My Ignored List


New member
I have 6'000 clients that would wholeheartedly disagree with what you have said.

That won't matter, however, when before the Throne we are required to explain ourselves. In your case it will be explanation for all those before whom you placed stumbling blocks and those you laid hopelessness before like a vast smorgasbord for a last meal before they committed suicide. You aren't an arrogant monster. You are simply a human being who serves himself and not God. And what is your excuse to Him?..."You made me this way!?"

"If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." 1Corinthians 13:1-10

The doctrine of the elect makes a mockery of these words because in them is the adjuration to serve the Lord God and the Body in love, patience and kindness. To inspire trust, hope and perseverance. To edify the Body rather than drag it down. Why bother if God has already elected our choices?
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Well-known member
Your commenst are nothing new. You are only one of representatives of mainstreamers. I have heard them all.
It was not a comment it was a question. Did you stop and think? :nono: That is my point. Meshak, as kindly as I can say, you have diarrhea of the mouth. You say whatever spills from your brain without thought or care. Words mean something, learn to care for and love the body of Christ before you say something or anything to it. Then and only then will your words have power and meaning. At that point, I guarantee that you will be heard and valued on TOL. Learn to think and love, then learn to speak. Have you heard: "People don't care what you think until think that you care?" Another variation: "People don't care what you know, until they know you care."

All threads are my business. This is Christian forum, isn't it?
The problem: please listen carefully, is that it is against TOL rules to derail threads. That is, just because you want something to be your business, if it isn't the business of the thread, you can get into trouble for that. Your concern, to me, isn't the concern of this thread. So, just so you know, this is an infraction/problem on TOL. You must keep topics on the same topic or else people will think you are just being disruptive. That should sound very familiar to you, but I'm explaining the reason why you get in trouble on TOL. You don't think of others first. See also above, people don't care unless you care about them.

Truster put me on ignore and I am one of them. that makes it very much about me too.
It is probably a good sign, not a bad one. I'm not seeing that it bothers you or are happy about it. In fact, I haven't heard you say anything about it until just now and....this is the subject matter of this thread.

It is strange you ask me to answer your questions and you hardly reply to my posts.
Yes, see above, people don't care, until they know you do. A lot of what you say seems to not care either about the topic being talked about or that you even take us seriously. It doesn't look sincere a good part of the time. My guess? Because you don't seem to be sincere a good part of the time. You don't talk to us, you talk at us. Do you know the difference?

You should. Generally, I try and talk 'to' you. Other's often talk 'at' you. You generally do not talk 'to' people on TOL. You generally talk at them and so they emulate that back to you.

strange world.
Er.... "blessings."

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Wow, this is really that important to you, to have a "blessings" last word?

That's sort of a vanity, isn't it.

See, when you aren't really blessing people who you feel are persecuting you, then you're really more resembling the people Christ said unpleasant things about.

Just something else for you to not consider. :plain:


Wow, this is really that important to you, to have a "blessings" last word?

That's sort of a vanity, isn't it.

See, when you aren't really blessing people who you feel are persecuting you, then you're really more resembling the people Christ said unpleasant things about.

Just something else for you to not consider. :plain:

If you want to converse with me spiritually, join my new thread. You comments are so worldly and typical clichés. I don't play games.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
If you want to converse with me spiritually, join my new thread.
You mean if I want you to not actually address my arguments concerning your tragically myopic exegesis.

Why on earth would I do that again?

You comments are so worldly and typical clichés.
There you go. I prefer the scrunched up, judgmental face to that phony blessings bit. At least it's honest.

List one cliche. One.

I don't play games.
Sure you do. You just call them something else.


It was not a comment it was a question. Did you stop and think? :nono: That is my point. Meshak, as kindly as I can say, you have diarrhea of the mouth. You say whatever spills from your brain without thought or care. Words mean something, learn to care for and love the body of Christ before you say something or anything to it. Then and only then will your words have power and meaning. At that point, I guarantee that you will be heard and valued on TOL. Learn to think and love, then learn to speak. Have you heard: "People don't care what you think until think that you care?" Another variation: "People don't care what you know, until they know you care."

The problem: please listen carefully, is that it is against TOL rules to derail threads. That is, just because you want something to be your business, if it isn't the business of the thread, you can get into trouble for that. Your concern, to me, isn't the concern of this thread. So, just so you know, this is an infraction/problem on TOL. You must keep topics on the same topic or else people will think you are just being disruptive. That should sound very familiar to you, but I'm explaining the reason why you get in trouble on TOL. You don't think of others first. See also above, people don't care unless you care about them.

It is probably a good sign, not a bad one. I'm not seeing that it bothers you or are happy about it. In fact, I haven't heard you say anything about it until just now and....this is the subject matter of this thread.

Yes, see above, people don't care, until they know you do. A lot of what you say seems to not care either about the topic being talked about or that you even take us seriously. It doesn't look sincere a good part of the time. My guess? Because you don't seem to be sincere a good part of the time. You don't talk to us, you talk at us. Do you know the difference?

You should. Generally, I try and talk 'to' you. Other's often talk 'at' you. You generally do not talk 'to' people on TOL. You generally talk at them and so they emulate that back to you.

