ECT MADists don't follow Paul

john w

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It shows the desperation of Dispensationalists (Darby Followers).

Your refusal to address my last 50 questions, shows the desperation of your Preterist satanism.

And quit PMing me, you vile sodomite gay boy. I'm not interested.

How long have you been a sodomite, Craigie? How long ago did you "come out," before revealing to me?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
It won't stop Little Johnny W the Dance Director.

They have chosen to go down with the ship defending Darby's false teachings, rather than admitting they are wrong.

He keeps hitting me up, with his " Little Johnny W the Dance" "homosexual charge, in revenge, because I rejected his disgusting advances, in an email he sent to me over the summer, in which he admitted that he is a flaming fag, a sodomite.

john w

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Only Hyper-Dispensationalists deny the New Covenant.

They are deniers of the new covenant….. Dispensationalists deny the New Covenant.Dispensationalists claim Jesus is going to oversee animal sacrifices. Dispensationalists claim God still has a plan with certain fleshly people. These beliefs are a slap in the face to what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross….You can't deny the New Covenant, and at the same time claim to adhere to Paul's gospel.Denying the New Covenant & Adhering to Paul's Gospel are mutually exclusive…. Denying the new covenant is a MAJOR point in my career.A denial of the New Covenant is a slap in the face to what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross… If you deny the New Covenant is in place right now, then you deny what Jesus accomplished on the cross… The New Covenant was implemented with the shed blood of Christ Jesus.If you deny the NC, then you deny what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross.. Why do you deny the New Covenant.(to GM)How can you say you follow Paul, and then deny the NC is in place right now?”- Flaming fag Craigie/Corky Tet. The Clown

I deny that:

-the NC is in effect today
-the NC is in place today
-the NC is inaugurated, and ..
-that it is applicable to members of the body of Christ.

Do I "deny what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross," and am I not adhering to Paul's gospel, and therefore lost?

Watch the wimp punt again. His domestic partner is telling him, Be nice...I think those dispies are cute."

Sodomite, spineless wimp.

john w

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Hall of Fame
I've not only searched myself, I have seen others try on TOL.

They can't

I just showed Little Johnny W the Dance Director tried in vain with Cyprian HERE, and Ephraim The Syrian HERE

Darby's false teachings don't exist before Darby, no matter how hard you Dispies want them to.

Joseph Mede (1586-1638)
In regard to the rapture, Mede writes:

"I will add this more, namely, what may be conceived to be the cause of this RAPTURE of the saints on high to meet the Lord in the clouds, rather than to wait his coming to earth....What if it be, that they may be PRESERVED during the Conflagration of the earth and the works thereof, 2 Pet.3:10, that as Noah and his family were preserved from the Deluge by being lift up above the waters in the Ark; so should the saints at the Conflagration be lift up in the clouds unto their Ark, Christ, to be preserved there from the deluge of fire, wherein the wicked shall be consumed?" ("The Works of Joseph Mede," 1672, London edition, Book IV, p.776)

Tet., "Rapture" does not really mean "rapture," just as "land" does not really mean "land," and "nation" really means "church," and this guy above, he was being symbolic, when he says "to meet the Lord in the clouds," as "clouds" is used symbolically many places in the bible, uh, urr, you see....Hyperbole...Figurative...

Now, punk:

Show us, before you came along who taught, what you "teach" on TOL, before you, including this "Roman army was the second coming," and "AD 70-ism."

I'ved asked you this for over 2 years, over, and over, punk. "Why are you running, and hiding?"(his cutie pie saying).

Pathetic wimp.

Totton Linnet

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"We who are alive and remain"

Meaning, every believer moving forward, is immediately caught up with those who were resurrected in 70AD (and those who have physically died since then), when we physically die.

If you disagree, please explain where the Apostle Paul is today?

Is he dead in the ground until the alleged rapture/resurrection?

Is he experiencing "soul sleep"?

Is he in some sort of limbo somewhere with no resurrected body?


Paul is with the Lord awaiting the resurrection of his spiritual body.

What you have posted here is nonsense

You say those who those who are alive and remain will join those who were raised in 70 ad

The bible says "we....shall caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the clouds" so are they still in the clouds waiting to meet the Lord?

Lazy afternoon

1Th 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:


Paul is with the Lord awaiting the resurrection of his spiritual body.

So, you are claiming that Paul's physical body is in the ground, but he hasn't received his spiritual body yet?

If so, what kind of body does Paul have right now?

