It seems that you are criticizing me for exposing hypocrisy of Christianity.
That is my conviction and no one can stop me from doing that.
I explained where my claims come from and you don't seem to get it.
I am trying to understand if you are sincerely true to Jesus or not.
That's why I am asking you questions but you are ignoring many of them.
What you are posting is against what I am doing. that's why I am asking you questions.
When I read your thread I was happy, and I was impressed by you. I thought to myself this is someone who wants to understand how we can all be better so we can help bring more people to Jesus. I thought it was practical and smart. A lot of people just want to argue with each other. When I read your thread I thought, here is someone who wants to actually do something. Who identifies a problem, and wants ideas on how to fix it, all to bring people to Jesus.
I don't understand what your problem is with me. I agreed with 6days. And it seemed like you want ideas from people, and then shut them out when they give you ideas that you disagree with. If you don't want Ideas from people why ask? People give their ideas and you act like you already have the answers to the questions so they are wrong. Why ask then? You are not open. You do not want to learn.