Er.... "blessings."

You comments are too wordly and mainstream. I wont wast time focusing away from spiritual talk.

Your talk is so denominational, away from practicing Jesus' teaching. this is my main focus.

I know you are highly intelligent and educated. But following Jesus does not required your worldly values.

Christianity is spiritual, not worldly.

I started a new thread which you don't want to talk about. Practicing Jesus' teachings.

You have been avoiding all this kind of thread. You are avoiding all military thread too. And you don't seem to know it is sin to promote evil practice.

If your church don't advocate the military I apologize.

My comments are all aimed at majority.


Lon, TH and other mainstreamers,

here is my thread that focusing hypocritical Christianity.

Lets talk spiritual, focusing on what Jesus says.


Well-known member
You comments are too wordly and mainstream. I wont wast time focusing away from spiritual talk.

Your talk is so denominational, away from practicing Jesus' teaching. this is my main focus.

I know you are highly intelligent and educated. But following Jesus does not required your worldly values.

Christianity is spiritual, not worldly.

I started a new thread which you don't want to talk about. Practicing Jesus' teachings.

You have been avoiding all this kind of thread. You are avoiding all military thread too. And you don't seem to know it is sin to promote evil practice.

If your church don't advocate the military I apologize.

My comments are all aimed at majority.
Reported. You are derailing this thread and talking at me.

If you get a vacation, remember to try and 'think' before you speak when you come back. Try to 'care' about us, even if you can't love us.


Reported. You are derailing this thread and talking at me.

If you get a vacation, remember to try and 'think' before you speak when you come back. Try to 'care' about us, even if you can't love us.

You see what I mean?

when you cannot refute your hypocritical faith, you avoid at all cost. You don't know to practice your faith, You guys talk like as if you don't even know what Jesus teaches commands.

I wonder if you guys ever read the whole message of Jesus' word.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You see what I mean?

when you cannot refute your hypocritical faith, you avoid at all cost.
I don't think that said what you meant to say. :nono:

...I wonder if you guys ever read the whole message of Jesus' word.[/QUOTE]
I wonder if you even read your own posts. :plain:


New member
And charism be to Elohim, who always causes us to triumph in the Messiah and manifests the fragrance of his knowledge through us in every place. For to Elohim we are a good fragrance of Messiah - in them who are saved and in them who destruct: indeed to the one the fragrance of death to death; and to the other the fragrance of life to life. And who is adequate for these? For we are not as many who huckster the word of Elohim: but as of sincerity - but as of Elohim, in the sight of Elohim we speak in Messiah.


I don't think that said what you meant to say. :nono:

...I wonder if you guys ever read the whole message of Jesus' word.
I wonder if you even read your own posts. :plain:

you don't want to talk about following Jesus, just talk away belittling everyone whom you don't like.

it is so worldly of you. You need to know Jesus' followers need to come out of the world. I have that thread too which of course you are not interested.

You are missing too many of Jesus' word.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
you don't want to talk about following Jesus, just talk away belittling everyone whom you don't like.
No, I make fun of people like you, who routinely insult and devalue the sincerely held faith and worth of others. I give you a more humorous bit of your own petard, in response to that rough, uncalled for and pointlessly rude, self-aggrandizing treatment. Unsurprisingly, you don't care for it. Well, if you don't like getting hit then I'd suggest you stop running up to strangers and slapping them. There are any number of ways to make your case without all the high horse riding.

it is so worldly of you.
See, that's just you praising your own sense of yourself. I'm an incidental means.

You need to know Jesus' followers need to come out of the world. I have that thread too which of course you are not interested.
Who would be interested in arguing with someone who doesn't actually argue? With listening to you step up on a soapbox to inferentially praise yourself while you defame an honest difference? Or, mostly what I object to about you is method. I think your pacifism is wrong, scripturally off center and dangerously myopic, but it's your right to hold every bit of it and it doesn't impact your salvation. I object to how you address others and that you do so wrapping it in the Holy.

You are missing too many of Jesus' word.
No, I'm not, to match your effort. And that's your problem in a nutshell.


No, I make fun of people like you, who routinely insult and devalue the sincerely held faith and worth of others. I give you a more humorous bit of your own petard, in response to that rough, uncalled for and pointlessly rude, self-aggrandizing treatment. Unsurprisingly, you don't care for it. Well, if you don't like getting hit then I'd suggest you stop running up to strangers and slapping them. There are any number of ways to make your case without all the high horse riding.

See, that's just you praising your own sense of yourself. I'm an incidental means. Only if I was a worldly person you wouldn't be able to talk to or with me without paying a great deal of money, if I'd take you on. Instead, I followed Christ into a charitable practice of law and a simpler, less caustic faith.

Who would be interested in arguing with someone who doesn't actually argue? With listening to you step up on a soapbox to inferentially praise yourself while you defame an honest difference? Or, mostly what I object to about you is method. I think your pacifism is wrong, scripturally off center and dangerously myopic, but it's your right to hold every bit of it and it doesn't impact your salvation.

No, I'm not, to match your effort. And that's your problem in a nutshell.

I am interested in your worldly talk.
