ECT MADists don't follow Paul

john w

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I'll take that as an affirmation that your quote from Cyprian was completely taken out of context, and in no way, shape, or form supports Darby's rapture.

Nope. You made that up. I will take your silence on Roman army/AD 70-ism, my question on who taught that before you, on who taught what you taught on TOL, before you, that you are a plagiarizer, habitual liar, and a satanist.


I do not believe JND's rapture nor does john of the w and certainly not S of the TP for Darby taught that there would be a secret rapture which only those who are waiting and watching will know anything about.

We all believe that EVERY eye will see Him

"every eye will see Him" is from Revelation and the gospels.

I can't speak for STP or Little Johnny W the Dance Director, but MAD teaches that there is nothing in Revelation or the gospels that describes the rapture.

Therefore, I highly doubt STP or Little Johnny W the Dance Director would claim "every eye will see Him" describes the rapture.

Totton Linnet

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So, you are claiming that Paul's physical body is in the ground, but he hasn't received his spiritual body yet?

If so, what kind of body does Paul have right now?

Notice Paul said "alive and remain".

If what you say is true, then Paul didn't need to add the "and remain" part. He would have just said "and then those of us who are alive will be caught up with them...."

You are making Paul sound redundant.

Paul makes it clear that we shall not all die but that we shall all be changed in the twink of an eye.

That is what he means by "......and remain"

Have we all been changed then? has mortality been swallowed up by immortality?

john w

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I'll take that as an affirmation that your quote from Cyprian was completely taken out of context, and in no way, shape, or form supports Darby's rapture.


He concedes that he is a habitual liar:

Joseph Mede (1586-1638)
In regard to the rapture, Mede writes:

"I will add this more, namely, what may be conceived to be the cause of this RAPTURE of the saints on high to meet the Lord in the clouds, rather than to wait his coming to earth....What if it be, that they may be PRESERVED during the Conflagration of the earth and the works thereof, 2 Pet.3:10, that as Noah and his family were preserved from the Deluge by being lift up above the waters in the Ark; so should the saints at the Conflagration be lift up in the clouds unto their Ark, Christ, to be preserved there from the deluge of fire, wherein the wicked shall be consumed?" ("The Works of Joseph Mede," 1672, London edition, Book IV, p.776)

Tet., "Rapture" does not really mean "rapture," just as "land" does not really mean "land," and "nation" really means "church," and this guy above, he was being symbolic, when he says "to meet the Lord in the clouds," as "clouds" is used symbolically many places in the bible, uh, urr, you see....Hyperbole...Figurative...

Now, punk:

Show us, before you came along who taught, what you "teach" on TOL, before you, including this "Roman army was the second coming," and "AD 70-ism."

I'ved asked you this for over 2 years, over, and over, punk. "Why are you running, and hiding?"(his cutie pie saying).

Pathetic wimp.

I will take that as a concession that you made up this "Roman army is Christ" "invention, and that the pope is infallible, and that the Lord Jesus Christ is some disembodied spirit, not a man, today.

That is satanism, Craigie.

And TOL has already taken your concession that you are a sodomite.


Paul makes it clear that we shall not all die but that we shall all be changed in the twink of an eye.

That is what he means by "......and remain"

Have we all been changed then? has mortality been swallowed up by immortality?

(1 Cor 15:51) Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed--

Prior to 70AD, people who physically died were said to "sleep".

After 70AD, believers instantly go to heaven to be in the presence of the Lord in their new spiritual bodies, they don't "sleep".

Prior to 70AD no one could enter heaven immediately when they physically died, they went to Paradise (Abraham's bosom)

You didn't answer my question about Paul. What kind of body does he have right now?

john w

New member
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The posts I made.... were old posts of mine awhile back w
I spent many hours researching the quotes, they aren't plagiarized. They are my own comments on the quotes.

You said that about your 666+ times citation of this non existing "The Greek," employing it on every thread, although you know no "the Greek," you cannot speak it/write it/understand it/read it. You plagiarized other articles/websites, to come up with this "the Greek" scam. You've done it over 100 times, you habitual liar, plagiarizing every time, you fraud.


