John said... "Try the Spirits to see if they be of God" 1 John 4:1.
I don't see much on this Forum that is of God. What I see is a lot of religion.
What we need is relationship, not religion.
John said... "Try the Spirits to see if they be of God" 1 John 4:1.
I don't see much on this Forum that is of God. What I see is a lot of religion.
What we need is relationship, not religion.
A relationship of trust. That starts by believing in Jesus Christ.
If you don't believe the Gospel, TULIP, you don't believe in Christ!
TULIP is the Gospel, every letter in the acronym is supported by scripture, you reject one of them, you reject them all and reject the Gospel of Gods Grace in Christ!Your TULIP Gospel has a big hole in it, the "L" and you can't fix it, nor can you defend it.
What we need is relationship, not religion.
A relationship with Christ can only exist between Him and those whom He was made a Surety for Heb. 7:22!
So you are saying he is not for all non-Calvinists?
You foolish question displays your lack of understanding of all that Christ's Suretyship entails,
and for whom in He was made a Surety for according to the scriptures.
A relationship with Christ can only exist between Him and those whom He was made a Surety for Heb. 7:22!
Your verse was speaking to the Hebrews, not the Gentiles. (Body of Christ) You and your ilk (B57) always seem to get it wrong. How come?
Originally Posted by Nanja
Your foolish question displays your lack of understanding of all that Christ's Suretyship entails,
and for whom He was made a Surety for according to the scriptures.
Your ignorance is no laughing matter.
Explain the meaning of Christ's Suretyship
and for whom He was a Surety for according
to the scriptures, in your own words.lain:
Your verse was speaking to the Hebrews, not the Gentiles. (Body of Christ) You and your ilk (B57) always seem to get it wrong. How come?
Incorrect as usual!
Learn how to interpret the scriptures
according to God's hermeneutic 1 Cor. 2:13
Incorrect as usual!
Learn how to interpret the scriptures
according to God's hermeneutic 1 Cor. 2:13
Your scripture reference is to Jews not the BOC. I'm sure I'm saved, are you?
I can tell by your "Rep" that your opinions are very popular.