The burden of proof is on you Jerry.
No, you are the one who said that the Lord Jesus came in 70AD and it was you who spoke the Lord rewarding men when He came.
But now you have no proof that the Lord rewarded anyone in 70AD!
No one entered the kingdom until 70AD
The Lord told His disciples to pray for the kingdom to come to the earth:
"Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven" (Mt.6:10).
According to you the kingdom came to the earth in 70AD and all who were living on the earth at that time were born again.
That never happened but you have proved that you will believe anything, no matter how ridiculous!
In The Revelation, Jesus said He was coming soon. - I believe what He said.
Sir Robert Anderson uses the unfaithfulness of Israel to explain the delay of the Lord's Jesus appearing when believers will be caught up to meet in the air:
"Israel's story may teach us something here. When the people were encamped at Sinai, Canaan lay but a few days' march across the desert. And in the second year from the Exodus, they were led to the borders of the land, and bidden to enter and take possession of it. 'But they entered not in because of unbelief'...Does not this throw light on the seeming failure of 'the hope of the Church'? Putting from us the profane thought that the Lord has been unmindful of His promise, are we not led to the conclusion that this long delay has been due to the unfaithfulness of His people upon earth?" (Anderson, Forgotten Truths [Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1980], 83-84).
Anderson also says:
"Though the purposes of God cannot be thwarted by the sins of men, the fulfilment of them may be thus postponed. And just as the wilderness apostasy of Israel prolonged their wanderings for forty years, although Canaan was but a few days' march from Sinai, so the far more gross apostasy of Christendom has prolonged for nigh two thousand years an era which the Lord and His Apostles taught the early saints to look upon as brief" (Anderson,
Misunderstood Texts of the New Testament [Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1991], 16-17).