New member
Nope. You made that up. I will take your silence on Roman army/AD 70-ism, my question on who taught that before you, on who taught what you taught on TOL, before you, that you are a plagiarizer, habitual liar, and a satanist.

There is no one prior to 1950 that teaches what he does. Almost 99% of what he teaches is recent internet material.


New member
(1 Cor 15:51) Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed--

Prior to 70AD, people who physically died were said to "sleep".

After 70AD, believers instantly go to heaven to be in the presence of the Lord in their new spiritual bodies, they don't "sleep".

Prior to 70AD no one could enter heaven immediately when they physically died, they went to Paradise (Abraham's bosom)

You didn't answer my question about Paul. What kind of body does he have right now?

Any scriptural backing for these bizarre ideas?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I can't speak for STP or Little Johnny W the Dance Director, ...

Therefore, I highly doubt STP or Little Johnny W the Dance Director would claim "every eye will see Him" describes the rapture.

And yet you spoke for me/STP on this "soul sleep" doctrine, didn't you, sodomite, when I said NADA on the subject. Why was that, Wimpy? Rhetorica q-that is your MO, snake.

I can't speak for your domestic partner, but he would spank you, for that deceit.

So there.

Dig it, Craigie the flaming fag?


Joseph Mede (1586-1638)
In regard to the rapture, Mede writes:

"I will add this more, namely, what may be conceived to be the cause of this RAPTURE of the saints on high to meet the Lord in the clouds, rather than to wait his coming to earth....What if it be, that they may be PRESERVED during the Conflagration of the earth and the works thereof, 2 Pet.3:10, that as Noah and his family were preserved from the Deluge by being lift up above the waters in the Ark; so should the saints at the Conflagration be lift up in the clouds unto their Ark, Christ, to be preserved there from the deluge of fire, wherein the wicked shall be consumed?" ("The Works of Joseph Mede," 1672, London edition, Book IV, p.776)

More desperation.

Mede taught that Jesus was going to suspend believers up in the sky for a few hours, or a day or two, while God destroyed all the evil on earth, and then lower the believers back down to earth.

Mede also taught that the anti-christ came in 456AD and that the end of the world was going to be in 1660AD.

There is nothing in Mede's writings about church age believers being secretly raptured away to heaven while an anti-christ and 7 year trib takes place, and then Jesus returning again to rule over the Jews.

john w

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(1 Cor 15:51) Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed--

Prior to 70AD, people who physically died were said to "sleep".

After 70AD, believers instantly go to heaven to be in the presence of the Lord in their new spiritual bodies, they don't "sleep".

Prior to 70AD no one could enter heaven immediately when they physically died, they went to Paradise (Abraham's bosom)

You didn't answer my question about Paul. What kind of body does he have right now?

No one taught this mysticism until relatively recently; therefore, he admits that it is false.

Immortality, by defintion, pertains to the physical body, pervert, and no scripture says that "new spiritual bodies" excludes the physical, you mystic.

Redemption of the body.

Paul was talking to already spiritually saved members of the boc.

Totton Linnet

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(1 Cor 15:51) Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed--

Prior to 70AD, people who physically died were said to "sleep".

After 70AD, believers instantly go to heaven to be in the presence of the Lord in their new spiritual bodies, they don't "sleep".

Prior to 70AD no one could enter heaven immediately when they physically died, they went to Paradise (Abraham's bosom)

You didn't answer my question about Paul. What kind of body does he have right now?

You can prove all this by scripture Tet?

Paul gives the Resurrection order

First Christ, then we at His coming, then comes the end after He has put down all rule and authority...for He must reign until He has put down all enemies under His feet.

So the area we are disputing is between Christ's resurrection and then we who are Christ's at His coming. It is this second stage. When the dead in Christ are first to rise then we who are alive and remain are caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air.

It is at this second stage we shall all be changed in the twink of an eye

Have we all been changed?

I do not speculate about what body Paul has at present....but he awaits the redemption of his body

john w

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Hall of Fame
More desperation.