The bible says "we....shall caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the clouds" so are they still in the clouds waiting to meet the Lord?

Notice Paul said "alive and remain".

If what you say is true, then Paul didn't need to add the "and remain" part. He would have just said "and then those of us who are alive will be caught up with them...."

You are making Paul sound redundant.

john w

New member
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Paul is with the Lord awaiting the resurrection of his spiritual body.

What you have posted here is nonsense

You say those who those who are alive and remain will join those who were raised in 70 ad

The bible says "we....shall caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the clouds" so are they still in the clouds waiting to meet the Lord?

He says that the verse citing "the redemption of the body" is in error, and deletes it. He is a perverter.

john w

New member
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So, you are claiming that Paul's physical body is in the ground, but he hasn't received his spiritual body yet?

If so, what kind of body does Paul have right now?

Notice Paul said "alive and remain".

If what you say is true, then Paul didn't need to add the "and remain" part. He would have just said "and then those of us who are alive will be caught up with them...."

You are making Paul sound redundant.

You deny the redemption of the body, promised to respective members of the boc, pervert, flaming fag.

You deny...
Philippians 3:21 KJV who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

Pervert. You deny that the Lord Jesus Christ is a man today, pervert, by deleting those scriptures testifying that He is a man today, and thus you deny that He is the mediator.



Who taught you that, Craigie the flaming fag?

It's always easy to tell when you are losing an argument.

It's usually right before you get banned.

The more you are losing, the nastier you get, and the more lies you tell.


Plagiarized or not it exposes the tampering that went on by the Dispy site you plagiarized.

The posts I made refuting the Ephraim The Syrian quote, and the Cyprian quote were old posts of mine awhile back when Angel4Truth copied and pasted the same exact quotes Little Johnny W the Dance Director did.

I spent many hours researching the quotes, they aren't plagiarized. They are my own comments on the quotes.

The Cyprian quote is really blatant dishonesty by the Dispensational websites Little Johnny W and A4T copied them from.

Cyprian is clearly talking about believers who get sick and die earlier in life than expected.

Little Johnny W the Dance Director is furious he got caught and looks foolish. That's why he is making really nasty posts right now.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
It's always easy to tell when you are losing an argument.

It's usually right before you get banned.

The more you are losing, the nastier you get, and the more lies you tell.

You piece of trash, dung, whining, like the wimp, and hypocrite that you are, accusing me of being a "homosexual, like you are, with your "Johnny the Dance Director" dung.I picked you apart, in a recent argument, and you, leach, resorted to this "Dance Director" slur, since you were losing the argument, satanist,so stuff your satanic, wine, you wimp.

And you are a flaming fag-you admitted it to me, wimp.

See how that works, you sissy?
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john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The posts I made refuting the Ephraim The Syrian quote, and the Cyprian quote were old posts of mine awhile back when Angel4Truth copied and pasted the same exact quotes Little Johnny W the Dance Director did.

I spent many hours researching the quotes, they aren't plagiarized. They are my own comments on the quotes.

The Cyprian quote is really blatant dishonesty by the Dispensational websites Little Johnny W and A4T copied them from.

Cyprian is clearly talking about believers who get sick and die earlier in life than expected.

Little Johnny W the Dance Director is furious he got caught and looks foolish. That's why he is making really nasty posts right now.

No, flaming faggot, you copied them, word, for word, and plagiarized them, from another website, as you did with the "nobody taught dispensationalism until Darby" jazz.

And you plagiarized your "vision of a teenage girl" spam:

I caught you, over 50 times, plagiarizing, word for word, from Preterist books, and you never denied it. You demon, and habitual liar.

All of your AD 70-ism, is plagiarized/copy'npasted-all of it, and you never denied it.

"They are my own comments on the quotes."-flaming fag

No, they are not. You stole them, punk.

"Little Johnny W the Dance Director"-sodomite

Why do you call me that, flaming fag?

Oh, yes:

"post" 1255:

Just don't mention to him that the vast majority of Dance Directors are homosexuals.
He doesn't like hearing those statistics."-flaming fag Craigie

Flaming sodomite. I'm not interested in your email to me, proposition, Craigie.

Does your about to be ex wife know, that you "came out?"

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Yes it is.

It didn't exist before Darby invented it in the mid 1800's

I do not believe JND's rapture nor does john of the w and certainly not S of the TP for Darby taught that there would be a secret rapture which only those who are waiting and watching will know anything about.

We all believe that EVERY eye will see Him