lets talk about hypocrisy of religion, mainly about christian community

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New member
I wasn't raised Christian. It took me a long time to be open to the idea of Christianity because I thought they were the most judgmental mean people in the world. I wouldn't give them the time of day.
Then I met someone who was incredibly nice. And she invited me to your group. I was surprised she was Christian because she didn't correct my behavior or whatever. She told me about Jesus, and how amazing and loving he is. Then I went to youth group and accepted Jesus there. And I learned about him, and how amazing he is, and I talked to him about my life and myself. It wasn't until I had a relationship with him that I wanted to follow him. And it wasn't until I had a relationship with him that I wanted to make him happy.

My point is, my friend thank God did a good job witnessing to me. Because I don't know what my life would of been like without her. If she would of corrected my cussing or my sinful behavior, I wouldn't give her the time of day. I would say, leave me alone if you don't like how I talk or act. And I would never be open to hear about Jesus, or youth group.


New member
Jesus does not push Himself to anyone. We have no right to correct non-believers.

Our responsibility is to introduce Jesus to the world.

Of course. But as a child growing up and Being exposed to certain things I've seen Christians or "Christians" not being very nice to certain people and behavior. As a kid, I would think to myself... those people holding mean signs, yelling mean things (as we drove by planned parenthood) aren't nice. Why are they so angry? Can't we all just be nice to each other? That's how a child like myself thought.


New member
Jesus does not push Himself to anyone. We have no right to correct non-believers.

Our responsibility is to introduce Jesus to the world.

How about the westboro baptists? I mean their behavior is insane and they claim to be Christians. They force their ideas and beliefs and insult those that disagree.


New member
Jesus is love. We Introduce Jesus to the world by speaking love in his name.
Jesus is not hate. Using trigger words, and insults does not bring Jesus to the world.
Many Christians have a rough delivery although their heart is in the right place.


How about the westboro baptists? I mean their behavior is insane and they claim to be Christians. They force their ideas and beliefs and insult those that disagree.

I dont know about that church.

It seems most churches are the same, just that church is hyper.

I hear many pastors bad mouth non-trins as cult, non-believers and unsaved, just like this forum.


Jesus is love. We Introduce Jesus to the world by speaking love in his name.
Jesus is not hate. Using trigger words, and insults does not bring Jesus to the world.
Many Christians have a rough delivery although their heart is in the right place.

So you don't see killing your enemy in Jesus' name is unchristian?


Well-known member
We need to be right. We need to state our opinion. We need to tell people how to live because we think we know better. We argue amongst other believers. We try to prove their wrong and we're right and this is why. It's all a big contest. It's a joke. We're missing the whole point of being Christian.

I'm sure you realize that not everyone who claims to be a believer is actually a believer.

I really don't see true believers telling others how they need to live. We do stand up for the Gospel when it's being slandered. We point out hypocrisy, just as our Lord did when He walked the earth. We do correct false teaching, for the good of all.

We see that here, and it's why we speak up against people like Meshak and God's Untruth....they seek to bring people into bondage which is opposed to the Gospel.

Galatians 2:4 And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage:​


New member
Look them up please. They are known for protesting with mean hateful signs like God hates faggots. God Hates Jews. Look them up and see for yourself.


Look them up please. They are known for protesting with mean hateful signs like God hates faggots. God Hates Jews. Look them up and see for yourself.

I don't need to. This forum Christians are still the same to me.

What you are saying is little evil is ok, it seems.


New member
Wackos....false brethren

I agree with you. But this is what the general public see. And unfortunately it makes us all look bad.
This is why it took me a long time to be open to Christianity, because the thought I had in my mind was "Christians" yelling mean hateful things to people and judging their behavior and insulting everyone who doesn't agree with them.
And when we talk about hypocrisy... many non Christians have this same imagine in their head.


So katie,

this kind of post is godly and good Christian behavior?

I'm sure you realize that not everyone who claims to be a believer is actually a believer.

I really don't see true believers telling others how they need to live. We do stand up for the Gospel when it's being slandered. We point out hypocrisy, just as our Lord did when He walked the earth. We do correct false teaching, for the good of all.

We see that here, and it's why we speak up against people like Meshak and God's Untruth....they seek to bring people into bondage which is opposed to the Gospel.

Galatians 2:4 And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage:
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