Translated:Paul talking to gentiles about the purpose of the law?
Is the the best you've got?
Oh dear.

-Who taught the law, in the OT, to the children of Israel?
-Who taught the law, in Matthew-John, which was OC, prior to the dbr?
-Who taught the "early Acts" believers, to adhere to the law, , including the feasts, "the appointed feasts," such as Pentecost,going to the temple?
-Who taught the OC/"Old Testament,"from the cross, until AD 70, since you say that the OC did not end until AD 70-"transition period...God did not flip a lightswitch"?
-Who taught the law to Paul, the Galatians.............per:
Galatians 3:24 KJV Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.
Jan Crouch?
-The Lord Jesus Christ spoke only the words of God the Father(as all prophets did-God's spokesman)-he taught the Savior, what to say. Go on record, and assert that God the Father did not teach him to teach the law.
-Tell us why the Lord Jesus Christ kept the law, a law, that He never taught. Go ahead.
-Who taught Paul to go to the synagogues-only law observant people allowed in.
-Who picked Ananias, "a devout man according to the law," to go to Saul/Paul
-Who taught Peter to observe the dietary restrictions, according to the law?
-Who taught Paul to observe the feasts?
Galatians 3:24 KJV Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.
Does the law serve to bring others to Christ today, candyandy?
andy:This "Jesus" never taught the law, but someone taught Paul the law, and the Galatians, to bring them to Christ, and through the law, is the knowledge of sin, but God never taught the law.
Dopie Opie the fruitie Penty.
Not a peep.