My Ignored List


New member
You have recently seen some of the riches of fellowship between Nang and myself. You have PM'd me on this and it is obviously your desire to experience what, by your own admission, you cannot understand.

I pm'd you to inquire of you - and if you will remember also to warn you.

You stirred me a great deal - first by sounding strongly like a Calvinist.

But secondly by sounding elitist and arrogant and rude - this disturbed me greatly.

And thirdly you made me want to protect Nang.

But please know this - you were not always 100% correct - and though no one has to be 100% right - no one on earth - yet it will work against you if you are going to sound like you are in the same position as Jesus
or closer to God than the rest of us.

No Messiah complex allowed.
Like this:
Fellowship is the reserve of the just and anyone on the ignored list of the Yah Veh does not have access into that heavenly fellowship.
You are not qualified to say who gets a good relationship with God.
But, well, as a reader and other things I guess I am.
Draw close to God and He will draw closer to you. Of course a problem with this is married people with a life to keep them busy does make it hard for them - but they still are trying to be good and with Him. So He knows this.

You can push and shove and stamp your feet, but you cannot enter in thereat.

If you want Him do what you can, Job cried and fussed. When I needed Him most and felt far away I read Job. Job cried and fussed and his words went in my eyes straight to my heart and they went from there like a laser beam up to God.
I still had to wait but it was the beginning (though I didn't know it) to me getting closer after feeling very separated from him.

Enter through the narrow gate: for wide the gate and broad the way leading to destruction; and many who enter therein: because narrow the gate and tribulated the way, leading to life; and few are they who find it.

I do not believe it is inspired for people to say He meant there was tribulation in taking The Way.


New member
moi is a french word for my, me, self

It is the word Miss Piggy uses when she is speaking of herself.


Well, yes, it is that, too.

Thank you so much Y'all :)
I just couldn't get it!


New member
I pm'd you to inquire of you - and if you will remember also to warn you.

You stirred me a great deal - first by sounding strongly like a Calvinist.

But secondly by sounding elitist and arrogant and rude - this disturbed me greatly.

And thirdly you made me want to protect Nang.

But please know this - you were not always 100% correct - and though no one has to be 100% right - no one on earth - yet it will work against you if you are going to sound like you are in the same position as Jesus
or closer to God than the rest of us.

No Messiah complex allowed.
Like this:

You are not qualified to say who gets a good relationship with God.
But, well, as a reader and other things I guess I am.
Draw close to God and He will draw closer to you. Of course a problem with this is married people with a life to keep them busy does make it hard for them - but they still are trying to be good and with Him. So He knows this.

If you want Him do what you can, Job cried and fussed. When I needed Him most and felt far away I read Job. Job cried and fussed and his words went in my eyes straight to my heart and they went from there like a laser beam up to God.
I still had to wait but it was the beginning (though I didn't know it) to me getting closer after feeling very separated from him.

I do not believe it is inspired for people to say He meant there was tribulation in taking The Way.

Your thoughts going ''like a laser beam upwards'' is just wishful thinking.
When His power descends, in power, that is salvation.

Moi is French for me.


New member
Your thoughts going ''like a laser beam upwards'' is just wishful thinking.
When His power descends, in power, that is salvation.

Moi is French for me.

When you don't know what to pray find someone in the Bible you might relate to.

And why can guys be so hung up on power? What is power? Is it joy? Peace? Love? What?


New member
When you don't know what to pray find someone in the Bible you might relate to.

And why can guys be so hung up on power? What is power? Is it joy? Peace? Love? What?

You sound as if you are unravelling on maleness?

Do you have a problem with the fact we have a Father and Son and Holy Spirit who is described as He and that there is no female in Elohim?

Brother Vinny

Active member
You sound as if you are unravelling on maleness?

Do you have a problem with the fact we have a Father and Son and Holy Spirit who is described as He and that there is no female in Elohim?

Another bit of taurine excrement from TOL's chief purveyor of posts suitable for fertilizing one's garden.

Since I know that Truster respects the ECB, I'll use that version:

27 And Elohim creates Adam in his image; he creates him in the image of Elohim; he creates them male and female.

--Genesis 1:27 ECB

Adam, when he was first made in Elohim's image, was made both male and female, because Elohim is both. The male is naturally dominant, so we get masculine Persons in the Godhead, but to say there is no female in Elohim is in error.


New member
Shekan Yah is a transliterated name and means Tabernacle of Yah. The name Yah is masculine. Tabernacle is a type of Messiah who is obviously male.

Going to secular books for spiritual meaning is like wearing crampons in the 10,000 meters race. You going to get stuck and then come unstuck.


New member
Shekan Yah is a transliterated name and means Tabernacle of Yah. The name Yah is masculine. Tabernacle is a type of Messiah who is obviously male.

Going to secular books for spiritual meaning is like wearing crampons in the 10,000 meters race. You going to get stuck and then come unstuck.
Shekinah is derived from the Hebrew verb שכן. In Biblical Hebrew that Semitic root means literally to settle, inhabit, or dwell, and is used frequently in the Hebrew Bible.

How do you count the bible as secular? You are a fool.


New member
Shekan Yah is a transliterated name and means Tabernacle of Yah..
No, it doesn't.

The word is Sheke'nah שכינה, which means the Divine Presence.

The word Shekan Yah שכניה means neighbor.

You have bastardized the pronunciation of the word to suit your false theories.
You should learn some Hebrew.
The letters יה together are what you should look for when you want to find Yah.


New member
You are mistaken, he is not a Messianic and hates the Hebrew roots movement.
He is a Sacred Namer with Reformed doctrines, so he is one of yours.

He brings shame even to Sacred Name and Reformed.

BUT...he has honored me by placing me on his ignored list. Baruch HaShem!

Ask Mr. Religion

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You are mistaken, he is not a Messianic and hates the Hebrew roots movement.
He is a Sacred Namer with Reformed doctrines, so he is one of yours.
No thanks. You can keep him as most messianics have a high view of sovereignty and often gravitate to some appreciation of the doctrines of grace. That does not make them Reformed. Messianic and Calvinist maybe. But never Reformed. Just sayin'.