Mede taught that Jesus was going to suspend believers up in the sky for a few hours, or a day or two, while God destroyed all the evil on earth, and then lower the believers back down to earth.

Mede also taught that the anti-christ came in 456AD and that the end of the world was going to be in 1660AD.

There is nothing in Mede's writings about church age believers being secretly raptured away to heaven while an anti-christ and 7 year trib takes place, and then Jesus returning again to rule over the Jews.

Observe, the satanic deception. He asserts that nobody taught a rapture before Darby. I show him the quotes, and he satanically spins it, like he spins word in the book, to mean something else, as his father the devil taught him.

Joseph Mede (1586-1638)
In regard to the rapture, Mede writes:

"I will add this more, namely, what may be conceived to be the cause of this RAPTURE of the saints on high to meet the Lord in the clouds, rather than to wait his coming to earth....

'There is nothing in Mede's writings about church age believers being secretly raptured away to heaven while an anti-christ and 7 year trib takes place, and then Jesus returning again to rule over the Jews."

Notice the satanic Preterist, using satan's devices, changes his "argument," from "Nobody taught about a rapture before Darby," to nobody "about church age believers being secretly raptured away to heaven while an anti-christ and 7 year trib takes place, and then Jesus returning again to rule over the Jews."

And it's irrelevant, fag, what else Mede preached-you "argued:"

"Nobody taught about a rapture before Darby.... Like I said, not one person taught the rapture before John Nelson Darby...Nobody taught this rubbish until Darby...Before Darby, you won't find any mention of a rapture in all of Christendome.".-flamimg fag Craigie

And yet, as his MO, he changes the subject/argument, by adding "Mede taught that Jesus was going to suspend believers up in the sky for a few hours, or a day or two, while God destroyed all the evil on earth, and then lower the believers back down to earth."Mede also taught that the anti-christ came in 456AD and that the end of the world was going to be in 1660AD."

Slick, serpent....Real slick.

He did, you satanic piece of dung, and you, as usual, on orders from your father the devil, deny it.

Habitual liar.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You guys should really try to get your stories straight:

Like this, habitual liar:

"Before Darby, you won't find any mention of a rapture in all of Christendome."

Joseph Mede (1586-1638)
In regard to the rapture, Mede writes:

"I will add this more, namely, what may be conceived to be the cause of this RAPTURE of the saints on high to meet the Lord in the clouds, rather than to wait his coming to earth....

I want him to lie some more, to further cement his satanic MO.

Go ahead, FFag.


"There was no such thing as a 'rapture' before John Nelson Darby invented Dispensationalism."-FFag Craigie

Caught, in another lie.
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You do know there can't be a third temple unless there is a perfect red heifer?

HINT: There hasn't been a perfect red heifer in over 2,000 years.

That's outdated material my son.

There is a new understanding, a rabbinical one about the "pure" red.


New member
MADists have a very hard time with Romans.

(Rom 1:8) First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world.

The Romans were "in Christ", and members of the Body of Christ before Paul wrote to them.

This causes a really big problem for MAD because they have two groups of people with two different gospels back in the first century.

Paul clearly taught the Romans what the MADists call "Body doctrine", but they were already in Christ before this, which means according to MAD they were in the "kingdom program".

MAD teaches that the people in the "kingdom program" didn't join the "Body program".

So, MAD has no explanation for what "program" the Romans were in before Paul wrote his letter to them and visited them.

Paul's epistle to the Romans singlehandedly proves MAD's two gospel theory wrong, as does the following single verse from Romans:

(Rom 16:7) Greet Andronicus and Junia, my fellow Jews who have been in prison with me. They are outstanding among the apostles, and they were in Christ before I was.

You don't have a clue what the Bible teaches.

Galatians 2:7-8 KJV But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter; 8. (For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision, the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles:)


New member

A lot of people have tried, so far no one has been able to.

Dispensationalism on the other hand can be 100% traced to John Nelson Darby only.

Again, you don't have a clue. Was the Apostle Paul a follower of Darby?

Ephesians 3:1-3 KJV For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles, 2. If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward: 3. How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words,