
john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Tell us all why the man is handed to Satan so that his spirit may be saved.

1 Corinthians 5:5 hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord.

Tell us what scripture says that everything/all of the commands of the Lord Jesus Christ, including sell all you have, are for everyone.

Or, are all of the commands, every single one of them, to be obeyed by everyone? Yes, or no.

Tell us why you decide for others what commands of the Lord Jesus Christ are to be obeyed.

She won't touch this-I've asked her over 30 times.

Watch the evasion, changing the subject, sound byte, asking another question.....Watch.

Satanic fraud.

God's Truth

New member
Tell us what scripture says that everything/all of the commands of the Lord Jesus Christ, including sell all you have, are for everyone.

Or, are all of the commands, every single one of them, to be obeyed by everyone? Yes, or no.

Tell us why you decide for others what commands of the Lord Jesus Christ are to be obeyed.

She won't touch this-I've asked her over 30 times.

Watch the evasion, changing the subject, sound byte, asking another question.....Watch.

Satanic fraud.

You are ignored. I was patient with you because I thought you had Tourette's.

But you are just every filthy thing you say about others.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You are ignored. I was patient with you because I thought you had Tourette's.

But you are just every filthy thing you say about others.

As I predicted:
She won't touch this-I've asked her over 30 times.

Watch the evasion, changing the subject, sound byte, asking another question.....Watch.

Satanic fraud.

I caught her in another lie, that exposes her satanic "argument."

Answer, you evasive little demon:

Tell us what scripture says that everything/all of the commands of the Lord Jesus Christ, including sell all you have, are for everyone.

Or, are all of the commands, every single one of them, to be obeyed by everyone? Yes, or no.

Tell us why you decide for others what commands of the Lord Jesus Christ are to be obeyed.

You vile hypocrite, whited wall. Get off this site, demon.


New member
Wow, more scripture from you, connecting the dots, eh, Dora? No, just sound bytes, "that is just your opinion...," grunts, snorts, "Teen Talk," emotional spewing forth of sulfur....


They were wacked for both, moron. And, let's say, "for the sake of argument," they were.

Go on record, and tell us why this does not happen today, and why you/others do not sell all they have, today, and have all things in common, today-Communism. Sell all you have. Go ahead. MAD proponents have a rational, reasonable, explanation. What is your? Scripture, punk-lay it out for us, instead of spamming "BTW..IMO..."

Watch the "Well, it was figurative, you see, uh, urr....," or some other spin/smoke screen. Watch.

Take your seat, drone. You're not in my weight class.

I see what you do with scripture...

I don't give angry children sharp things or guns either...

I also don't caste the pearls of scripture just anywhere...

you already have them...just lack understanding of what you have...

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Acts 2:44-45 (AKJV/PCE)
(2:44) And all that believed were together, and had all things common; (2:45) And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all [men], as every man had need.

Notice they had all things other words, all they had was theirs in common

That is not the same as getting rid of all property by giving it away to those in need...

Just like giving alms is not giving everything all...certainly not at once

Tell us why we you/others do not obey that command. Do it.

I thought so-scammers, con artists.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I see what you do with scripture...

I don't give angry children sharp things or guns either...

I also don't caste the pearls of scripture just anywhere...
As I predicted....just assertionss/grunts/talk show IMO/random spamming of paraphrasing of scripture-no scripture, connecting the dots. And...

View attachment 25270

I picked you apart. Be seated, as you are not in my league.

you already have them...just lack understanding of what you have...

Such brilliance...

God's Truth

New member
Right Divider, Tell us all why the man is handed to Satan so that his spirit may be saved.

1 Corinthians 5:5 hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Lol...your blinding yourself with your own frothing and deaf with your own roar

I already answered in my post as you just did in yours...

No, you didn't, Dora.
They were wacked for both, moron. And, let's say, "for the sake of argument," they were.

Go on record, and tell us why this does not happen today, and why you/others do not sell all they have, today, and have all things in common, today-Communism. Sell all you have. Go ahead. MAD proponents have a rational, reasonable, explanation. What is your? Scripture, punk-lay it out for us, instead of spamming "BTW..IMO..."
Watch the "Well, it was figurative, you see, uh, urr....," or some other spin/smoke screen. Watch.

Tell us why we you/others do not obey that Acts 2:44 ff KJV command. Do it.

Take your seat, drone. You're not in my weight class

Not a peep.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Right Divider, Tell us all why the man is handed to Satan so that his spirit may be saved.

1 Corinthians 5:5 hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord.
Tell us what scripture says that everything/all of the commands of the Lord Jesus Christ, including sell all you have, are for everyone.

Or, are all of the commands, every single one of them, to be obeyed by everyone? Yes, or no.

Tell us why you decide for others what commands of the Lord Jesus Christ are to be obeyed.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Right Divider, Tell us all why the man is handed to Satan so that his spirit may be saved.

1 Corinthians 5:5 hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved on the day of the Lord.

Jesus does NOT tell all to sell their homes.

So, you admit that the Lord Jesus Christ is not addressing everyone, "all,"in His commands/teachings, while on earth?

Answer the question, with a "yes," or "no," you evasive little demon.


Well-known member
What I gather from Madists' claims and their behavior are very much like Pharisees of NT times.

1)they don't seem to honor Jesus' teaching by saying we don't have to follow His teaching because His messages are just for the Jews.

2)They vehemently oppose Calvinists because they believe they invented replacement theory.

3) They have no qualm about their abusive behavior.

4)It seems that they are motivated by their political position of Zionism because they seem so obsessed with literal Israel.

any objection?

Wow, no objections here. What a great thread. Most everything you said has been plainly proven to be true, and you didn't even need to do much except to sit back and let the MADites prove the things you said in the OP, (and they came through in flying colors!).

Thanks for posting this thread Meshak! :)

Special thanks to you also, Saint JW, for show-and-telling everyone about MADism. :thumb:


New member
No, you didn't, Dora.

Not a peep.


Do hope you read scripture better than my posts...

All this to argue something you yourselves don't believe or do...sell all and give away...

Only to be able to cry hypocrite when we expect others to do as He

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Do hope you read scripture better than my posts...

All this to argue something you yourselves don't believe or do...sell all and give away...

Only to be able to cry hypocrite when we expect others to do as He

As I predicted-more sound bytes, grunts, snorts, IMO....void of any scripture, connecting the dots.

Sit, until I call on you, and desire that insightful "lol" of yours, Dora the Explorer, or "Romper Room" imitations.


New member
As I predicted-more sound bytes, grunts, snorts, IMO....void of any scripture, connecting the dots.

Sit, until I call on you, and desire that insightful "lol" of yours, Dora the Explorer, or "Romper Room" imitations.

So why don't you and yours sell all and give it away?

Your Jesuit handlers wish for this spreading of wealth and will indeed do it...for you

And all of us

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
they don't seem to honor Jesus' teaching by saying we don't have to follow His teaching because His messages are just for the Jews.

It is you who do does not honor the teachings of the Lord Jesus, especially that teaching which Paul received from the Lord Jesus (Gal.1:11-12). Now is your chance to prove that you actually believe the teachings which Paul received from the Lord Jesus. Notice the answer which Paul gave here to this question:

"And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house"
(Acts 16:30-31).​

Do you agree with the answer given here, that if a person believes on the Lord Jesus then that person will be saved?