My fantasy. And a question for liberals


One more: This is Barton speaking at a Black Church a couple of years ago.

55+ minutes. If you don't want to watch the entire video, at least check out what Barton says at around the 9 minute mark regarding the Declaration of Independence and the book "The Two Treatises of Government".

Oh and boyz, the prosecution rests it's case.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Other than Ron Paul and his band of Libertarian misfits, I don't recall ever hearing you hold anyone in "high regard" Jr., including the founder of your community college, Michael Farris.

PHC isn't a community college.

But, Dr. Farris and I get along. He's a good guy. We don't agree on some things.

I've never asked him personally about Barton. But I have asked one of the history professors that he hired. He says Barton is not a good historian.

I've heard all of the anti Barton propaganda put out by the atheists at the ACLU,


Americans United for Separation of Church and State

and of course Mikey Weinstein's Military Religious Freedom Foundation. (No, Mikey is not some 6 year old kid even though his name makes him sound that old, he's an avid God-hater as seen in this article by

Who is Mikey Weinstein? Read His Own Vulgar Words Hating Christians and Jews in the U.S. Military

so you boyz can save your little floor show for people who don't know any better.

Like I mentioned before: David Barton/Wallbuilders own around 100,000 articles predated 1812, so he knows what was in the minds of our Founding Fathers better than the baby murderers and sodomites at the American Civil Liberties Union do.

I don't get my opinion on Barton from those people though. I get it from a conservative Christian history professor.
"Liar, propagandist, fantasist, hack, and snake oil salesman," but then again, that doesn't quite fit on a business card.


Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Yeah, anyone who claims Jefferson was a Christian is pushing the secular agenda whether they realize it or not... Blech....

Our REAL Reformed forefathers (The Puritans, the Scots who wrote the solemn league and covenant, John Calvin, John Knox, etc.) would be rolling around in their graves.


New member
Hall of Fame
Yeah, anyone who claims Jefferson was a Christian is pushing the secular agenda whether they realize it or not... Blech....

Our REAL Reformed forefathers (The Puritans, the Scots who wrote the solemn league and covenant, John Calvin, John Knox, etc.) would be rolling around in their graves.

"Our" forefathers? What or who are you talking to or about?

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
BTW I have issues with Ron Paul as well. I'd vote for him but he does have issues.

The interesting thing is, as much as Jefferson and Bob Enyart don't like Ron Paul, Ron Paul is the only Presidential candidate I can think of that would probably let Jefferson try the fantasy in the OP.

Ron has said he wouldn't interfere with state level sodomy laws either. That's huge.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Whackadoodle country. You know the people who think the U.S. is still "technically" a bunch of British colonies or an incorporation under the control of the East India Company? Same type of thing.

I don't actually think the SL + C is strictly binding (at least not as present) but I don't think that's the issue.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I've heard all of the anti Barton propaganda
It's sort of funny when someone calls a post merely linking anyone interested to objective fact anti-Barton propaganda.

So there you go. I suppose that's decisive enough.

put out by...the ACLU,
No, it was the site for the actual document by the owner, as I noted and you can read over his handiwork yourself by simply following the link.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
I really hate that this discussion about Barton is putting me on the same side as Granite and Town Heretic.

Admittedly, it is against aCW, which makes me feel slightly better. But still. I really don't feel right on the "left", even if only for one small moment :p