ECT MADists don't follow Paul

Grosnick Marowbe

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Just like the Father and Son used the Assyrians to avenge the Egyptians.

Just like the Father and Son used the Babylonians to avenge the Jews.

At least you're beginning to expose your false doctrine. That's a start.
Next, why not admit you're not a true believer in the Grace of God?

john w

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JohnW quotes you from way back saying it was Christ Himself, taking vengeance through the instrumentality of Rome. Did he lie?

Come on, punk, Craigie. Let's discuss, like Mike Myers. I will repost your quotes, my post, which you have refused to address, for over 2 years. Why are you "running and hiding, in 'desperation'?"

You taught us that debate "closer"-we learned that from you.


Well-known member

(Isaiah 19:1) See, the Lord rides on a swift cloud
and is coming to Egypt.

If you can't make the connection between Isaiah 19:1, and what Christ Jesus said in Matt 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13, I don't know what to tell you.

Did the Lord literally ride a cloud into Egypt?

How does the Father and especially the Son - who asked they be forgiven for their ignorance - violate His own dispensation of grace to avenge Himself on anyone?

Do you even know what grace means?


How does a holy, righteous God who is love and cannot lie take vengeance upon any during a declared dispensation of His grace? What would 'grace' even mean to you, for that to have happened?

There is no "declared dispensation of grace" time period like your premise says.

There was the OC and the NC.

I have showed you Heb 8:13 over and over again. I don't know how much clearer it could be that the NC was put in place in 30AD, but the OC didn't come to an end until 70AD.

The temple, the Jews, the law and prophets, etc. weren't part of the NC, they were part of the OC.

70AD marked the culmination of the ages, just like Paul said, the "last days" like the writer of Hebrews said, "these last days" like John said.

john w

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(Isaiah 19:1) See, the Lord rides on a swift cloud
and is coming to Egypt.

If you can't make the connection between Isaiah 19:1, and what Christ Jesus said in Matt 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13, I don't know what to tell you.

Did the Lord literally ride a cloud into Egypt?

Spam. Was the Roman army looking for his return? Identify this everyone who you said saw Him.


Well-known member
Preterism, like Calvinism, limits and denies God's grace. Only real difference is, prets do it in the past (70), Calvinists do it now. Either way, it is blasphemous.


Well-known member
There is no "declared dispensation of grace" time period like your premise says.

Straw man. It's been burned many times before.

AD 70 was during the dispensation of grace we occupy.

Why did God violate it and make Himself a liar, according to your doctrine?


So you believe we are saved but will be rewarded for good works at the bema?

I said there were two camps on this.

Paul's statement to the Corinthians about a man escaping from a fire leads me to believe there is some sort of rewards at the Bema, since not everyone is going to feel like a man escaping from a fire.


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Any professing Christian who will not explain what he thinks the Gospel is, probably isn't a Christian at all. What possible reason would there be NOT to do so? That seems the one secret Tettles guards at all cost.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Any professing Christian who will not explain what he thinks the Gospel is, probably isn't a Christian at all. What possible reason would there be NOT to do so? That seems the one secret Tettles guards at all cost.

I've been asking him to give a testimony. He refuses to do it. Why???


Well-known member
Ask him if the Gospel contained in my signature is enough, alone, to save. If he ignores, deflects or obfuscates, or throws some other question at you, he does not believe it.


Straw man. It's been burned many times before.

AD 70 was during the dispensation of grace we occupy.

Why did God violate it and make Himself a liar, according to your doctrine?

Until you accept the fact that the NC was put in place by the shed blood of Christ Jesus in 30AD, and that the OC came to an end in 70AD, you will never be able to understand.

Christ Jesus made it very clear that there was going to be wrath like never seen before, and never seen since, going to happen to the Jews and Judaea.

It was fulfilled in 70AD.

Matt 24, Luke 19 & 21, and Mark 13 give us the details.

It's why Jesus told the believers to flee to the hills when they saw Jerusalem surrounded.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
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1 Peter 3:15 states: "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:"


Ask him if the Gospel contained in my signature is enough, alone, to save. If he ignores, deflects or obfuscates, or throws some other question at you, he does not believe it.

Mormons, Catholics, JW's, Orthodox, and many others believe 1 Cor 15:1-4.

Are they are saved?

You guys are so insecure about your salvation.


Well-known member
Until you accept the fact that the NC was put in place by the shed blood of Christ Jesus in 30AD, and that the OC came to an end in 70AD, you will never be able to understand.

So Christ both shed His blood to reconcile and redeem the whole world by God's grace, for Jew and Gentile alike, and at the same time took bloody vengeance against Jews in their blind ignorance.

That about it?