster can claim whatever he likes, but his posts have revealed his true standing. You have claimed to call on the Lord, but you preach the Law....thus I can't consider you IN CHRIST, either. You preach the same message Jason does, that believers can move in and out of Christ as if He was a revolving door instead of THE DOOR.

To put it simply, I don't fall for the CLAIMS people make when their message is contrary to the Word of God.


New member
In that case, Truster, you would need to put yourself on the list and I do not state this to be mean.

Yeshua stated, "Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters." Matthew 12:30

Your faith is important to take it very seriously but you fail to see that others do as well and they, too, have been touched by the Ruach and led. They, too, love the Lord just as you do. You scatter when you could be gathering. There are many here who would give your thoughts and input credence if they were not coupled with condemnation at most every turn.

You reminded me of a guy called John.

I had an email from him asking if I would guide him on the Brecon Beacons and the Elenydd Mountains as well as doing Offa's Dyke. The difference between John and others I've guided is that he is blind. Blind from birth and has never seen light.
If we were away on a long hike I'd arrange to stay in a hostile or bunk house.
There was one thing about John that really and I mean really shocked me. He didn't want people to realise or even think he was blind.

He would attempt to hide the fact, but in doing so it would become more obvious to the sighted.