ECT MADists don't follow Paul

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Until you accept the fact that the NC was put in place by the shed blood of Christ Jesus in 30AD, and that the OC came to an end in 70AD, you will never be able to understand.

1. I deny that:

-the NC is in effect today
-the NC is in place today
-the NC is inaugurated, and ..
-that it is applicable to members of the body of Christ.

Do I "deny what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross," and am I not adhering to Paul's gospel, and therefore lost?

Can one deny that, the NC is in effect today, deny that the NC is in place today. deny that the NC is inaugurated, and that it is applicable to members of the body of Christ, and thus, according to you, "deny what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross," and am I not adhering to Paul's gospel, and therefore lost?

2."that the OC came to an end in 70AD,"-Tettiepie, asserting that the OC was in place, post cross

"Of course the law was part of the old Covenant."-Tettiepie, agreeing, that the law was part of the OC, and thus that the law continued until 70AD

"Of course, Pentecost was part of he law.."-Tettiepie, confirming that the law continued until 70AD


"The law was nailed to the cross....The law was abolished at the cross."-Tettiepie

Do you admit, that you either have a demon within you, so obsessed with dispensationalism, or, are drunk/stoned, so much so, that you cannot think straight,Wimpy?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

It is more important for you to defend Darby's false teachings than to learn the truth.

The punk is melting down, imploding, getting picked apart, methodically, reeling, falling, to the matt, slumped over, in a heap, bloodied, in a ditch, by us MAD wackos, awaiting for his father, the devil, to re-inflate him, pump him up, with more sophistry, deceit, and "Darby...Bullinger" cliches/spam, as he is running out of air, and whimpers, pines, and wines................

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
A JW to Little Johnny W the Dance Director: "I believe 1 Cor 15:1-4, God has brothers, Jesus is Michael, Pastor Russell was the seventh messenger, Jesus in not God, Satan isn't real"

Little Johnny W the Dance Director to the JW: "you are saved because you believe 1 Cor 15:1-4"

That's your best shot, satanic one? Mimicking me? Your father, the devil, the great imitator, taught you well.

You believe that, God can have brothers, Jesus can be Michael, Pastor Russell was the seventh, but, since only God can see the heart, you are still saved.

That is your "testimony," you satanic, flaming fag.

And quit sending me "homo" propositions, you vile, pudgy wimp-I dig chicks.
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john w

New member
Hall of Fame
And get a job, sodomite Tettie, and provide for your "family," infidel, instead of spending 10+ hours/day on TOL, and listening to your Hank Hannegraaf tapes. You unemployed slug, loser.


New member
tetelestai,I can't stand reading any more of your posts, so I'm putting you on ignore. You're a spammer and repeat things so many times that they become sickening. Examples: I don't want to hear any more about your obsession with Darby, dispensationalists, and the few other subjects that you spam over and over again. I doubt that I'll miss anything, certainly not anything new. What you believe is a pathetic mess. You have the last word. Bye.


New member
How close are you to Dorset, England?

Little Johnny W the Dance Director may want you to put some flowers on a grave in Dorset, England.


Dorset is a county on the South Coast. I think sussane (Totton) comes from around there somewhere.
W needs to put some flowers on his theology LOL


New member
I live about 5 minutes from the grave of Charles Taze Russell, the founder of the JW's

Russell and Darby were contemporaries.


Charles referred to himself as THE LAODICEAN MESSENGER because he considered himself the seventh and final spokesman for the Christian church.

"The two most prominent messengers, are the first and the last - St. Paul and Pastor Russell"
- Watchtower 1917 November 1 p.323

In between Paul and himslef, Russell put John, Arius, Peter Waldo, John Wycliffe, and Martin Luther as the seven messengers.

Crazy stuff.

Yes I think the Plymouth Brethren were obsessed with end times and exploring future dates that could be significant. Russell's obsession led to the JW cult we have now. Similar to MAD, they believe modern day Christendom is deceived and gone astray, and the only way to be saved is to join them.
The only difference is that JWs are right wing (works), and MAD is left wing (country club).


New member
I'm thinking it was the kind of prison that has padded cells.


Yep. The acronym is just so perfect.
You can just see people like Cornelius Stam saying to themselves, Mid Acts Dispensationalism is too long, let's sum it up with acronym....

errrrrrrrr........MAD .......... oh dear.


Similar to MAD, they believe modern day Christendom is deceived and gone astray, and the only way to be saved is to join them.


You won't find a MADist on TOL telling a non-MADist he or she is saved.

However, you'll find plenty of MADists telling non-MADists he or she isn't saved.

MAD is very cult-like


tetelestai,I can't stand reading any more of your posts, so I'm putting you on ignore. You're a spammer and repeat things so many times that they become sickening. Examples: I don't want to hear any more about your obsession with Darby, dispensationalists, and the few other subjects that you spam over and over again. I doubt that I'll miss anything, certainly not anything new. What you believe is a pathetic mess. You have the last word. Bye.

Yet again, another Darby Follower in denial.


Well-known member
Do you believe you were saved by Christ on the cross at Calvary,or do you believe that at some point between your birth and now you became saved?

Why would I ask you this if I did not believe you were saved,do I set a trap for mine own self?

If The first thought of God in creation is to form the savior(Jesus) and then those who would come afterward to be saved(Adam/us) then it is no "afterthought of God".

That is God did not create man and then when he fell go "oops now what?" and then think to form an savior to send him to redeem the man. God "first" formed the "savior",his thought in the beginning was to guarantee our salvation.

Would I say this to you if I thought you were not saved by the same God that saved me? But how do I know if I do not believe that he saved me? I do not ask you "are you saved yet?",,,I ask you if "you believed you were saved and when".

