And charism be to Elohim, who always causes us to triumph in the Messiah and manifests the fragrance of his knowledge through us in every place. For to Elohim we are a good fragrance of Messiah - in them who are saved and in them who destruct: indeed to the one the fragrance of death to death; and to the other the fragrance of life to life. And who is adequate for these? For we are not as many who huckster the word of Elohim: but as of sincerity - but as of Elohim, in the sight of Elohim we speak in Messiah.
Romans 10:8-17 ECB But what words it?
The rhema is near you
- in your mouth and in your heart:
that is, the rhema of trust, that we preach;
Deuteronomy 30:12-14
9 so that whenever you profess Adonay Yah Shua
in your mouth
and trust in your heart
that Elohim raised him from the dead,
you become saved.
10 For with the heart, trust is to justness;
and with the mouth, profession is to salvation.
11 For the scripture words,
Whoever trusts on him shames not.
Isaiah 29:16, 49:23
12 For there is no distinction
- Yah Hudiy and Hellene:
for the same Adonay over all
is rich to all who call upon him.
13 For whoever calls upon the name of Yah Veh
becomes saved.
Joel 2:32
14 So then, how call they on him in whom they trust not?
And how trust they in him whom they heard not?
And how hear they apart from a preacher?
15 And how preach they unless they are apostolized?
Exactly as scribed,
How beautiful their feet
who evangelize shalom and evangelize good!
Isaiah 52:7, Nahum 1:15
16 But not all of them obeyed the evangelism.
For Yesha Yah words, Yah Veh,
who trusted our hearing?
Isaiah 53:1
17 So, trust by hearing
and hearing by the rhema of Elohim.