may be LONGEST thread in TOL history: List of lib lies..


New member
  • The Duggars are hypocrites and should not speak about sin, as they have committed heinous acts themselves

yeh, almost as heinous as murdering helpless children as they sleep in their mothers' wombs (something libs unanymously accept)...


New member
  • liberals are against war

that is a HUGE lie. They are really greatly in favor of war. Why, you may ask, do I say that?

They complained during the Viet Nam war... and the stupid people in WA listened to them.. and not the generals and other military people who.. HELLLLLOOOOO(!!!) are the ones who could actually... HELLLOOOOOOOO (!!) again (!)

win the war...

imagine that... politicians cannot win, but the military can.. What a thought... Whodda Thunk it?

anyway, where was I... Hmmm... Oh, yeh...

Liberals and war.. Yeh, they believe in war b/c their actions ... you can look @ their action... They are always PROLONGING conflicts...

If the US would just forget about the loonie lefties and fight a war the way wars are supposed to be fought... We would have won in Viet Nam.. Communism would have been significantly curtailed in that region, less vietnamese would have lost their lives... and

Iraq.. pretty much Ditto

You do realize it was Republicans who started both wars in Iraq, right?


New member
  • There is no quid pro quo involved in we Clintons taking millions from anti-Democratic countries

yeh, and Santa Claus gave me lots of stuff last Christmas


New member
some loony leftie on Fox today said
  • There is no problem of voter fraud

[well, in a way that's not too much a lie. After all, it really is NOT a problem for the left, who always prosper through voter fraud.. Therefore, it is not a "problem"--to them]



New member
  • we can lie and insult the Right ad nauseum and still win in '16. Most of the time, no one calls us on the lies, but even if/when they do, Americans like their sociopaths.. Don't believe that? Read up on Clinton ('92). You Rs tried to get rid of him and... even you didn't have the guts...


New member
  • Bill is likable, Hellary is not

[Even some Conservatives think like this! :dead:

But Y does Bill get a pass? Is it b/c he is a man?

Then that is sexist (not using the term lightly here, as libs always do)

Actually, i think i like Hellary better. At least you can feel sorry for her... which is sorta like liking her, huh... ? or closer to Liking than what i feel for... gropers and such]



New member
  • the Rs only care about the rich

[Then explain how it is that the poor and middle class always do better when a R is in office

Remember that rock song from the 70s that went "LIAR... LIAR!"

That song enters my mind a lot when i think of any given lib]



New member
  • Trump cannot be taken seriously

[obviously voters disagree w/ that one.. as he is leading in the polls over most of the others...]

Oh how short is the memory. Do you forget just how many "frontrunners" there were in the GOP pack in 2012? I'm not worried. Even IF "The Donald" gets the GOP nom for the general, there is not one single republican I personally know that will vote for him. That tells me a lot. Yes, I know a lot of republicans.


New member
  • If you speak the truth about immigration (and just about everything else), you are a racist

You've heard of the windy city (Chicago), eh?

we also have

Wimpy City



New member
  • Trump saying Illegals commit crimes... that is unforgivable.

    Hellary destroying evidence... (yawn... What's the big deal?)


Except that isn't what Trump said. He said they were murders and rapists, and some he assumes (this he's not sure of) are good people. He just insulted an entire nationality of people.