Nothing like we're seeing today:
It's different. I don't know why you think it's nothing like though. Let's take a look.
People of faith being fined, losing their livelihood and even going to jail for standing up for God's Word.
That's not what's happening though. That's your spin on it.
Unborn babies being murdered by the 10's of millions
Abortion is our slavery, to be sure.
; sexual deviants marching in the streets,
We've always had deviants of one sort or another marching in the streets. The Klan, for instance.
changing invaluable institutions
That's also happened, for good and ill, across the breadth of our relatively short history.
and indoctrinating children to the ways of sexual perversion.
Not happening in my school district. You need to get active in yours.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'd without a doubt live on the side that reflected the ideology of our Founding Fathers: That amongst other things our rights come from God, and as with the nation that they founded, the laws and cultural mores' of our new east coast nation would reflect that ideology.
For someone who gets his nose out of joint about repetition you sure do a lot of it.

As shown with my posts to the Jr. Libertarian about the history of slavery here in the US, the Founding Fathers inherited something that had been on continent for somewhere between 100 and 200 years.
Sorry, but that can't walk without crutches. The truth was they had the opportunity to do something different and let that social and moral evil remain an institution of profit for the new order. Simple as that.
Many were not slave owners and spoke against slavery.
I'm sure the slaves felt a lot better about their lot after the speeches.
The important thing is that they gave us a charter that stated that "All men are created equal", knowing that someday all men would be seen that way.
Justice delayed then. Morality on the half-shell. Okay, I agree that they failed their own principles and that time and bloodshed set that error right.
Yet today's liberals keep Black Americans "enslaved" through their big government programs and immoral social policies.
That's one opinion among differing ones. Another strength of the compact, we're all entitled to one.
Ah yes, because women pretty much stayed at home and did an invaluable job (raising children and keeping the family and home together) they were "second class citizens".
Not sure what that's supposed to be. It isn't a rebuttal for the fact of that wrong treatment at law. Yes, women who weren't given the freedoms they should have been entitled to, an equality under the law, nevertheless contributed greatly to the society that denied them.
Women are great.
Don't sit by the phone...
Or have an answer if it rang on the point, apparently.
The Founding Fathers beliefs are well documented
Sure are. :thumb:
, and no, you won't find them at the ACLU, Americans United or Mikey's websites, you'll find them in websites like Wallbuilders (who by the way owns over 100,000 documents predated 1812),
Like you, I have no idea if that's true (okay, I'm guessing since you were holding out on the rich cache of knowledge your sources provided on Benjamin Franklin without knowing a few fairly important facts about him, like his election to Congress) but it won't matter since I don't get my facts about the Founders from any one source.
As I say in the thread that you got frustrated and left without even saying goodbye (aCW wipes an imaginary tear from the corner of his eye)...
Why not, it was an imaginary point.
Does Jefferson know that you're thread squatting? Well, I suppose it's better than tying a metaphorical pork-chop around your neck, eh?