Theunkept junkie can't even post a link properly, being all junked out, and all.
It shows the desperation of Dispensationalists (Darby Followers).
It won't stop Little Johnny W the Dance Director.
They have chosen to go down with the ship defending Darby's false teachings, rather than admitting they are wrong.
Only Hyper-Dispensationalists deny the New Covenant.
Plagiarized or not it exposes the tampering that went on by the Dispy site you plagiarized.
"We who are alive and remain"
Meaning, every believer moving forward, is immediately caught up with those who were resurrected in 70AD (and those who have physically died since then), when we physically die.
If you disagree, please explain where the Apostle Paul is today?
Is he dead in the ground until the alleged rapture/resurrection?
Is he experiencing "soul sleep"?
Is he in some sort of limbo somewhere with no resurrected body?
The private meeting was held first,maybe even the same day.
The private meeting may have been held years earlier.
It depends if one thinks Acts 11 or Acts 15 describes the private meeting.
Paul is with the Lord awaiting the resurrection of his spiritual body.
The bible says "we....shall caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the clouds" so are they still in the clouds waiting to meet the Lord?
Paul is with the Lord awaiting the resurrection of his spiritual body.
What you have posted here is nonsense
You say those who those who are alive and remain will join those who were raised in 70 ad
The bible says "we....shall caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the clouds" so are they still in the clouds waiting to meet the Lord?
So, you are claiming that Paul's physical body is in the ground, but he hasn't received his spiritual body yet?
If so, what kind of body does Paul have right now?
Notice Paul said "alive and remain".
If what you say is true, then Paul didn't need to add the "and remain" part. He would have just said "and then those of us who are alive will be caught up with them...."
You are making Paul sound redundant.
Who taught you that, Craigie the flaming fag?
what happened to Clement of Alex., don't want to talk about the father of preterism being a Gnostic?
Plagiarized or not it exposes the tampering that went on by the Dispy site you plagiarized.
It's always easy to tell when you are losing an argument.
It's usually right before you get banned.
The more you are losing, the nastier you get, and the more lies you tell.
The posts I made refuting the Ephraim The Syrian quote, and the Cyprian quote were old posts of mine awhile back when Angel4Truth copied and pasted the same exact quotes Little Johnny W the Dance Director did.
I spent many hours researching the quotes, they aren't plagiarized. They are my own comments on the quotes.
The Cyprian quote is really blatant dishonesty by the Dispensational websites Little Johnny W and A4T copied them from.
Cyprian is clearly talking about believers who get sick and die earlier in life than expected.
Little Johnny W the Dance Director is furious he got caught and looks foolish. That's why he is making really nasty posts right now.
No, flaming faggot,
Yes it is.
It didn't exist before Darby invented it in the mid 1800's