Mass shooting in Orlando, Florida USA 20 dead


like marbles on glass
You cannot possible be this dumb. 1)Islam is a semitic religion, not African. 2)There are Muslim countries in Africa, but the largest Muslim country in the world is Indonesia. 3)The terrorist was from Afghanistan. That is closer to China than it is to the closest African country.

Racism clouds judgment.

Of course, when they are white they must be insane, while this guy was obviously perfectly rational...When it is a representative from our culture, we pathologize them. When they are from other cultures, they are in fact a perfect ambassador for that culture. This guy was in fact no less sane or insane than someone like Breivik who shot and murdered nearly 90 people due his fascist ideologies. His manifesto contains very similar ideas to the racist garbage you are spouting on this site.

Exactly right. Thats right on the money, and you said it so well. Thank you.


like marbles on glass
No. He was born here.

Here's my question: When and how do does the U.S. move from representative republic to totalitarian state so that it can arrest its citizens before they commit a crime? Because that's what some are wanting, apparently, by asking why the government didn't anything about him before he committed the atrocity? What do they want the government to do about thought crime? What he did was horrific, but apparently (based on what's known so far) he bought the guns legally and didn't have a criminal record.

Although reading the comments at varying websites this morning, the false flag and the zionist conspiracy theorists are in full bray now.


like marbles on glass
OK, so let's be fair here:
He was a wife-beater.
He was emotionally unstable.
He had a volatile temper.
He was male.
He hated homosexuals, etc. so that settles it. The father was right. This attack had nothing to do with religion.

Oh, yes, and by the way, not that it matters,
He was a Muslim.
It was Ramadan.
IS declared that he was one of their operatives.
He himself declared beforehand that he had sworn allegiance to IS.

Go figure.

For those who need help in figuring: you can look at the man all you want and say he was emotionally unstable etc. Indeed, it seems often to me that anyone who commits an atrocity such as this, is deemed to be unstable a priori. Which does rather defeat the entire line of argument. But you are looking in the wrong direction. Look instead at the religion, at what it does to its adherents, whether stable and unstable.

How many of the following were committed by Muslims?



Well-known member
Putting your absolute ignorance on display again Alate? The centerpiece of this massacre is not the weapon, nor was it the weapon in Boston, or San Bernardino it is an ideology...and no, you lose again it is not Republicans or Democrats, it is not Methodists, Catholics, or evangelicals either. It is morons like you that are a danger to yourselves and all around you because you willfully disregard the obvious for the sake of offense of the very ideology that intends to harm you, me, and every other American.
Me disregarding the obvious? Wow . . . Did you miss the shootings in Atlanta, Sandy Hook? Those weren't caused by radical Islam. Most of our recent shootings have not. You're reacting to a subset of shootings rather than all, the definition of cherry picking. The connection between them all is easy access to high powered firearms.

But I'm sure you'll keep pretending everything is due to Islam. Is radical Islam a threat? Sure but it's not nearly as big of a threat as you make it out to be. Terrorism feeds on fear and fear isn't rational. If you act as if terrorism is THE threat to our country, you're simply giving them out sized power that they do not have in actuality. In short, people like you let terrorists win.


Well-known member
It is necessary to balance a free society with the limitations that security for citizens requires. It seems like the US is having a hard time finding a decent balance.


like marbles on glass
OK, so let's be fair here:
He was a wife-beater.
He was emotionally unstable.
He had a volatile temper.
He was male.
He hated homosexuals, etc. so that settles it. The father was right. This attack had nothing to do with religion.

Oh, yes, and by the way, not that it matters,
He was a Muslim.
It was Ramadan.
IS declared that he was one of their operatives.
He himself declared beforehand that he had sworn allegiance to IS.

Go figure.

For those who need help in figuring: you can look at the man all you want and say he was emotionally unstable etc. Indeed, it seems often to me that anyone who commits an atrocity such as this, is deemed to be unstable a priori. Which does rather defeat the entire line of argument. But you are looking in the wrong direction. Look instead at the religion, at what it does to its adherents, whether stable and unstable.

Re: your bolded words.... haven't you just defeated your premise?

By your reasoning, Dylan Klebold, one of the Columbine shooters, was a Lutheran. He committed his atrocities during the month of Easter 1999. So how do you propose the U.S. deals with Lutherans?


Well-known member
What's the last (sane) white male that you can think of that committed a mass terrorist shooting?

Please. Try to name one.
Oh we get to except the "insane" ones. You don't think the Muslim ones were insane? This guy's ex-wife seemed to think he was unstable.

Wow. Trad, you really need to get your racism into a serious reality check.

I'm dead serious.
Your geography doesn't eve make sense . . .

