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What Messiah was doing there is confirming His omnipresence.
I respectfully disagree. Answer me this...Is Moses in Heaven? If you answer yes then Moses had to meet the conditions of John 3:13. If you answer no then where do you think Moses is today?


Eeset, love,

If you died today and God asks you why should He let you into heaven? What will you say?

And drop being offended! I care, I ask, I'm workin' for ya


Eeset, love,

If you died today and God asks you why should He let you into heaven? What will you say?

And drop being offended! I care, I ask, I'm workin' for ya
Dearest intojoy your question makes no sense because God will not ask me anything when I die. You may as well ask "if the sun explodes tomorrow where will you go". The question is nonsensical. All I can conclude from your asking that nonsensical question is that you have no understanding of what death of the body actually entails. That which is flesh is flesh and that which is spirit is spirit.


New member
I respectfully disagree. Answer me this...Is Moses in Heaven? If you answer yes then Moses had to meet the conditions of John 3:13. If you answer no then where do you think Moses is today?

I am so, so grateful that I didn't pick a Bible up before I was saved.

Someone once said that it is easier for a publican or a harlot to be saved than a righteous man.


TOL Subscriber
"No onehas ascended into heaven, except He who descended from heaven; the Son of Man." John 3:13

That means NO ONE; Moses, Elijah, or you have descended from heaven. And the only way any of us will ascend into heaven, will be IN HIM.


"No onehas ascended into heaven, except He who descended from heaven; the Son of Man." John 3:13

That means NO ONE; Moses, Elijah, or you have descended from heaven. And the only way any of us will ascend into heaven, will be IN HIM.
Nice try Nang but you conveniently left out some words. Here is the full passage..."And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven."

Now it should be obvious that when Jesus spoke those words He was here on Earth. That means that the phrase "son of man" must be a reference to someone other than Jesus himself unless of course you want to claim that Jesus was simultaneously here and there at the same time. If you claim that then you are saying that Jesus was never fully man. That would have very broad implications.


Dearest intojoy your question makes no sense because God will not ask me anything when I die. You may as well ask "if the sun explodes tomorrow where will you go". The question is nonsensical. All I can conclude from your asking that nonsensical question is that you have no understanding of what death of the body actually entails. That which is flesh is flesh and that which is spirit is spirit.

Humor me. Answer woman!


TOL Subscriber
Nice try Nang but you conveniently left out some words. Here is the full passage..."And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven."

Now it should be obvious that when Jesus spoke those words He was here on Earth. That means that the phrase "son of man" must be a reference to someone other than Jesus himself unless of course you want to claim that Jesus was simultaneously here and there at the same time. If you claim that then you are saying that Jesus was never fully man. That would have very broad implications.

This is a denial of the omnipresence of the Son of God who assumed the flesh of Man. His descension from heaven was not an abandonment of heaven!

You are wading into deep theological waters, now, and if you do not fully acknowledge the hypostatic union in Jesus Christ of both God and Man, I suggest you do not argue further.

The descending of God to this world, and the ascending of Man to heaven reveals the one Mediator between God and men. I Timothy 2:5


This is a denial of the omnipresence of the Son of God who assumed the flesh of Man. His descension from heaven was not an abandonment of heaven!

You are wading into deep theological waters, now, and if you do not fully acknowledge the hypostatic union in Jesus Christ of both God and Man, I suggest you do not argue further.

The descending of God to this world, and the ascending of Man to heaven reveals the one Mediator between God and men. I Timothy 2:5
Dearest Nang, you seem to be getting all twisted up in the concepts of men. I trust God. I did not need either Scripture or church to know God. And I certainly do not need intricate theological constructs made by men to build worldly hierarchical dominions. If that is your thing then by all means go for it. You are neither Moses nor Christ and the judgement seat is likely to singe your derriere.


TOL Subscriber
Dearest Nang, you seem to be getting all twisted up in the concepts of men. I trust God. I did not need either Scripture or church to know God. And I certainly do not need intricate theological constructs made by men to build worldly hierarchical dominions. If that is your thing then by all means go for it. You are neither Moses nor Christ and the judgement seat is likely to singe your derriere.

You can't trust God if you don't know God, and you can't know God apart from learning His Word.

Ask Mr. Religion

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As soon as I see you STOP trampling pearls in the pig pen, I will stop deeming you unworthy of pearls. Fair enough? The purpose of my testimony is not for Testor Truster to use for wrongful purposes. Being read and 'give on demand' aren't the same thing. If we have anything that is a pearl, it is sure what God gives us and our testimony one very large pearl.

No kidding
I would like to read T's testimony. Have I missed it?



You can't trust God if you don't know God, and you can't know God apart from learning His Word.
Who would you say knows God more, those that read a book or those who interact directly with God? Moses had no book. Job had no book. Peter spoke with Jesus Christ directly. I told you that I knew God before I could read. I can not relieve you of your disbelief. I sincerely hope God is fully in your life. If so then all you need do is simply ask God if He knows me. He already told me not to quibble with you because it will not gain anything. I send you blessings.