Moves in Michigan and California (!) to re-outlaw sodomy


ironically, most people don't care what people do in their bedrooms

if homos were willing to keep their disgusting perversions in their bedrooms, nobody would care

but no, they want to flaunt their perversions in public and in the classroom and demand societal acceptance

That's so true, they have to make it known and flaunt

I guess I didn't get the memo. Who made sexual perversion acceptable as long as it's done in private? Oh, I forgot, I'm talking with consensual morality crowd.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
maybe in gay little england you believe you should have the civil liberties to be perverts :idunno:

Nah, just the right for everyone to have the same liberties and rights recognized by the vast majority of the West including America. Don't like it? Suck it up. :)

the human right to be a pervert?

No, the human right to be afforded the very same as anyone else in society. Don't like it? Suck it up. :)

the problem being that perverts aren't content to keep their perversion private

Eh, the way some of you go on you'd think you couldn't walk down the street without seeing a pride parade or something...


Artie, how long have you been in favor of sodomy?

I'm not "in favor" of it. I am in favor of people having the right to a private sexual life without state or 'religious' intrusion if you can tell the difference.

Why don't you tell musterion that you're against flaunting one's sexuality, whether it be a husband and wife or a same sex couple. You'll have a friend for life if you do that Art.


Why don't you tell musterion that you're against flaunting one's sexuality, whether it be a husband and wife or a same sex couple. You'll have a friend for life if you do that Art.

Why don't you take your personal spat with him to another thread?

No "personal spat", I'm just relaying what musterion wrote in his own thread.

Yep. Can't stop what people do privately, whether we know about it or not. ACW equated that with "not caring what they do" but that's not true. Anyway, it is precisely the in-your-face part that is the problem. The Wife and I keep our thing "in the closet," i.e., out of the public eye. Nobody's business and it's tasteless to discuss. Queers refuse to abide that common sense notion. Case in point (this is your warning -- don't click):

Seriously, DO NOT CLICK.

You seem to be angry at everyone Art, why is that?


New member
I guess I didn't get the memo. Who made sexual perversion acceptable as long as it's done in private? Oh, I forgot, I'm talking with consensual morality crowd.
I see you're speaking as if you were God's representative on Earth again aCW, and thereby assuming the mantle of morality-giver to everyone else, since God seems to remain silent. :doh:
You are a theocratic Control freak aCW.
What the hell business is it of yours what two people may do in private together?
Why not keep your morality to yourself for a change?
Why not just butt out and leave gays alone, even if they obviously do fascinate you?
That or join them of course. :plain:


New member
Why don't you tell musterion that you're against flaunting one's sexuality, whether it be a husband and wife or a same sex couple. You'll have a friend for life if you do that Art.
Define "flaunting one's sexuality".
Why exactly is it such a bad thing to flaunt occasionally?
Is having fun a bad thing? :think:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Nah, just the right for everyone to have the same liberties and rights..

including the "right" to be sexually perverted

apparently that right exists in merry olde england, where the men are fags and the women are fags too

tardlyartie said:
No, the human right to be afforded the very same as anyone else in society.

well, good - uniformity of recognition of the inappropriateness of perversion is my goal too :thumb:

tardlyartie said:
...the way some of you go on you'd think you couldn't walk down the street without seeing a pride parade or something...

well, hard to see a pride parade here on tol

but fags like you are the next best thing :thumb:


Well-known member
Define "flaunting one's sexuality".
Why exactly is it such a bad thing to flaunt occasionally?
Is having fun a bad thing? :think:
Yep, it does always seem to be the "flaunting" that most irritates the bigots. My guess is because the "flaunting" flies right in the face of their imagined superior righteousness and authority.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
including the "right" to be sexually perverted

apparently that right exists in merry olde england, where the men are fags and the women are fags too

That "right" exists all over the West, including I might add - the US of A. Don't like it? Suck it up. :)

well, good - uniformity of recognition of the inappropriateness of perversion is my goal too :thumb:

No it isn't, it's in being a troll and well done, you "accomplished" that 'goal' a long time ago, although it says something about how sad you are and the life you obviously haven't got.

well, hard to see a pride parade here on tol

Eh? Has aCW's four year trainwreck passed you by? Or are you just plain thick? (never mind - rhetorical question)

but fags like you are the next best thing :thumb:

Aww, sorry to disappoint you dude but I likes women. :)

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Define "flaunting one's sexuality".
Why exactly is it such a bad thing to flaunt occasionally?
Is having fun a bad thing? :think:

i'm as disgusted by the sexual perversions of heterosexuals as I am by that of homos