ECT MADists don't follow Paul


Then ask your self why after he has written this in your heart and put it in your mind you still sin.

Because Adam's sin nature was passed down to me via Adam's seed.

However, because of God's grace, and the one time sacrifice of His Son Christ Jesus, all my sins were paid for at the cross.

In the New Covenant that I am under, God does not remember my sins, because they were paid in full at the cross.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
All his preaching is based on forcing scripture to agree that the church and Israel are separate.

He said when he did that the truth virtually jumped off the pages at him.

Johnny posted it, didn't you read it?

"Johnny?" Tying to suck up to your new buddy, Tettie, the sodomite? No "gals" diggin' you, are they unkept, foul lookin' junkie Jeffie? Yes....

And the pot head asserts that preaching that "the church and Israel are separate" is a false gospel, verifying he does not know what the term "gospel" means, like his buddy Craigie, much less what the gospel of Christ is.


Well-known member
Because Adam's sin nature was passed down to me via Adam's seed.

However, because of God's grace, and the one time sacrifice of His Son Christ Jesus, all my sins were paid for at the cross.

In the New Covenant that I am under, God does not remember my sins, because they were paid in full at the cross.

Adams sin nature,Adam was created in the image of God with a sin nature,is it God's nature to sin?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
What was the "mutual faith" that Paul and the Romans had?

(Rom 1:12 KJV) That is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me.

Romans 1
11 For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established;

Romans 16
25 Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began


Adams sin nature,Adam was created in the image of God with a sin nature,is it God's nature to sin?

(Rom 5:12) Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned—


Romans 1
11 For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end ye may be established;

So, you're claiming the "mutual faith" happened after Paul imparted some spiritual gift to them?

Do you agree with Right Divider that the Romans were not in the BOC before Paul wrote to them?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
So, you're claiming the "mutual faith" happened after Paul imparted some spiritual gift to them?

Do you agree with Right Divider that the Romans were not in the BOC before Paul wrote to them?

That's what the verse says. He wanted to impart a spiritual gift, that they may be established, and then he would be comforted by their mutual faith.

Of course, the Romans could not yet be in the Body of Christ, not yet knowing the gospel of Christ.


Of course, the Romans could not yet be in the Body of Christ, not yet knowing the gospel of Christ.

Wouldn't that mean the Romans were in the "kingdom program" then?

If they weren't in the "body program", what other program could they possibly be in other than the "kingdom program"?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I couldn't care less about rep power, but maybe you can explain to me how my rep power is higher than Little Johnny W the Dance Director's rep power?

Maybe you cam explain to us, how the # of visitors to my page, is substantially higher than yours, Wimpy Craigie the flaming sodomite?

Craigie the sodomite's "page:"

This page has had 2,196 visits

This page has had 15,965 visits

Saint John W's page:

This page has had 15,965 visits


It's because most members know that you are a satanic, habitual liar, unemployed leach, and admitted sodomite.

And why do you keep visiting my page, Wimpy? I told you that I dig chicks, so I'm not interested in your "advances."

Dig it, effeminate Craigie?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Oxford commas, and Grandville Sharp's rule can wreck havoc on verses sometimes.

Again, the fraud lies...He knows no "The Greek," cannot spell it, write it, understand it, read it, and he is going to "learn us" on this oh so impressive "Oxford commas, and Grandville Sharp's rule?"

Save, it, con "man," as you just read about that on another site, and thought it would make you sound "cool," weasel-you have no clue about this "Oxford commas, and Grandville Sharp's rule," soddy, and thus confirm that you are just "following the teachings of men" plagiarizing their works.

Fraud. Poor Craigie.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
MAD denies the new covenant is even in place.

Caught, in another lie-he asserts above, that MAD proponents are not saved:

MAD denies the new covenant is even in place


"I have never judged anyone's salvation....MAD is not a salvational issue..."-Craigie the FlamingF

Habitual liar.

Right Divider

Body part
What was the "mutual faith" that Paul and the Romans had?

(Rom 1:12 KJV) That is, that I may be comforted together with you by the mutual faith both of you and me.
Why doesn't Paul say the mutual faith OF US or OUR mutual faith?

Why does Paul separate "both of you and me"?

What does "from faith to faith" mean?
Rom 1:17 KJV For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
Romans is bound to be a very difficult book for someone like you.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

It really is that simple.

However, MADists have chosen to follow the false teachings of men, and deny what the scriptures say above.

There you go, TOL audience-"it is really that simple"-his "the false teachings of men" spam of sophistry, deceit, another one of his Catholic "Hail Mary's," he spams, being the good Catholic that he is(which he admitted), when he is getting bloodied.

Tell us, Wimp Tettie, as I've asked you over 100 times:

-Why do you feel compelled to add "of men," in your "argument," wimp? Whom should we follow? Women? Aliens? You? Are you a man, who is teaching? Why should we follow you, then?

-Why do you delete the scriptural passages, that encourage the teaching ministry of men teachers, satanic one? "teach...teachers...teaching"

-You've admitted, on TOL, that you follow the teachings of "men" Preterist teachers, you deceitful, actress, weasel, and other teachings of TOL members.

We know the reason-you are so obsessed with allegedly disproving the dispensational approach to understanding the book, you will engage in any form of deceitful debating techniques, and sophistry, to make your papa the devil, and the pope, proud.

Serpent. As usual, the punk won't touch this post, on marching orders from his father the devil.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
In fact, I'll make the claim that I am the biggest sinner on TOL.

I'll bet I commit not only more sins than anyone on TOL, I'll bet I commit the biggest sins of anyone on TOL.

I'll make Little Johnny W the Dance Director look like an innocent lamb when it comes to committing sins.

How do you what sin is, "6 ' 3"" pudgy, balding FlamingFag? Is your admitted sodomy a sin? How do you know?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
STP the Adequate:
This page has had 7,808 visits

Well, brother, that is why I am the "High Sherriff" of TOL, and you are the Mayor of TOl(and thus, much more diplomatic, an not as "sensitive/high spirited," as I am).

Am I getting through to you, fella?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Well, brother, that is why I am the "High Sherriff" of TOL, and you are the Mayor of TOl(and thus, much more diplomatic, an not as "sensitive/high spirited," as I am).

Am I getting through to you, fella?

Yes sir, you are more Bobby Fleet and I am more Leonard Blush.