Ok Boys and Girls, it's time to play Johnny W Math:
"spelling was never one of my strong points...grammer...The Greek"-Craigie
While you flaming hypocrite, actress.Well, fraud Craigie, and, by your own admission, the habitual liar of TOL, you've spammed "Darby," so many times, we've lost track. What is it, punk, 666 times in the last 3 months? And I'm flattered you finally "answered" a post-the "soft ball." And speaking of "soft balls," and irrelevant opinions, here is another lost person's, like yourself, wimp response, and attempt, to take the great saint John W one on one -some excerpts, from her bluster, which are merely sound bytes, cliches, fluff, spam 'tough guy/gal' bluffs....And thus, the poser, like you then feels "good,"and then slithers away, and grunts more emotionalisms, and mutterings, and snorts, and wining, and pining,....
I think she digs you, admires you. Of course, she, like you, has no spine, just booing the players, from the stands/sidelines/fox hole, not in the game/battle. She can relate to you...So "sweet....caring...," while people go to hell, from listening to you, her, other wolves/wolf-ette's.i
"I told you to stop it and you dare speak those words--that I am lost and going to hell??I will expose you for the lost, confused, potentially dangerous psychopath you are, Jack. You believe what you do on TOL serves MY LORD. It serves only YOU in your insecure, lonely, twisted world. It's always been all about you. Don't you get that??Get off the site. You are out of your league now.
You know it. You are a coward, who couldn't even face me, let alone one of the real men on TOL. Go somewhere else. You are not a source of entertainment any longer. You are an interference to all and a thread killer. Last chance. Back off your crazy."I told you to stop it and you dare speak those words--that I am lost and going to hell??...........P.S. I'm not on the sidelines any longer.."-whoever, as she grinds her teeth
Wolves/wolf-ettes, like you, and herself, always reacts as the above....Like father, like son/son-ette-Genesis 3:1, Genesis 4.
She won't-a threat, a popgun, like you-NATA-No Action Talk Only.I won't be able to sleep tonight....no, siree..
We will see, if she carries through with her threat, or, like you, slithers away.
Watch this lost, obsessed with me, person, like you are, "punt," and go "tilt," with more sophistry, deceit....
She won't come on TOL.....I'm baiting her..........