It's not a binary - philology or inspiration. As Erasmus says, philology is the handmaiden of theology. The academics only make sense by the Spirit of God. I have godless professors that have excellent knowledge of the biblical languages and the text, yet they are utterly apostate and without Christ or knowledge of the Spirit. It is only by knowledge of the Spirit, by an intimate relationship with God, that the academic details even make sense.
Doesn't not care for purity? Christians?
Yes, it's the Charismatic/Pentecostal/Apostolic Reformation movement that is sweeping the world, persuading hundreds of millions. It is the fastest growing sect of "Christianity." They use Christian labels, but the practice and doctrine is essentially Hindu Brahmanism and Kabbalah. Very disturbing. They despise the Word of God. And this mindset is growing.
Who have been more quilty of this than Greek scholars steeped in Coptic manuscripts now presented as "The way to more accurate understanding".
It's been a long process of culture sculpting, especially with the advent of scientific, philosphical, and social revolutions that have changed the mind of western man. Most people are unaware. Think Matrix. 1984. Brave New World. They are not directly at fault, only indirectly for their ignorace.
I can't agree. Agape is love from God expressed from the soul of a redeemed man.
Of course it is. I did not say it wasn't. But God is still the source, and that is the lexical definition of Agape from Spiros Zodhiates.
I well understand all of that and would only add the question, "how it can be otherwise if academia is the only way. What do I say to my Yak sheperd friend in lower Siberia who reveres God while not ever owning a Bible? What did Jesus tell us to do about such folk?
That is a discussion for another thread, but essentially, as I said,
God is not limited. I am never arguing that God is ever limited by English, especially when it comes to salvation. But there is a difference between the threshold of salvation and the depths of maturity. Many/most of my friends, family, and acquiantances have been Christian for much if not most of their lives. Yet only in the English, there is no spiritual growth in them after decades of being in Church. The Church is stuck in the same patterns with the same sermons and the same methodologies, never getting beyond the surface level of the text. My primary concern is with evangelizing to Christians, that we might be better equipped.
Explaining the different types of love can be taught quite easily which then leaves them with some decisions to make.
Who is the them of which you speak? Are you speaking of the peoples that missionaries go to? Most languages already have different words for love that correlate well enough to the Greek. If you're referring to the Siberian yak farmer, Russian already has a greater differentiation of love types than English, and the Russian "Lyubof" is much closer to agape. Yet, English influence is changing that to resemble what I've described. There are even more words for love in Japanese, but in Japan too English is having the same effect on how love is defined.
If I understand him correctly, he is of the "Jesus Only" doctrine. Is that you as well?
Referring to how he replied, I would agree that he does not seem to be a Modalist. I like the way he describes the trinity, and would have to say that I agree with him.