Moves in Michigan and California (!) to re-outlaw sodomy

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
because reasons

Already supplied. Consenting adults and private life should have given you a clue. You wanna live your life to a set of 'religious standards' or whatever then fine. No reason why everyone should be beholden to the same, and that's the way it is. :)



Am I against it in theory? Nope. Question is, who is behind it now, and what's their real motivation?

My first guess, since it's Michigan, was caliphate-minded Muslims. California, I had no idea. Still don't.

But apparently not Muslims. It appears to perhaps be some old style Rushdoonyite theonomists/reconstructionists/dominionists seeking to impose the Law of Moses upon all.

Too bad ACW ain't here to rejoice with his brothers in Michigan.

aCW has returned. While I would love to debate you here, how about we take it to a thread that has close to 1,300,000 views? (I want people to see why people of faith are losing the culture war).

Yep. Can't stop what people do privately, whether we know about it or not. ACW equated that with "not caring what they do" but that's not true. Anyway, it is precisely the in-your-face part that is the problem. The Wife and I keep our thing "in the closet," i.e., out of the public eye. Nobody's business and it's tasteless to discuss. Queers refuse to abide that common sense notion. Case in point (this is your warning -- don't click):

Seriously, DO NOT CLICK.

Oh how I look forward to exposing musterion in my WHMBR! Part 4 thread (Did he just compare the marriage bed with sexual perversion?).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
aCW has returned. While I would love to debate you here, how about we take it to a thread that has close to 1,300,000 views? (I want people to see why people of faith are losing the culture war).

Oh how I look forward to exposing musterion in my WHMBR! Part 4 thread (Did he just compare the marriage bed with sexual perversion?).

A self propelled thread(s) garners views aCW. If you equate that with popularity for your own viewpoint then that's incredibly naive. The snapshot just on here should give you pause for thought, original as that would be for you but still...


aCW has returned. While I would love to debate you here, how about we take it to a thread that has close to 1,300,000 views? (I want people to see why people of faith are losing the culture war).

Oh how I look forward to exposing musterion in my WHMBR! Part 4 thread (Did he just compare the marriage bed with sexual perversion?).

A self propelled thread(s) garners views aCW. If you equate that with popularity for your own viewpoint then that's incredibly naive. The snapshot just on here should give you pause for thought, original as that would be for you but still...

Do you have any idea how valuable people like musterion are to the sexual anarchist movement Art? He's comparing laws that have been legislated by US States for close to 200 years with that of theocratic Islam. He's stated that the problem isn't homosexuality itself, it's the in your face 'pride' that homosexuals display (I'll guarantee you musterion that AIDS has most likely never been contracted at a 'gay' pride parade, but has been millions of times in bedrooms, bathhouses and bushes in public parks).

Appreciate your ally Art; he puts on a good act but the trained observer can see right through him.


Because what consenting adults do in their private life is neither the state's or anybody else's business. Pretty straightforward stuff.

You've made a legal description of it- like what I could very well perpetuate with a man and his horse.


You've made a legal description of it- like what I could very well perpetuate with a man and his horse.

Is this the same Crucible that stated in another thread:

I don't really see a problem with homosexuals adopting

Kids are much better off in a household living a relatively normal life than chilling in a group home. I think people need to put their focus more on the child rather than the parents sexual preference- homosexuality has no bearing on one's ability to raise a kid.

And as much as I am against homosexuality, it's just plain absurd to perpetuate an idea that the children will become gay, or that they will be deviant toward the child simply because they are gay spouses.


I've appreciated this sentiment today, and want to share it with you, AB.

We are the apple of God's eye.



Well, it's a story you just made up anyway but hardly 'cool'...

The Bible is not 'made up'. It is a collection of historical documents that show God's Providence. And as far as the Christ who emerged- neither Hitchens or Dawkins could historically deny him.
Maybe you should watch The Passion of the Christ or something, so that you will get a proper idea of the holy importance of Jesus.