ECT MADists don't follow Paul

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John Nelson Darby commenting on 2 Thess. 2:1-2 in 1850:

"It is this passage which, twenty years ago, made me understand the rapture of the saints before- perhaps a considerable time before- the day of the Lord, that is, before the judgment of the living."
- John Nelson Darby
That has nothing to do with the question that you were asked.

You have serious context and focus problems.


Are you thinking that ROME is just one big monolith of people?

No I'm talking about the certain people in Rome who Paul said were loved by God, called to be His Holy people, had their faith reported all over the world, and were in Christ before Paul was:

(Rom 1:7) To all in Rome who are loved by God and called to be his holy people:...

(Rom 1:8) First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world.

(Rom 16:7) Greet Andronicus and Junia, my fellow Jews who have been in prison with me. They are outstanding among the apostles, and they were in Christ before I was.

You claim these people were not in the BOC before Paul.

So, what program were they in?

Were they in the "kingdom program"?


Will believing that damn a soul to the Lake of Fire?

Dispensationalism has directly sent more Jews to hell than any other false "Christian" doctrine.

Catholics and other Christian groups have killed Jews (indirectly sending them to hell), but Dispensationalism tells Jews God has a plan for them, that they are a special people, etc.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I'm not the Dance Director, you are.

So, the weasel, admits, calling me a "homosexual," even though:

1. The devlish punk, in hypocrisy, over, and over on TOL, and just recently, on TOL, whines like a sissy, that everyone engages in meanie name calling, insults, "character attacks" on him.

You big, fat, satanic sissy, hypocrite.

2.He admitted to me, in a PM on TOL, that he was a sodomite, and "propositioned" me. He even suggested meeting his future ex wife, in the Dallas area, to see if met his sodomite req's.
You wicked sodomite, actress.

john w

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Hall of Fame
I'm thinking it was the kind of prison that has padded cells.

Tettie Craigie thinks that is so cute/original, spamming it over and over. But it's not as cute as his recent effeminate pic:


john w

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Hall of Fame
Craigie, the TOL habitual liar, is caught, in another lie, another "I never said that" lie:

"Originally Posted by musterion View Post
No. You stated he preached a false salvation message."

I never said that.

Darby taught there was a distinction between the church and Israel.

This is a very false dangerous teaching. It says God still has a plan for the Jews, that the law of Moses will one day be in place again, that animal sacrifices for sin atonement will take place again, etc.

It's a slap in the face to what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross regarding sin.

Darby taught that Christ Jesus' one time sacrifice for sin wasn't good enough, because in the future animals are once again going to be sacrificed for sins.

Then Bullinger, O'Hare, Anderson, and others took Darby's false teachings, and made them even more blasphemous with MAD and Acts 28 Dispensationalism.


Post #510:

"Originally Posted by journey View Post
Was the Apostle Paul a follower of Darby?"

No, for two reasons.

First, Darby wasn't born until about 1750 years after Paul.

Secondly, Paul preached the Word of God, Darby preached a false gospel.

Watch the weasel attempt to spin this, craftily, subtly(Genesis 3), dismiss it, or engage in deceit, sophistry, or "character assassination"(his stumper, wine like wimp, squeal like a pig).

Go, ahead, FlamingFag.

john w

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He asked me what false gospel Darby preached.

The rapture coupled with a demarcation line between Israel and the church is a false gospel.

Deceit. He deceitfully equates the gospel of Christ, 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV, with a viewpoint/discussion, between he distinction Israel,and the church. Thus, 2 conclusions:

1. He does not know the gospel of Christ, or..

2. Those who do distinguish, between Israel, and the church, which
means all those that are "dispies," i.e., those that distingish between Israel,and the church, pervert the gospel of Christ, and he judges them as lost.

No other option.



Well-known member
Dispensationalism has directly sent more Jews to hell than any other false "Christian" doctrine.

I predict this is where your ignorance of disp'ism is about to show up big.

Dispensationalism tells Jews God has a plan for them, that they are a special people, etc.
No. Anyone who knows and believes what Paul taught would never say that. If they do, they may call themselves a disp but they are not. The fact that there IS NO DISTINCTION between Jew and Gentile today IN ANY SENSE is at the rock-bottom foundation of dispensationalism.

If you ever really were a disp, you would know at least that much.

So where exactly is Darby's false gospel?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
"It says God still has a plan for the Jews, that the law of Moses will one day be in place again, that animal sacrifices for sin atonement will take place again, etc.

It's a slap in the face to what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross regarding sin.

Darby taught that Christ Jesus' one time sacrifice for sin wasn't good enough
, because in the future animals are once again going to be sacrificed for sins."- Soddy Craigie

As I have asked you, for 2 years:

Can one teach/believe "that Christ Jesus' one time sacrifice for sin wasn't good enough," and be saved?

Again, Can one teach/believe "that Christ Jesus' one time sacrifice for sin wasn't good enough," and be saved?

Come on, Tettie, for a change, act like a man, with conviction, instead of the spineless, effeminate, w/o vertebrae wimp, that you are, on TOL, and give us a definitive answer-Yes, or, no?\

Can one teach/believe "that Christ Jesus' one time sacrifice for sin wasn't good enough," and be saved?

Watch the Wimp wine, and pine, and hesitate, and spin, and obfuscate, and play dodge ball, and slither, like a snake, and act like a weasel, sissy.....

Watch, the man pleaser demonstrate, once again, his "ministry"....

"I am not here to teach, or evangelize anyone...-Craigie the spineless FF


New member
Any jew who has lived for the last 2000 years has an opportunity to be a part of the BOC. No true dispy would ever tell them they can be saved through the old program or being part of Israel.

Jews that went to hell rejected Christ. If they believed they could be saved by the old program, it wasn't a dispy who told them.


No. Anyone who knows and believes what Paul taught would never say that. If they do, they may call themselves a disp but they are not. The fact that there IS NO DISTINCTION between Jew and Gentile today IN ANY SENSE is at the rock-bottom foundation of dispensationalism.

If you ever really were a disp, you would know at least that much.

It's just a cop out by you.

You know as well as I do, that even though Dispies claim there is no distinction today in the BOC, you guys claim that after you (the church) are secretly raptured away, God is going to draw the Jews back to the Promised Land so the 7 year-trib can play out.

So, while on one hand you claim there is no difference between Jew and Gentile today (which is correct), on the other hand you claim that there are Jews out there amongst you who are going to be drawn to the Promised Land if your alleged rapture happens while you are alive.

Right Divider

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You're a Dispensationalist.

Therefore, you have no idea what context or focus is.
And you're a liar that cannot be trusted.

According to Tellalie logic: 3 YEARS == JUST GOTTEN

and Paul could preach the gospel for 17 YEARS before "checking" if it was correct.



Any jew who has lived for the last 2000 years has an opportunity to be a part of the BOC. No true dispy would ever tell them they can be saved through the old program or being part of Israel.

Jerry Shugart (a Dispie) claims there are going to be two resurrections before the final resurrection of unbelievers.

Jerry claims the first resurrection happens at the rapture, then another resurrection just for the believing Jews who died between the rapture and 7 year trib

If you disagree, then what happens to the believing Jews who die between the rapture and when Jesus allegedly returns years later when the 7 year trib is over?

When are these believing Jews resurrected?