If we ask God in our prayers to give us faith,does it not reveal that we admit we do not have it? Contemplate it if God answered the prayer and gave us faith what is it to God? Is it the thing that God wants?

Would God not say to himself "I gave them faith to trust me and so it is not an gift that they give to me"? God would that we in our hearts have faith in him and his abilities. He desires that we trust him. Faith is not received from God it is given to God.

This is why I ask you when you thought you were saved,to so you would contemplate it. If from birth till death a man has a portion in the works of salvation,he then is his own savior. He then is an replacement Christ in that he has substituted his own works for the works of the true savior.

Some will ask me how I know for sure you are saved,but in fairness they should ask me if I thought that you believe it. It's a tough one for sure the question I ask,lol. Remember the scriptures you gave when you said "thats a tough one". We often highlight in yellow the portion of words based on our eschatology,,highlight "come to the knowledge",,that is become aware of something,believe it.

None can come to the knowledge of it lest they first believe it,then they will have faith in it, who will hear it unless it is said? I am not in a panic to save you you see. If I seek to save you then do I not believe that I am sent to save you and then therefore am another savior?

I ask you if you knew you were saved and when. I ask you if you knew you were saved. Here is the burning house where one is plucked out from the flames. That is if one is not sure because he doesn't know when he was saved and by who he is in agony. He is tossed from one doctrine to another in search for it.

He is in pain,he is not sure of his children's salvation nor his wife's he has no assurance that even his parents are saved. He is thirsty,hungry and it is never quenched.

Again when one comes to the knowledge of the Gospel of his salvation he is at peace. He then understanding that Christ is who saved him and that he himself did not will then see the same salvation prepared for his own family. He will then have the great fear of the unsure mind removed. Who can thank God for salvation unless they have faith in it?

I did not ask you when you believed you were saved to catch you in a snare. I ask you to have you ask your own self. If my intention was to drive you afar off and not count you an brother I would have not ask you. The full intention is to have the weight removed and the fire put out.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
TeT is kinda like another Meshak. Like her, he repeats the same things
over and over again like clockwork. Darby this and Darby that.
dispensationilist this and dispensationilist that.

Meshak kept repeating, trinity this and trinity that. They both have/had
their separate pet peeves. They can't seem to hold a conversation about
anything else. They both are/were limited in their discussions with others.

They both seem to share common themes and interests. They both are/
were annoying and troublesome. They're both attention seekers /trolls.

It's too bad their lives are focused on causing disruption, chaos, and angry


It's too bad their lives are focused on causing disruption, chaos, and angry

This thread is about how MADists don't follow the gospel Paul preached.

Paul preached the the following things MADists are OPPOSED to:

1) The New Covenant was put in place, and is in place right now

2) After the cross, Peter preached the same gospel Paul did

3) The Jews and Gentiles became one new man, in one body

4) Others were in Christ (in the BOC) before Paul

5) The Romans were in Christ (in the BOC) before Paul

6) Christ Jesus was the first to preach the mysteries kept secret since the foundation of the world.

7) Paul preached that "the culmination of the ages" was in the first century

MADists oppose all these above truths that Paul preached.

Right Divider

Body part
This thread is about how MADists don't follow the gospel Paul preached.

Paul preached the the following things MADists are OPPOSED to:

1) The New Covenant was put in place, and is in place right now
Paul said NO such thing and Tellalie gets this from ONE MISUNDERSTOOD verse.

2) After the cross, Peter preached the same gospel Paul did
Absolutely ridiculous. Peter preached repentance to Israel, just like John the baptizer.

3) The Jews and Gentiles became one new man, in one body
How does MAD deny this? This was FIRST preached by Paul and ONLY found in HIS epistles.

4) Others were in Christ (in the BOC) before Paul

5) The Romans were in Christ (in the BOC) before Paul
Tellalie uses little word games to "prove" this. Simply put: "in Christ" is NOT the same as "in the BODY of Christ", which was UNKNOWN by Peter until Paul told him.

6) Christ Jesus was the first to preach the mysteries kept secret since the foundation of the world.
Another little Tellalie trick. These are NOT the same mysteries.

7) Paul preached that "the culmination of the ages" was in the first century
A forced understanding that Tellalie MUST push in order to shoehorn his "70 AD" theory which is NOWHERE to be found in scripture.

MADists oppose all these above truths that Paul preached.
Tellalie lies.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Paul said NO such thing and Tellalie gets this from ONE MISUNDERSTOOD verse.

Absolutely ridiculous. Peter preached repentance to Israel, just like John the baptizer.

How does MAD deny this? This was FIRST preached by Paul and ONLY found in HIS epistles.

Tellalie uses little word games to "prove" this. Simply put: "in Christ" is NOT the same as "in the BODY of Christ", which was UNKNOWN by Peter until Paul told him.

Another little Tellalie trick. These are NOT the same mysteries.

A forced understanding that Tellalie MUST push in order to shoehorn his "70 AD" theory which is NOWHERE to be found in scripture.

Tellalie lies.

Good post. I really don't wish to debate with know nothings such
as TeT. He just wants to argue for the sake of argument. He's
very limited as well.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

You won't find a MADist on TOL telling a non-MADist he or she is saved.

However, you'll find plenty of MADists telling non-MADists he or she isn't saved.

MAD is very cult-like

You won't rebuke, mark, those who pervert the gospel of Christ, unless they are of MAD persuasion, you spineless wimp, and assert that those who assert that the Lord Jesus Christ's work was not good enough, can believe that, and still be saved.

On record, you obsessed man pleaser.

Why are you here, devilish one?