I would not and could not call a person either brother or sister that were not walking in the Way. Messiah said, ‘’my mother and my brothers and sisters are those that do the will of my Father’’. Those were His words and those are my words and I've heard the same from a number of people on here.
First of all, without a Body, a church, what you have to say holds little power or authority and, as I will disclose in the ensuing, lacks discernment and propriety for believers.
Let's proceed:
Once the truth comes in power to a person they must act on the truth received, because until they do they shall know no perfect rest, because the Holy Spirit shall be witnessing to the truth perceived and will if necessary disturb the spirit of man.
Secondly, you, you Truster, need to take ownership of your own flesh and blood actions. I don't care what you 'assert.' You have no authority to be anywise devisive and are hoisting yourself up on your own petards as a newcomer and usurper. You were indoctrinated and came in here looking for 'types' without ever ensuring your judgments (as if anybody should care, all on your lonesome) had any import whatsoever. The only point at which this reflects is to whatever degree long-term members here have hurt or devoured another, following your poor example.
Fear of man is a snare to people and will often try to be nice and fit in with others. I have tried this and it doesn't work. Oil does not and never will mix with water. Some of us who have come to the knowledge of this just ignore the religious atheists wherever we find them, but the atheists can never ignore us. They even confuse themselves by their behavior, ''they know not what they do''.
This is called 'socially inept,' bull in a china shop, and is generally destructive, not fear of man. To try to put a righteous spin on it is nowise seen here. I certainly haven't seen it. You are a guest on a board that is nowise Calvinist. You came with a sword and intended blood. Your message is oil and water. My denomination and many other's oppose this mindset but there are also other reasons to oppose it which I continue to lay out:
The more you persist in accusing and berating Nang the more blessed Nang becomes. There is a law that governs this that is more secure and relied upon than the law of gravity.
*You are an enemy in the midst. Your oil/water sentiments are posturing. The Pharisees came to Jesus,
He did not go to them.
Learn to think and act appropriately. "Though it cost all you have, get learning, gain understanding." Do it. All of you who came here for such. This is
hypocrisy and ignoble.
When I use the word blessed in this context I know exactly what the word means. Beautified or beautiful in the sight of Him who provides and desires the true beauty of the inner man.
I would not undo the building up tenor of this but we must be humbled, at times, to be built up, otherwise it is putting new wine in old wineskins, trying to dress up what must first be remodelled. On this particular, your sentiments are misplaced and harmful in a community not your own. It is my own, because my denomination demands that it be so. I cannot go against such without disolving that fellowship and authority. For me, that would be a grievious mistake. Not only that, Italian dressing is very palatable. Yes the two are different, no question. Are they not to be in the same fellowship? Same jar? This is where we disagree.
Yes it is a good call, but fellowship between the two camps IS problematic for they are two different mindsets, I can certainly worship with freewillers because in prayer and worship nobody prays "thank You Father that I have been faithful and therefore am saved"
But for evangelism it is IMpossible to work with freewillers...though I might support certain ministries and missions...
The two camps will always be in dispute.
I love that when General Booth asked Spurgeon for the use of his Metropolitan Tabernacle Spurgeon had to refuse for the Tabby was consecrated to the gospel of grace. But though he refused [after trying to convert ol' Booth unsuccessfully] Spurgeon wrote out a cheque for a sum more than enough for Booth to hire a large enough venue.
We just have to except that there are..and always have been two camps.
Spurgeon did it right. Why? Because he was an oil factory. You don't mix at the source but that's not where we are at on TOL. Learn when
and where, people! In my church, it is appropriate. Separation needs reasonable context for doing so. No Open Theist, Catholic, or other Arminian is going to contest a need for separation, this is the purpose of the Theology club here. Rather, know when and not, such is appropriate.
That these folks here on TOL are inclusive and allow us in their midst, is water allowing oil, not vise versa.
Truster, you are a bull in a china shop. Of course the difference was already understood and laid out. Whereas they have been gracious and allowed any amount of inclusion, you have not and are frankly, a Carnivore, not even a poor guest. You and all those who have followed you into this mess, lack discernment. You are a brute of an inept and unlearned fellow.
You came in where the separation was already understood and yet a laurel of friendship was offered, and disrupted it with a taste for blood.
I perhaps am alone in my unique denomination, to rightly be in the midst of this. Oil and water is encouraged as spiritually palatable. Where 'er you wish to separate, it should not be uncivil and discordant in the other's home turf.