Desert Reign

How many of the following were committed by Muslims
I have no idea. However, a selective list of the 25 perceived deadliest won't help you. I am guessing that for the most part, there is only one thing that connects these events and that is the availability of guns. But since the American people have already deposed on that issue, it is a non-issue. But if there are other connections or similarities between certain events, does this mean that you are going to ignore them just because guns happens also to be one of the connections? Even I, a non-American, can vaguely recall incidents over the last few years where Muslims have been involved in terrorist acts. And you only have to ever so slightly expand your statistic to the more logical and informative (given that gun availability is not an issue) to 'Mass killings...' then straightaway you are going to get the twin towers event and you are going to get a lot of other events in which Muslims were involved. Muslims have a tendency to hate America. This is not my opinion. It is only what Muslims say themselves. Not just a few, but very many.

Most murders in this country aren't committed by Muslims.
Most Muslims aren't from Africa.
Same answer. The argument is not about the murders that weren't committed by Muslims but about those that were. And will be. Unless you take steps to stop it.

Re: your bolded words.... haven't you just defeated your premise?
By your reasoning, Dylan Klebold, one of the Columbine shooters, was a Lutheran. He committed his atrocities during the month of Easter 1999. So how do you propose the U.S. deals with Lutherans?
No. You misunderstand. This is not my argument but that of liberal-minded people who are unwilling to criticise Islam for what it is. It is their argument that defeats itself. Obviously, you must look at each situation, but how many Lutherans claim their religion as the driving force behind their crimes? How many Hindus, how many Christians of some particular denomination or sect, how many JW's?
But how many Muslims? The answer is loads.If you get one 'emotionally unstable' person from some religion, then you say he was emotionally unstable. You don't blame the religion. But when you get as many as there have been in Islam, you can't realistically take the same view. Your idealism stops at the facts.

patrick jane

Re: your bolded words.... haven't you just defeated your premise?

By your reasoning, Dylan Klebold, one of the Columbine shooters, was a Lutheran. He committed his atrocities during the month of Easter 1999. So how do you propose the U.S. deals with Lutherans?

There is no month long Easter


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Me disregarding the obvious? Wow . . . Did you miss the shootings in Atlanta, Sandy Hook? Those weren't caused by radical Islam. Most of our recent shootings have not. You're reacting to a subset of shootings rather than all, the definition of cherry picking. The connection between them all is easy access to high powered firearms.

But I'm sure you'll keep pretending everything is due to Islam. Is radical Islam a threat? Sure but it's not nearly as big of a threat as you make it out to be. Terrorism feeds on fear and fear isn't rational. If you act as if terrorism is THE threat to our country, you're simply giving them out sized power that they do not have in actuality. In short, people like you let terrorists win.

You are a moron, the conversation is about terrorism, not the weapon being used. It is only your loser president and the band of liberal idiots you roll with that are attempting to make this about guns instead of focusing on the core of this attack which is Radical Islamic Terrorism on American soil. Terrorists use bombs also do you think having a conversation about using bombs like in Boston will address the ideology that drove them to use bombs? Were the bombs the problem? Treating the symtoms instead of the disease is the hallmark of the liberal psychosis you walk in...get a grip the weapons are sideline to the ideology, you can continue to rant on about guns but, it only shows how absolutely out of touch & irrelevant your argument is.


[Mentally deranged vs. Terrorist] This guy's ex-wife seemed to think he was unstable.

What religion was he? :dizzy: Ge 16:12, Jer 7:6, GWT :CRASH:

"We can either accept the media narrative, that some unknown complex mix of motives drove this mentally ill man to buy readily available assault weapons and kill people he simply hated for no reason, or we can apply Occam’s Razor–the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. The attack was absolutely religiously motivated. You didn’t see Mateen attacking the Orlando Islamic Center, the mosque he attended, because he didn’t like the people there." RR News: The Media Is Spinning A False Narrative


How the Vatican Created Islam
The Vatican Creation of Islam for the Persecution of Jews & Christians
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Well-known member
You are a moron, the conversation is about terrorism, not the weapon being used. It is only your loser president and the band of liberal idiots you roll with that are attempting to make this about guns instead of focusing on the core of this attack which is Radical Islamic Terrorism on American soil.
It is about guns. It's a mass shooting. Seriously, you can't see the forest for the trees. :chuckle:

Terrorists use bombs also do you think having a conversation about using bombs like in Boston will address the ideology that drove them to use bombs? Were the bombs the problem?
Bombs are more difficult for people to make, which means bombings are more rare than mass shootings. And it wasn't radical Islam that blew up in Oklahoma City.

Treating the symtoms instead of the disease is the hallmark of the liberal psychosis you walk in...get a grip the weapons are sideline to the ideology, you can continue to rant on about guns but, it only shows how absolutely out of touch & irrelevant your argument is.
You don't seem to know what the "disease" is. The second largest terrorist attack in US history wasn't caused by radical Islam. It was caused by a white guy with extreme right wing ideology. By your logic we should have started banning/expelling right wingers back in the 90s.

You don't win a fight over ideology by killing or expelling everyone with that ideology. That really worked on Christianity didn't it? Ask Rome. You can fight an idea with a better idea and by refusing to give the other idea power.