LIberal plows into crowd of liberals in Va

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New member
Both communism and fascism are totalitarian, that doesn't make them the same thing. In fact, one of the possible defining attributes of fascism has been opposition to communism. One of the villains the Nazis used were the communists.

A distinguishing factor between the two is that communists rally around class identities which transcend national boundaries versus the fascists, who rally around a national identity.

All that aside, the assertion was that the KKK and contemporary Nazis are socialist, not communist. Not all socialism is totalitarian. Witness democratic socialist countries.

Going farther back to the beginning of the thread, calling Nazis "liberal" is complete nonsense.

Can you point me to a site with the KKK political platform, current or original?
1. I didnt say they are exact same thing but both support socialist platforms which is the point.

2. opposition doesnt make two groups polar. during era of city states in Italy, rival or feuding cities shared same political structure/government structure but remained enemies.

Groups fighting each other would not and does not mean only one group (of two) is socialists while the other is not.

3. not all socialist govts. are totaltarians but both the national socialist party/nazi and communism use socialist platforms. which, going back to o.p. liberal political parties do support various socialist platforms.

4. origional kkk platform? best for that is history. which youd have to look towards usa' old democratic party.

but various things that are considered today are not considered in past. perhaps there is a cultural barrier to study and get around.

what they believe now? that would be interesting to note. until recently they have been underground?

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New member
Yup. Those on the far right are most likely aware of this but simply don't like the unfavorable commonality. Has any "liberal" endorsed the execution of homosexuals on here? Plenty of those on the far right here do. Oh, and what were one of the groups that the Nazi's persecuted again?
b.s. who on this forum asked for execution of homosexuals?

otherwise, who is being killed doesnt change morality of the act. the act itself is morally wrong and denounced. genocide should never be excepted.

your statement doesnt qualify to identify any group as non-socialist since many communist states have had same issue with murder. US has its own deplorable acts during time when it was still considered a republic.

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
b.s. who on this forum asked for execution of homosexuals?
Any number of people here who believe in OT punishment have. It was a near cottage industry among some. Stick around and it will come up. I didn't make a list and it doesn't seem fair to name one or two and leave off the rest.

otherwise, who is being killed doesnt change morality of the act.
It completely can. Example: Hitler, Gandhi.

the act itself is morally wrong and denounced.
Murder is wrong, for the most part...though if I could murder Hitler before his rise to power I suppose I'd just have to live with it.


New member
There is much more than meets the eye on the car attack and the whole Charlottesville event than what we are hearing on MSM. Here is the analysis of just some common dude with access to the internet and access to articles that were scrubbed by authorities (Google) but were screenshot by people who are savvy to that kind of chicanery in our media.

The Barbarian

You are wrong, because God can and has been slandered, and misrepresented many times past and present.
You are saying intelligent design doesn't matter. I disagree.

It matters a lot. It is officially a code word for creationism, a new religion or religious doctrine that has some ideas in common with Christianity and Islam.


New member
Any number of people here who believe in OT punishment have. It was a near cottage industry among some. Stick around and it will come up. I didn't make a list and it doesn't seem fair to name one or two and leave off the rest.

It completely can. Example: Hitler, Gandhi.

Murder is wrong, for the most part...though if I could murder Hitler before his rise to power I suppose I'd just have to live with it.
1. it completely can?
lets consider your "before rise to power" as a question of time travel.
Hitler was the face of a system that existed before him and would have had a new face after your act of murder. History would have been rewritten but not nazi rise.

there were many to play politics and you still prevented a human from their ability to choose how they respond to the world.

key word is murder of coarse, which you just stated as being before any act to acomplish am evil deed. thus the evil deed, the moral wrong is on you.

2. still the point must be understood in context. the origional statement was about killing a single group of people. in which who that group is does not affect a act.

the car in VA could have hit all the neo nazi's. that act would still be morally wrong.

what we must consider is situation. condition with which we are in.

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New member
me :wave2:

but in the context of having our laws reflect Godly precepts
i am in disbelief. this is a forum by which is moditored and violated items are deleted with users banned. anyone who calls for killing a single group of any kind would be shut down immediately.

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i am in disbelief. this is a forum by which is moditored and violated items are deleted with users banned. anyone who calls for killing a single group of any kind would be shut down immediately.

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do you believe that murderers should be charged, tried, convicted and executed?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
b.s. who on this forum asked for execution of homosexuals?

otherwise, who is being killed doesnt change morality of the act. the act itself is morally wrong and denounced. genocide should never be excepted.

your statement doesnt qualify to identify any group as non-socialist since many communist states have had same issue with murder. US has its own deplorable acts during time when it was still considered a republic.

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Might wanna do ya homework dude. On this forum there's been a poll on the subject and several on the far right supported the measure. I doubt anyone's gonna deny it but if you need the link then let me know...


New member
"The FBI...has already concluded that white supremacists, including neo-Nazi supporters and members of the Ku Klux Klan, are in fact responsible for the lion’s share of violent attacks among domestic extremist groups. White supremacists “were responsible for 49 homicides in 26 attacks from 2000 to 2016 … more than any other domestic extremist movement,” reads the joint intelligence bulletin." Jana Winter, Foreign Policy Magazine, August 14, 2017

Just thought I'd supply a little context.
thank you. this highlights how damaging and violent this group can be. we should do our best to decrease participation of this group to zero, as much as possible every time.

however, we should not kill them or attack then in response. that fortifies their opinion. doing so is also morally wrong and illegal.

amon the kkk and neo nazis are other groups of violence we should also denounce. for example: antifa. a diverse group that has expressed support for communism and violence againat those who think different than them.

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
i am in disbelief. this is a forum by which is moditored and violated items are deleted with users banned. anyone who calls for killing a single group of any kind would be shut down immediately.

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Certain far right wing fundamentalists believe that homosexuals should be executed swiftly, painfully and in public. That view has been aired on here a number of times among the zealot brigade. Believe it...


New member
do you believe that murderers should be charged, tried, convicted and executed?
personally no. but i do recognize the difference of having a trial vs car plowing into people or murdering a party member.

many people also recognize trials you speak of are not to shut up opposing view points or eradicate a group of people or kill someone for their sexuality.

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
personally no. but i do recognize the difference of having a trial vs car plowing into people or murdering a party member.

many people also recognize trials you speak of are not to shut up opposing view points or eradicate a group of people or kill someone for their sexuality.

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But people on the far 'religious' right support just that, that homosexuality should be a capital crime. If you're just being acquainted with this then sorry, but it's true...

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
huh. stop pulling at straws okay?
just because you dont kill someone in response to their act doesnt mean you like what they did.

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you're not following along

i believe (only speaking for myself here) that certain acts are deserving of capital punishment - murder, adultery, child molestation, homosexuality and others - and that in a justice system based on Godly precepts, they would be

i'm not suggesting that we go out willy-nilly killing homos, or pedophiles, or adulterers

i'm suggesting that our laws have been perverted and should be changed
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